The Engineering Boss

Chapter 197 Fund Allocation

The engineering fund for the emergency project has been allocated!

"How much money did you report, and how much was cut off by them?" Chen Yang asked curiously.

Now that the project funds have been allocated, it is more than half of the success. I am most afraid that I will not get a penny after working for a long time.

Zhou Xinjin said: "I reported more than 2.8 million yuan. After they reviewed it, they cut me off close to 1 million yuan, which was almost a third. At that time, I really wanted to throw the information at them. It was really deceiving." Too much."

"You said I didn't do so many projects and you cut my quantity, I have nothing to say, the key is that they actually said this time that they only recognized the quantity of projects done a year ago, and they didn't recognize the quantity of projects done in the next year at all. , which makes it impossible for me to refute."

Only recognize the engineering quantity of the previous year, but not the engineering quantity of the next year?

When will the amount of work done after that year be recognized?

"Then when will the amount of work they say will be measured after the next year?" Chen Yang asked.

The system prompts that the progress of the rescue project has reached more than 80%. This is the progress on February 19th. However, today is February 25th. In the past six days, the progress has reached more than 95%.

"They didn't say anything, and I didn't ask." Zhou Xinjin said, "By the way, I haven't visited the emergency construction site for a few days. What step has been achieved on the construction site so far?"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Hey, the rescue project will be completed the day after tomorrow if there is no accident."


"Currently, the rescue project is already in the final stage. If you don't believe me, you can go to the scene with me to have a look later and you will know?"

Zhou Xinjin was stunned for a few seconds before he said: "Is your progress too fast, kid? Are you working overtime day and night? Otherwise, this progress would not be so fast."

"Basically it is!"

"No wonder, no wonder. I won't go to the site to see it today. I'll take them to the site tomorrow to have a look and let them know about it. I didn't expect the project to be completed so soon, so I'm going to ask for project money again." Zhou Xinjin sighed and said, "Now let's discuss the project payment. How much money did you owe a year ago?"

Chen Yang was taken aback when he heard the words, and thought that he had basically paid all the money years ago, so he still owed others money, but he couldn't say that, if he said that, the ghost would know how much Zhou Xinjin would give him this time.

Although the two of them will settle the total account in the end, but in the current situation, it is only a penny to get an extra penny. It may be even more difficult to get the money in the end.

"The wages of the workers were basically paid off a year ago, and the rest is the cost of the machinery, commercial mixing station, and rental station, which is probably close to one million." Chen Yang was silent for a while before he said.

"More than one million? This is within my estimate. I'm afraid I owe four to five million at the commercial station?" Zhou Xinjin asked.

Years ago, the pouring of the concrete retaining wall was about 1,500 square meters, and the calculation here is 500,000 to 600,000 yuan. Of course, it is impossible for Chen Yang not to hand over a penny to the commercial mixing station, at least he paid about 100,000 yuan, otherwise The commercial concrete station has long stopped Chen Yang's concrete, and this year's pouring of the sash beams has not been completed at all.

Chen Yang nodded.

"In addition to these other material costs? How much?"

"I haven't counted this either.

It is estimated that there are three to four hundred thousand. " Chen Yang asked.

Zhou Xinjin pondered for a while and said: "You owe about 1.3 million to the outside world in total, and the project funds that have been allocated so far are a little over 1.9 million. If I give you 1.3 million, I only have 1.3 million left. About six hundred thousand."

"With the 600,000 yuan deducted from seven to seventy-eight eighty-eight taxes, I don't have much left, and I need money urgently recently, so I can't give you so much, so I'm afraid you have to allocate the funds allocated to you reasonably, When the next project fund is allocated, I will count as much as you have.”

It turns out that I called myself here to discuss this matter!

The system shows that the emergency project is a total of 4.37 million. Before Chen Yang took 500,000, if he took 1 million this time, it would only be 1.5 million, leaving more than 2.8 million. Ten thousand.

However, the amount of anchor frame beam slope protection made in the next year is a bit large. If the measurement is probably close to three million, it should be possible to get back a large part of the money.

Forget it, since Zhou Xinjin needs money urgently, let's follow his idea first, and there is no need to fight with him, anyway, Zhou Xinjin will give him the money in the end, and the cooperation between them is not just this time.

"Okay, just do as you want!"

In fact, Zhou Xinjin didn't need to discuss this matter with Chen Yang at all. After all, Zhou Xinjin was Chen Yang's boss, and the boss would never discuss with the subordinates how to arrange funds for the subordinates.

"I'm relieved when you say that. Okay, I'll transfer the project money to you when it arrives."

Chen Yang and Zhou Xinjin continued to chat for a while and then left. During the chat, Chen Yang knew that Zhou Xinjin urgently needed money because the municipal highway project that the five shareholders cooperated had to pay advance funds, and he was still short of money.

In the house rented by Chen Yang in Building No. 6 of Shawan Community.

After Chen Yang came back from Zhou Xinjin's office, he ordered a takeaway to eat at home. After eating, he lay down on the bed and took a nap, and slept until after three o'clock in the afternoon.

While Chen Yang was sitting in the living room playing with his mobile phone, Zhu Jianguo suddenly called him.

"Hey, Boss Zhu!"

"Chen Yang, what are you busy with?" Zhu Jianguo asked.

"Nothing busy, just getting ready to go out."

"I thought about the price you quoted me last night, and I think the total price you quoted is a little bit high. Do you have time tomorrow? Let's talk face to face. What do you think?" Zhu Jianguo asked.

Chen Yang thought for a while and said, "Okay, let's meet and talk tomorrow."

"Okay, it's still the same tea house, see you at ten!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yang fell into deep thought. Last night, the junior estimator reported him a total price of more than 9.7 million. Chen Yang reported the price to Zhu Jianguo without thinking.

This time when Zhu Jianguo was interviewing him, Chen Yang felt that he should bring the junior budget clerk with him. After all, the junior budget clerk is professional in this area, and Chen Yang is only half-hearted, and doesn't know much about it.

Thinking of the high school reunion in the afternoon, Chen Yang didn't plan to go out anymore, so he just waited until then and went directly to the reunion.

Just as Chen Yang was thinking about it, a call from Liu Dapeng came in after a while.

"Chen Yang, you haven't forgotten today's high school reunion, have you?"

"I haven't forgotten! I was about to call to ask where you are, so you called." Chen Yang laughed.

"You didn't watch the WX group?" Liu Dapeng said in surprise, "Oh, I forgot, we re-established a WX group, and you are not in the WX group. Wait a minute, I will bring you closer to the group."

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