The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 955

Gradually, the trees have grown to a height that is impossible to grow naturally. A strong breath of vitality was blowing along with the breeze, blowing away the dark clouds formed by the dead elves in the sky, allowing the sun's rays to shine on the earth again after thousands of years.

The sun shines through the emerald green trees, reflecting on the grass, and those star-studded ritual magic patterns, and the beautiful elf girls form a refreshing picture.

When that vitality spread to the feet of the God of Disaster, it opened its mouth.

"Go away."


In an instant, good things were destroyed, flowers withered, the earth was corrupted, trees were old, and the most common desolation in this world regained the upper hand.

"Next, is my strength..."

Luo Pei moved in front of Xin Ke, looked up at the brighter and brighter stars in the sky, and stretched out his hand.

The connection between the marrow and the marrow-determined.

"Hiding for so long, come out for me...Kaynas..."

Smiling grinningly, Luo Pei gently waved his hand down.

In an instant, the light burst.

The emerald green light is not domineering or tough, but it grows tenaciously like a grass, shining infinitely in all directions, even straight to the sky.

From a distance, it looks like a green jade pillar standing between the sky and the earth.

In the spiritual vision of the dark blue demon god, the human form inside the jade pillar slowly gathered together.

The aggregate of all nature, the master of forests and rivers, the creator of elves, the strongest spell user——

The existence of these titles is one of the gods participating in the war on the earth.

"God of Nature" Kainas!

Chapter 32 The Collapsed Continent, the Battle Between the Deity Species and the Deity Species

The light of the emerald jade pillar dissipated, and the shadows in it appeared from the sunlight cast by the lush trees.

You will be overwhelmed by "vitality" just by looking at it, and the joy of nature is vividly displayed on the individual body.

With long emerald green hair like vines, handsome appearance not inferior to that of Lopez, wearing an extremely gorgeous cassock, "God of Nature" Kainas slowly descended from the sky.

The branches seemed to be conscious, and they took the throne automatically, carrying their gods.


Seeing the face he had seen once before, Xinke Nierbalian swallowed, his delicate body trembled slightly, and almost couldn't help turning around and running away.

Of course.

In front of him is the Creator of the Elves.

But she betrayed Cainas and turned to the God of Disaster.

No matter what the reason was, this kind of betrayal, which violated the taboo, made the girl bury her fear of Kainas in her heart.

As if the call of the elf girl had awakened the God of Nature, Kainas opened his eyes, which were more beautiful than rainbows, and stared at everything in front of him with a sense of emptiness.

"Xinke Nilvalen..."

He read out the name of the elf girl.

"My most proud creation, the octopus who is rare in a millennium for elves... Is it your own initiative to wake me up from my "sleep"? "

Rather than asking a question, Kainas seemed to be talking to himself, and then shook his head.

"No, you don't have that strength, nor do you have that courage..."

"God Kainas..."

Xin Ke Nilvalen fell into an unprecedented panic.

She twisted the hem of the long skirt with her index finger, her delicate face was completely bloodless pale.


"Your mission is over, Xinke."

The two dark blue tentacles gently wrapped around the elf girl like a snake, and pulled her into the arms of the demon god.

The cold body brought Xinke Nierbalian peace of mind.

"Go back, then it's my time with him."

Rope comforted in a low voice.

Hearing this, Xin Ke seemed to be relieved, nodded like a weak girl, and completely nestled in the arms of the dark blue demon god.

Slowly, under the illusory and real power of the gods, she disappeared from her form, and was transported into the dreamland dominated by the god of disaster.

Kainas watched the picture quietly, as if he was sorting out the fragments of consciousness brought by his scattered spirit, and reintegrated his intelligence and wisdom.

"God of Disaster... Then, you are the one who brought me back to reality."

Speaking of Luo Pei's identity in one mouthful, there is a common perception of the essence among the gods.

Cainas looked down at Rope.

"My creation doesn't seem to be under the magic of spiritual domination. Is it because of your rhetoric that made her lost, and finally chose to embark on the stupid path of betraying me?"

The dark blue demon god tilted his head slightly as if confused by Kainas' question.

Then, he quickly raised his hand.

Without the slightest notice, the purely violent "disaster" was like a hot comet, roaring towards the God of Nature and the lush forest behind Cainas.


The explosion pierced the eardrum and everything in front of Rope was destroyed.

Not only the forest, but even the mountain peaks far away from the forest were pierced with a large circular hole, and lava-like flames shone around it.

The emerald green fluorescence converged, reconstituting the appearance of the God of Nature in front of Luo Pei.

At this time, the demon god spoke.

"Kaynas, who gave you the right to question me in that tone? And who gave you the courage to sit in a higher position than me?"

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