The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 990

She has never been the obedient, good girl type.

Even if the Flügel leader Azrael wouldn't let her leave the "Apostle of War" Avant Heim, Jibril slipped out of the fortress with her left ear going in and her right ear out at the right time.

She has to confirm.

The last time I met with the God of Disaster was too short to get a good understanding of it.

Jibril must know what kind of possibility exists in that Deity, which makes her master, the "God of War" Artosh look forward to it.

Yes, Jibril is jealous.

The supreme glory of "defeating Artosh" was originally the expectation that Artosh personally bestowed upon her, but at this moment, the Lord God's expectations shifted with every action of the God of Disaster.

Like becoming an unwanted child, the Flügel girl felt uncomfortable with jealousy.

You have to confirm it—even if you lose your life.

Compared with death, Jibril is more afraid of losing the meaning of birth for no apparent reason.

That was just as bad as hell.

Flying and flying, the Flügel suddenly stopped, looking down at the ground below.

Scorched black rocks, the flames have not been extinguished, and the wreckage of countless demon species is scattered all over the end of the line of sight.

"Is this... the battlefield of the demon species?"

Jibril nodded her chin.

"The god of disaster killed the fantasy species "devil king" who had the "authority of creation" without taking action. The nightmare species is more worthy of taking the head than imagined... huh? "

The Flügel turned his head, and the elf instantly strengthened its eyes.

Densely packed, countless fluorescent lights are flickering.

Metallic exterior pendants, humanoid bodies, and a large army of Ex-Machines that exceed all recorded numbers are flying rapidly in a certain direction.

"The great migration of the iron blocks?"

The Ex-Machinas rarely move spontaneously, this is the first time Jibril has seen such a scene.

But now is not the time to care about that.

Jibril looked away after only a few glances.

She has a more important purpose than a rare piece of iron.

The Flügel girl fluttered her wings lightly, and the elves glowed, continuing to search for traces of the God of Disaster.

At the same time, at the foot of the barren mountain far from the battlefield, a deeply hidden prototype stone slab was removed from below, revealing a dark rock cave.

A moment later, the boy with gray and messy hair poked his head out of it, carefully looking around.

"Is this the world of the strong?"

The end of one play represents the beginning of another play.


200w words spread flowers! Ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a reward!

Chapter 52 Knowledge and stupidity go hand in hand, a large library covering the sky

Countless trees are like a faint enchantment, isolating light and faint noise from the forest. In the sky, the light of the huge anti-aircraft spell replaced the sun, providing brightness and heat to the new capital of the elves.

The black-haired young man pushed open the gate of the temple, which looked like a steel furnace, and flames shot out from behind him, almost burning the fulcrum tree in front of him.

Three days had passed since entering Cthugya's residence.

Rope did fully enjoy the enthusiasm of this evil god, just like the lingering relationship with Cthulhu in the Sea of ​​Tyres, his life has unlocked a novel achievement that ordinary people can't even think of.

—sleeping with flames.

Running wildly on the road of inhumanity...

After closing the door of the temple casually, the black-haired young man walked on the fluorescent magic road with a dazed expression.

He thought, maybe it would be more perfect to have one more cigarette in his hand now, but he never had the habit of smoking, and the scenes of walking alone were a little rare.


"I'm in the midst of a deep self-review."

Azalia's furious words only started, but Luo Pei's light-speed confession choked her back full of jealousy, making the system almost scratch the wall in a womanly manner.

‘Aren’t you even saying an apology this time? You are sure that I will forgive you for doing this! ? ’ growled Azalia.

"Absolutely not."

Luo Pei denied it, and extinguished the remaining flames on the neckline of the new clothes.

"I just firmly believe that Azalia, who is of the same heart, must also understand my distress. Compared with fighting against His Majesty who is one of the "Four Elements", it is undoubtedly the best choice for mutual benefit and peaceful resolution of the incident. "

'Is this so? With one heart and one body, of course I can understand Ape's distress, oops, suddenly saying this...wrong! '

Azalia's tone just showed a hint of shyness, and then she reacted angrily.

‘You’re teasing me with such words again! '

"I'm simply stating reality."

'Well, you always have a point...'

Azalia thought and thought, and really couldn't find anything wrong with what Luo Pei said, but she just felt uncomfortable for some reason.

I don't know since when, these bastards have been attached to her little Luo Pei one by one, and the most disappointing thing is that their host has started to get used to it, and it seems that they are still enjoying it.

Sure enough, the vixen will be severely beaten...

Reluctant to blame Rope, Azalia took all her anger on her compatriots, and her determination to beat them up became more determined.

After a long while, seeing that Azalia was silent, Luo Pei knew that the system mother had entered a dormant state again, and breathed a sigh of relief.

It's been fooled again.

Although Azalea's jealousy towards a specific object is cute, but if it gets serious, Rope really has nothing to do with her. After all, it is his own system, and he can't stop it from playing a symphony in his head with noise.

"You need to be a little more careful about cheating... Azalia's body seems to be an evil god too..."

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