The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 909

"Keep it up."

A beautiful woman in an elaborate cassock smiled and gave a cruel order.

The elf man's eyes widened and he roared angrily.

"Hua Guanqing! It's no longer the time to fight between emotions. If we don't retreat in time, not only us, but you, the only eight-fold practitioner, may fall here. Have you forgotten the last crisis? If you come here The supporting goblin fleet has that man..."


The smile of the woman named Xinke Niervalen disappeared.

It was replaced by Shura's ghostly eyes.

"Don't mention that weasel in front of me, do you want the honor of "the only soldier who died in battle"? "

The elf male swallowed his saliva, and despite his fear, his responsibility made him stare at Hua Guanqing forcefully.

"This subordinate takes orders! But Hua Guanqing, please give me your advice..."

"Shut up and just wait."

Xin Ke Nilvalen no longer cared about her subordinates, but walked to the edge of the "grass dome boat" and looked into the distance.

Her mood was actually not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

—Have you not arrived yet?

The main force of the elves, who should have arrived at the beginning of the battle, the Wang Ye fleet delayed the arrival time for some reason.

What this result brought about was the most important link in her plan—a total of twenty "spell capture ships" had not been able to enter Xinke Niervalen's control for a long time.

If Wang Ye's fleet can't arrive before one of the most ferocious Phantasmal Species, "Fog of Death" Inzaen Nibia, then this time...she might really die here.

Together with those insignificant goblin fleets, they were "killed" by "fog of death" Inzaen Nibia.

"It's a 'game' too, isn't it? It is impossible to win the general trend of the chessboard if you do not overpower everything..."

She bit her nails, her smile gradually becoming sickly.

Not a short wait time.

Just when Xin Ke Nilvalen was about to join the maintenance operation, a more glamorous and larger fleet of "grass dome boats" emerged from the rear of the elf fleet.

"It's Wang Ye's fleet! The admiral is finally here!"

"God bless Kainas, thank God..."

"Mr. Huaguan! Please issue an order to join the fleet! Let's burn all these bastards to scrap iron!"

The elves cheered, as if this fleet represented the power concentration of their highly magical civilization, as long as it appeared, it would be impossible to defeat.

"Well. Order all the "Grass Dome Ships", turn around, and retreat into the sequence of Wangye's fleet. "

Xin Ke Nilvalen finally lifted the order, and the entire fleet she led took action.

Hua Guanqing's gaze strengthened by the eight-fold technique looked at the distance to the south, just behind the goblins, faintly visible, gray mist that could not be detected by feeling was overwhelming.

Fantasy species "Fog of Death" Inzahn Nibia!

It's really time to come, if it was earlier, maybe it would be my failure...

Xin Ke Nilvalen smiled slightly.

As long as the fantasy species appears, then this secret plan can almost be determined to be her victory.

After Inzaen Nibia devoured the goblins, a total of twenty ships gathered the wisdom and power of the elves, and the capture legend written by her personally will be launched, achieving the first time in the history of the elves to capture fantasy kind of action.

Then, it is the "Void Zero Protection" that decides the outcome of this eternal war.

——Making fantasy species into weapons, the spirit destruction technique based on the premise of fantasy species self-destruction, the powerful power of inflating and bursting in an instant, even the god species will be hurt or even wiped out.

"The "God of Nature" don't care, just sit back and enjoy what you get, you are no better than a sanitary napkin, I have already surpassed you...The chessboard is now in my hands..."

Xin Ke Nilbaran smiled, without any scruples about how terrible blasphemous words he uttered in his own words.

The "God of Nature" Kainas is the creator of the elves, but the young "Flower Queen" Xin Ke Nierbalian has not had much deep affection and loyalty to the creator since he was born.

The essence of Cainas is nature and forests. It implements the "way of natural evolution" and does not interfere with or force things. Therefore, it has created a strange place that cannot even report, contact, and discuss, let alone report, contact, and discuss. The "air god" who directly helps the elves.

Such a god even asked the elves to hold the throne of "the only god" for it——

In the private words of Xin Ke Nilvalen - "It's better to go to the toilet, I think this is more suitable for Mr. Cainas."

"I am the commander-in-chief of the Wangye Fleet, Hua Guanqing. I have brought all the things you asked for. Due to the abnormal weather and disordered spirits, some trips were delayed..."

"It's okay, thank you for your hard work."

Xinke Nierbalian said immediately.

"Then I'll be in charge from now on. Is there any objection from the admiral?"

"None. However, shouldn't it be time for you to reveal to me a little bit about your plan..."

"Just look with your eyes."

Xinke Nierbalian, the only octogenarian in contemporary times, activated her magic.

The space shifted from the original step by step, and directly landed on the "spell capture ship".

"Wang Ye fleet escorts! Block the bombardment of the goblin airships!"

She ordered loudly.

"Others, on the 20 "Spell Capture Ships" under my command, all the spells are ready! Aim across the goblin fleet! Aim at a position 3,000 meters away from the due south, and wait for my activation command! "


In this way, only waiting for the prey to step into the trap...

Xin Ke Nilvalen put on his charming smile again.

But just when she pushed the chessboard towards victory in her mind forward by one frame without authorization, a loud noise that shocked the natural enemy was transmitted into the "spell capture ship" along with the vibration of the air.

At the same time, as the best spellcaster, she felt the panic of the elves in the atmosphere.

……what happened? What is it?

Xinke Nierba rubbed his drowsy head, the bright soul stone flickered on his forehead, showing an unstable look.

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