Meeting Si Fengyuan Ye Yi here surprised Bai Lan enough.

However, what Bailan didn't expect was that just after they met, Sifengyuan Yeyi extended an invitation to her.

However, Bai Lan doesn't want to get involved with Seireitei now.

Now he just wants to endure silently and increase the intensity of his spiritual pressure.

No way, Bai Lan still has some symptoms of persecutory paranoia.

Before she is strong enough, Bai Lan will not appear casually in front of those who can crush her to death.

For example, Si Fengyuan Ye Yi appears in front of Bai Lan now.

Based on Bai Lan's current situation, it would be effortless for Sifengyuan Yoichi to capture Bai Lan.

Of course, this was under the condition that Bai Lan never thought of escaping.

"Sorry, I haven't thought about joining the Seireitei for the time being."Looking at Si Fengyuan Ye Yi who expressed kindness in front of him, Bai Lan smiled and declined politely.

20"Huh huh huh, it's not up to you."

"You two, come back to Seireitei with me."When Bai Lan refused, Sifengyuan Ye Yi was not angry. Anyway, it didn't make any difference to her whether she agreed or not.

Since she liked it, she had to find ways to get it back.

Just now, she suddenly appeared behind Bai Lan and wanted to She patted Bai Lan on the shoulder to scare Bai Lan, but was actually dodged.

Although her shunpo just now was not at full strength, it was still at the fifth level of strength.

Bai Lan was definitely able to dodge her own 5th level shunpo strength. At least he is very talented in Shunpo.

In addition, Bailan's spiritual pressure is not concealed at all, and has completely reached the level of the fifth seat. The spiritual pressure of the boy next to him has also reached about seven seats.

The two boys , one looks like a child at first glance, and the other, although taller than him, can tell from his pretty face that he is not very old.

Even a young boy at such a young age has such a powerful spiritual pressure. It doesn’t take much to think about it. You know that he has a very strong talent..

How can you let go of such a genius when you meet him?

So what if he refuses, I want to tie him back before talking.

As soon as he finished speaking, the figure of Shifengyuan Yoruichi disappeared from the sight of Bai Lan and Ichimaru Gin.

When Bai Lan saw this, he hurriedly Moved quickly.

However, this time, Maple Leaf Yi used all the speed in his normal state.

With Bailan's speed, it was impossible to avoid Si Feng Yuan Ye Yi.

Si Feng Yuan Ye Yi followed him almost like a shadow. Behind Bai Lan, she was completely close.

This catwoman even revealed her nature of teasing. She breathed out hot breath in Bai Lan's ear, teased Bai Lan's ponytail with her hand, and teased Bai Lan, making Bai Lan's whole body tremble. A shudder.

The next moment, without thinking, Bai Lan directly used spatial perception and close to the horizon, and disappeared from the forest in a flash.

This sudden change made Si Fengyuan Ye Yi stop immediately.

"Where have you gone?"Sifengyuan Yoruichi scanned around.

However, after searching for a long time, Sifengyuan Yoruichi could not find any trace of Bai Lan and Ichimaru Gin.


"You were able to escape from the hands of my Shun Shen Yoichi, I will remember you."With a slight grin on his lips, Sifengyuan Yoruichi showed his big white teeth and said with a smile.

Immediately, Sifengyin Yoruichi also dodged and left here directly.

After a dozen consecutive instant steps, Sifengyin Yoruichi came to the battlefield. Go up.

On the battlefield at this time, the Xing Army of the Second Division is already dealing with funeral arrangements.

The Xudu that appeared here have been wiped out by members of the Xing Army

"Ye Yiyi, where have you been?"As soon as Yoruichi appeared, a petite figure ran over and asked Yoruichi.

This figure was none other than Sifengyuan Yoichi's little crush, Sui Feng, formerly known as Feng Shao Ling.

"Oh, Broken Bee, I just met an interesting guy, so I went over to take a look."Sifengyuan Yoruichi replied with a smile.

Hearing this, Suifeng's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he felt a sense of vigilance in his heart unconsciously.

However, Sifengyuan Yeyi didn't know what Suifeng was thinking, and he directly laid it on Suifeng a task

"Broken Bee, I’ll give you a mission to help me find that guy."


On the other side, Bailan, who used the close distance to escape from the clutches of Shifengyuan Yoruichi, had already returned to the cabin with Ichimaru Gin.

"Brother Bai Lan, I didn’t expect you to be so powerful."In the wooden house, Ichimaru Gin said with a smile.

He really didn't expect that Bai Lan, who just learned to absorb the spirit seeds and refine the spiritual pressure yesterday, would have such ability.

He never thought that a person could be so fast. It would take dozens of meters to dodge, let alone thousands of meters to dodge.

"I'm very capable, do you want to learn from me? Bai Lan smiled and asked.

Just because Ichimaru Gin saved her and prepared to give him the training method of Reiko, Ichimaru Gin is worthy of Bai Lan's serious treatment.

Bai Lan has already regarded Ichimaru Gin as a good friend. , just like Ubuyashiki Yoshiya in Demon Slayer Sekai.

Therefore, Bailan doesn’t mind 370 teaching Ichimaru Gin what he knows.

For example, the footwork that just broke out, and the swordsmanship he knows.

"Is it really possible?"When Ichimaru Gin heard this, a light flashed in his squinted eyes, and he suppressed the excitement in his heart and said.

Although he wanted a quiet life, he was also very eager to become stronger.

After all, the area where he lived was not OK, you have to have some ability to save your life.

"Ah, of course no problem"

"After all, you also taught me the method of absorbing spirit seeds."Bai Lan smiled and said.

Hearing this, Ichimaru Gin suddenly felt a little embarrassed. In the situation yesterday, he only showed how to absorb the spirit seeds. He didn't tell Bai Lan how to absorb the spirit seeds. As a result, Bai Lan passed through directly. I learned it by watching myself absorb the spirit child. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And the movement is still so loud.

Now that Bai Lan mentioned this matter, this really made Ichimaru Gin a little embarrassed.

Because he felt that He didn't help at all.

Bai Lan was completely self-taught.

"Go ahead and start now. Bailan didn't care about Ichimaru Gin's reaction, stood up and said

"Okay, Brother Bailan!!"Ichimaru Gin quickly stood up.

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