The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 929

Jibril smiled and said something that was absolutely humiliating.

Then, she pointed at the city of the elves.

"Senior Azrael, is your "horn" just a decoration? Don't you notice something strange in that city with long ears? "


Although saddened by her lovely sister's words, Azrael turned her head and felt the flow of elves in the air with her unique "horn" among the winged species.

"...It's really different, meow. This feeling is..."God species"? "

She opened her eyes with doubt in her eyes.

"Why is it so weak? Kainas?...But if it's Kainas, I shouldn't be able to feel it, nya."

The god of nature merged into nature, and the elves also belonged to nature. It was impossible for Azrael's "horn" to perceive Cainas.

"Maybe something happened to that "air god". "Jibril said.

"I'm going to have a look."

"Wait, meow! If Cainas really exists in that city, it will be very dangerous for Xiaoji to go there, meow!"

Azrael dissuaded her, but Jibril didn't appreciate it at all.

She stared at Azrael and said.

"Seniors Azrael and Raphael were able to successfully hunt the gods, but I, who is stronger than you, can't do it?"

"Idiot meow! Do you know how many Flügel meows were invested at that time? Even Raphael suffered irreversible injuries, and he survived only under the protection of Mr. Artoxiu. If you ran over alone, Xiaoji..."


Jibril waved her hands and flew down.

"Just take a look. If there is any danger, I will come back immediately. Don't worry, Senior Azrael."

Azrael clapped her hands in the air, her posture slightly awkward.

The youngest sister, she didn't listen to her very much since she was born...

Forget it, let her go...

In the distance, the manipulated phantom species "cloud and mist vortex" gradually approached, and with the magic naval guns of the elf fleet lighting up one after another, the air was filled with a suffocating atmosphere.

Azrael flew in front of all the Flügel.

"Remember, don't take too many heads meow! Even if you want to get heads, you must make sure to do the embalming magic this time! If there is an unpleasant smell in front of Lord Artoxiu's throne, you have to go Abang-jun (Abangt Heim) clean it all up! Do you understand meow?"


The girls responded sweetly.

Azrael took a deep breath, showing a cruel bloodthirsty expression.

"Then, please enjoy hunting cats!"


The external war has not been able to affect the interior of the elves' capital for the time being.

The magic protective barrier even isolated the screams of the elves and the sound of the "Grass Dome" falling, and the city in the woods was unexpectedly quiet.

Standing in the extremely gorgeous Cainas Temple, Rope stretched out his white left hand, and stroked the tributes on display from left to right.

And finally, the Garlanded Throne on which Cainas once sat.

"Where are you, Cainas."

He smiles.

"I'm so close, can you still not perceive it? Or... you have already sensed it, but you are unwilling to face me? What a weak and cowardly spirit species..."

The air was still silent, and there was no voice of the soul.

It seemed that Cainas didn't take Rope's provocation at all.

In other words, this Deity's adherence to its "natural way" should override the humiliation of mere language.

I have a headache...

If he keeps shrinking and refuses to come out, if he wants to solve Cainas, Rope will probably have to destroy the "nature" of this world. But there is no doubt that it is quite troublesome, almost to the point of disgusting trouble.

Then ignore Kainas and turn the target to "Forging God" Okan?


Leaving the fish that slipped through the net is to plant a bomb for himself. Luo Pei will never pin his hopes on the "fairy tale plot" in the original book, and expects that when the "Star Cup" appears, other gods will take non-intervention behavior like mentally retarded.

Because once an accident occurs, there is no turning back at all.

"Oh, it's black hair."

A girlish voice sounded in the empty temple.

Luo Pei turned his head calmly, looking at the Flügel who landed on the platform at the door.

With gorgeous rainbow-like long hair, Jibril held the heads of two elves, half of her body was dyed red by the blood of the elves, smiling, with a terrifying appearance of a killing angel.

This is her first meeting with the God of Disaster.

Chapter 17 "Extra Individual" Jibril, the "Definite Strike" that surpasses "Sky Strike"

Slightly. Slightly. Slightly.

The Flügel stepped on the ground made of stones, and the sound of their footsteps echoed in the Kainas sculpture.

The flow of elves surged in an instant, gathering crazily from the pair of pure white wings of the Flügel species.

"Although I really want to say "Black-haired elves are really rare", but you... you are not an elf, are you? "

Not just the look of the ears.

Also, in Jibril's perception, there was a vague sense of threat that belonged exclusively to the Flügel.

Feeling similar to Artosh-sama.

——Divine species.

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