The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 992

"Without meaning, doesn't that mean there is no reason to live?"

Fanlou's eyes became more and more empty.

Countless years ago, it was because of this answer that the God of Suspicion pierced through his own soul and chose to die.

"A reason to live? Huh."

Rope couldn't help laughing.

"I'm sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to laugh at you on purpose. Although I know your question from memory, when this sentence really comes out of your mouth, it is indeed a bit ridiculous."

Constantly asking, constantly assuming - erudition.

Worrying about problems that children don't care about, and even choosing to commit suicide - stupid.

A complex individual of erudition and stupidity, this is Fan Lou, the "God of Suspicion".

Slightly... stupidly cute.

And such a girl actually created the most terrifying race in the Great War, the "Ex-Machina". It must be said that wonderful things in the world are always emerging one after another.

Chapter 53 Bullying the God of Doubt, the End of the Labyrinth of Doubt

"I don't think it's a question to laugh at."

Fanlou slightly frowned, his delicate, expressionless little face became more and more lovable.

She raised her palm, the white palm with no palm prints facing upwards, in the faint light, a small grass struggled to grow out of thin air.

Emerald green, weak, but full of vigorous vitality.

"Even such a weak life, which I created at will, has its own reason for existence because of the idea of ​​"I want to prove it to you", but as the creator of it, I cannot find this necessary reason. reason……"

It is the first life, so Fanlou cannot ask other people deeply.

He is the first god, so the harvest of Fanlou's life is only maddening loneliness.

"That's the stupidity of it."

Rope said mercilessly.

He stretched out his hand to take the grass in Fanlou's hand, and he didn't even need any strength, just the green in his palm withered in an instant.

"I don't know the meaning of my existence. Can't I prove that I have lived without someone giving me a reason? Who stipulated it? You? Or the "Elf Corridor" that doesn't even have basic consciousness. "

Dust fell down the palm of his hand, and the black-haired young man crossed his palms and stared at the girl of the spirit species.

"Listen to Fanlou, the reason for living can be filled in at will. Originally, this kind of thing belongs to the self-cognition of intelligent creatures. If you are troubled by this, why don't you find a reason for yourself?"

"I searched, but all I got was 'doubts'. "

Fan Lou hugged his slender legs tightly and said sadly.

"Questions can't be's just a void with nothing, an infinite loop of nothingness. Your spirit is not "suspicious", it must be difficult to understand this kind of feeling, right? "

"No, I understand."

Rope said.

"A long, long time ago, when I still had the identity of a "person", I was troubled by the boring question of "what to eat tonight" countless times, but can I not eat if I am troubled? To put it another way, if you have doubts about the meaning of your own existence, can you give up your life? "

"I can."

"But you are still alive, appearing in front of my eyes. The phenomenon that has happened has denied your choice. Why don't you take this as the reason why you "can live"? "

"This is just... an accident that I couldn't have expected. Originally, I had penetrated my soul and harvested the only certain "death", but somehow I survived..."

Fanlou raised his silver eyes and looked at Luo Pei with hope.

"With your words, can you kill me completely? Use your power to kill me, shatter my essence, and make me unable to come back to life."


"……Are you serious?"

"I don't make jokes."

"Is it."

Luo Pei stood up and covered the girl's head with his palm, with an extremely serious expression.

"Fan Lou, if my power is activated, if you don't choose to resist, it will disintegrate the activation of your marrow within about five minutes, and after ten minutes, your foundation will disintegrate, turning into pure power and being activated." I have absorbed it, and then there will be no "God of Doubt" in this world. "

Fan Lou closed his eyes without any resistance at all.

"Luo, Mr. Luo Pei!?"

Yu Wuhuan looked at the scene in front of her at a loss, her voice trembling.

"What are you doing, Lord Fanlou is not yours..."

"Shut up, Huan." The black-haired young man glanced at Miss Fox, and said coldly, "Stay there quietly, there is no room for you to intervene here."

Mother Fox was so frightened that her tail twitched, and then she backed away, sitting in the corner like a well-behaved puppy.

Seriously, the God of Disaster's aura is too terrifying for a low-level orc.

——Compared with the death of Fan Lou, Yu Wuhuan cares more about his own life.

But this is the normal thinking that living things should have.

In silence, time is passing by every minute.

The scrolls in the sky have been changed batch after batch, but Luo Pei has been unable to end the life of the suspicious god as he said.

"You really...have no hesitation."

The spirit has no defense, Fan Lou is indeed seeking death.

Luo Pei let go of Fan Lou's little head, with pity in his eyes.

"It's not that I haven't seen a guy who despises his own life, but it's the first one like you who, as the highest being, doesn't care about life at all."

Fan Lou opened his eyes and tilted his head in doubt.

"Aren't you going to kill me?" She asked a little disappointed.

"I'm not a three-year-old kid with a tyrannical interest in dismantling delicate dolls."

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