The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 92

As the representative god of 'water', Cthulhu must be so much higher than Igoronak that I don't know where to go. Now Luo Pei feels a bit pretentious.

"Woooo... so it's you, the chosen lucky creature, by the way, I haven't asked your name yet."

Ygoronak seemed to think of something and suddenly realized.

Then it came forward, stretched out its big hand and patted Luo Pei's shoulder, which made the latter feel bad.

There are super dirty ones! Luo Pei strongly resisted the feeling of laying down that hand, even his smile began to twitch.


Its attitude suddenly became enthusiastic, and Ygoronak danced and danced, with buzzing laughter in his two mouths. This situation was much more serious than that of Cthulhu at that time.

"Let me tell you earlier, I thought it was a bastard who didn't know how to live or die. I didn't expect it to be a human being who holds 'that'. Well, let me introduce myself. I am Igoronak the 'polluter', the king of scribes That's right, do you need anything in my kingdom of God? Of course, if you want to be my priest, that would be great."

Although it would save a lot of trouble to talk to each other with such a good attitude, the doubts in Luo Pei's heart could not be suppressed from fermenting.

What secrets does the system have that allow these mighty chaotic evil gods to show such kindness to themselves? And so is this cruel, twisted polluter.

... I can't figure it out.

I can only inquire about the system after the task is over, and the most urgent task now is to get the soul extraction method of "Necronomicon".

Lopez collected his attention, saluted Ygoronak, and deliberately ignored the 'priest' in his mouth.

"Your Excellency the Great Polluter, for the purpose of coming here this time, please also teach me the secret of soul stripping in the Necronomicon."

"Soul stripping?"

Ygoronak's voice became puzzled.

"That kind of technique is very simple. You don't even know this when practicing incantations. Do you still need to refer to the Necronomicon?"

"No, no, what I'm looking for is not a common method." Luo Pei said emphatically.

"It's the 'perfect' soul stripping, which retains memory and personality."


The Defiler stretched out his sharp nails and scratched the broken wound on his neck, causing the wound to expand again, dripping blood like dirty water.

"That method is useless, anyway, it is eaten or made into other monsters..."

The evil god substituted his own thoughts into Luo Pei. Anyway, for it, no matter what it can eat, whether it is a soul or a strange shape, as long as its strength is not as good as its own, it can be called food.

"No, I'm here to save people."

"Oh~" Ygoronak let out a weird scream. "Does 'save people' mean... save humanity?"


"No, no, no."

It is like an elder who guides the younger generation, and said to Luo Pei seriously.

"Rope, human beings are just one of the most inferior races, we just need to play around with him like a toy, thinking like you can't hold water among the old masters. "

Apparently, this secondary Old One seemed to have misunderstood something, and regarded Rope as a being who was about to become his own compatriot.

"Um, Your Highness Ygoronak, I am also human..." Luo Pei looked at the fat man in front of him sadly.

"Oh oh oh~~~ The human race is really amazing!"

Without the slightest bit of integrity, it easily overturned what it just said with that elegant tone, without any dignity as a 'god'.

However, it is a god who is good at turning right and wrong, so this reaction is not surprising.

"Ah, it's a noble act to save your own people. I'm looking forward to how you will degenerate after becoming the 'Old Lord'..."

This guy is really annoying... A displeased expression hung on Luo Pei's face.

"Well, let's stop chatting here." It seemed that the gap had reached the displeasure in Rope's heart, and Ygoronak easily diverted his words.

"Let me take you to the 'Leaves of Forbidden Books'. Follow me closely, otherwise you will get lost in this maze."

"Thank you very much for your trouble."

What should be said has to be said that this is also the way of survival in the face of the strong.

"Where is it, please take care of me in the future."

Speaking inexplicable words, Ygoronak moved his huge body and led the way right in front of Rope.

Although there was light from an open flame along the way, the surrounding area was still so dark that only the road under his feet could be seen clearly. However, Ygoronak obviously had no such thing as eyes, but his feet were like the wind, and he did not hesitate at the corner of the maze. on the right path.

That's right... this is its divine kingdom...

Luo Pei followed him closely, perhaps brushing off some small bugs with human faces from his body. Although they didn't attack him, they were really disgusting.

"Speaking of which, Rope, do you like banning books?" Igoronak said to Rope.

"Well, how should I put it... being regarded as a taboo proves that it is a great knowledge." Luo Pei thought for a while. "If that knowledge can increase power, then it shouldn't be annoying, right?"

"Hoho! Sure enough, you and I are in perfect harmony, unlike those guys who don't understand the mysteries of knowledge."

"There, you have won the prize."

No, I don't get along with you at all, don't feel good about yourself. If you want me to have a good impression of you, at least you have to become a cute girl like Cthulhu...

"Those guys... my compatriots!!"

Ygoronak's tone suddenly became resentful, and his moodiness was well interpreted in him.

"They all look down on me! They think I'm just a poor bastard hiding in a dark corner, with the power of a god, but only collecting the useless knowledge they scatter! I'm a complete loser!"

He clenched his fist and smashed the wall next to him.

"What do their stupid heads know! How can those guys who are only lazy to enjoy sacrifices and spread fear know the truth of this universe! The only god I respect is His Excellency the One Who Turns All Things into One!"

Turning around, Ygoronak raised his palm and solicited it from Rope.

"Luo Peiru thinks so too!! Knowledge knowledge knowledge! Only knowledge!! Those who have obtained all knowledge are worthy of being called the supreme god!"

"..." Luo Pei could only be silent.

Regarding the grievances between the gods, he is not able to intervene now.

Chapter 85 Gifts

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