The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 972

"The "temporary" spirit is the god species of disaster, and I am willing to form a relationship with you to demonstrate and answer each other. "


The black-haired youth said.

"That's my name, get rid of that infuriating title for me."

"Tentatively" Rope. "The girl still does not forget her "tentative".

"...Well, do as you like."

On the side not far away, Yu Wuhuan felt that he should not appear in such a scene - watching the conversation between the two gods.

The girl sitting on the ink fountain, the tall and straight black-haired man.

The god of suspicion and disaster.

Perhaps, today's moment is the result of a miracle turning into reality.

Chapter 41: Beast Ear Mother is a Treasure in the World

Perhaps because of the excessive use of "Blood Bad", the head of Yuhuan is a little unclear.

The golden-haired fox girl was in a state of confusion, she didn't even know how she left that area and stepped on the grass dome boat of the elves.

When she came back to her senses, she was already standing on a spacious ship made of trees and magic.

Most of the surroundings were elves, and a small number of nightmares stood on the top of the grass dome, seeming to be functioning as reconnaissance instruments.

And they, the only orcs on board, were located in front of the main hall gate.

"Master Huan, this... shouldn't be to execute us?"

Yi Yan asked with some anxiety.

Yu Wuhuan shook his head.

"No matter which one of the two god-species adults has the idea of ​​killing us, we will definitely die. Why bother? In this case, don't think too highly of yourself, and be honest and adapt to the situation."

That's right, although I don't know why the God of Disaster brought himself into the formation, but now I can only adapt to the situation.

Because they are the weak, the weak are dominated by the strong, and they have no right to choose.

In the dead still air, about a moment later, an elf girl in a dress came out from the main hall and stood in front of Yuhuan.

Even though she is a head and a half taller than Fox Niang, the girl showed a "looking down" temperament from head to toe.

Yu Wuhuan also lowered his head slightly in cooperation, not daring to express any dissatisfaction.

"As a beast, you seem to know some etiquette."

Xin Ke Nilvalen smiled, the contempt in his eyes was not concealed at all.

"Although I don't know why Lord Luo Pei and that...Master Fanlou left your life and brought you here, but now put away all your little thoughts and be full of respect and fear. Because next, you will officially I will meet you, Lord God."


Yu Wuhuan responded softly.

"go in."

Xin Ke brushed her long hair and walked away from Yu Wuhuan.

But the orcs didn't take a few steps, and the voice of the elf girl sounded again.

"I told you, it was you, right? "

Xin Ke squinted at the witch ring from the corner of his eyes.

"I didn't add any plural words, so only you are qualified to meet the Lord God. Are you planning to pollute Lord Rope's eyes in a formal occasion with those weed-like livestock?"

Belittled, belittled.

But those orcs didn't even feel unwilling, they just bowed their heads and didn't speak.

They are well aware of the gap between the elf girl in front of them and themselves, and the elf's arrogance is almost all species know the information, as long as they don't do anything, verbal contempt is nothing at all.

Everything is secondary to survival.

"Just wait for me here, just to rest your body damaged by "Blood Bad". " Yu Wuhuan said calmly.


Separated from her escort, the golden-haired fox lady stepped into the corridor leading to the main hall stepping on wooden clogs.

There are unknown flowers and plants on the walls beside him, and Mori has always liked to use natural creations for decoration.

The further you go in, the more open the space is, even surpassing the scale of the grass dome boat seen from the outside of Yuwuhuan. Presumably, the gods used some incredible power to expand the space.

Finally, it arrived.

In the resplendent and resplendent main hall, a black-haired young man I had seen before sat on a throne that had been simply remodeled.

Beside him is a young girl leaning on the ink fountain.

God of Disaster and God of Suspicion——

The two gods looked directly at the witch ring, the pressure from the top made the fox's tail tremble unnaturally.

She didn't have time to think about it. After straightening the hem of the coarse cloth skirt, she knelt down on the ground with the unique etiquette of the orcs.

"The witch of the Golden Fox Tribe, the acting leader Yu Wuhuan, has met the two gods. It was really impolite that I couldn't greet the two immediately because of the incident. Please forgive me."


Luo Pei tilted his head, looking at the uneven witch ring with great interest.

As far as the attribute of the beast-eared girl is concerned, the fox in front of her is simply admirable.

"I'm sorry, my child is a little messed up, probably causing trouble to you, I will let the elves perform the restoration technique in a while."

"No! Where!"

Yu Wuhuan said anxiously.

"We are the ones who disturbed the Nightmare species, your apology is really unbearable to the Beastman species..."

"This is my decision, you just need to follow orders."

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