Mojia cultivation store, a well-known cultivation store in Flower City.

A good-looking, plainly dressed woman was healing a flame-bursting cow, and many customers around were talking, and the environment was noisy, but it didn't affect her in the slightest.

Her eyes were soft, the corners of her mouth were smiling, and while applying the medicine, she also softly comforted the Burst Flame Cow, which was originally flammable and explosive, in front of her, as well-behaved as a little rabbit.

"Sister, sister~I'm back~"

A melodious voice like a silver bell gradually approached with a hint of cheerfulness.

Mo Han didn't look back and said: "I'm quite happy to hear the tone

, is the certificate obtained?" "Sister is so smart!"

The person who came was Mo Yu, and after she got the junior cultivator qualification certificate, she happily returned to the cultivation shop all the way.

After Mo Han helped the Explosive Flame Niu deal with his wounds, he turned his head to look at his sister and said, "You were taught by me, of course you can get it."

"Hey, hey~ That's the same. Mo Yu squinted his eyes and smiled, then thought of something, and said to his sister: "By the way, I met Grandpa Lin today, and Grandpa Lin also asked me and my classmates to take the million-paid treatment task."

Hearing this, Mo Han frowned slightly, looked a little worried, and said: "That's not an ordinary task, even if you are an experienced cultivator, you may not be able to do it, let alone you as a cultivator who has just passed the junior exam." And that girl has a special identity, if she is not cured, but hurts the demon, it will be troublesome. "

Ah, that's dangerous. "

Who is going with you?" Mo Han asked again.

"That's my classmate, named Shainin. Today we went to take the cultivator certificate together, but he is better than me, I got the junior cultivator certificate, and he got the intermediate, just like my sister.

After Mo Yu finished speaking, Mo Han was already stunned, and the cherry mouth was slightly open, very cute.

"It's true, there have been some changes in the assessment of cultivators today..."Mo Yu said the detailed assessment process again.

"I didn't expect there to be such a powerful person in Huacheng," although surprised, Mo Han still accepted this fact, thinking of Mo Yu's task tomorrow, his pretty face became serious again, and said: "The reward this time should not be low, Grandpa Lin is also kind and wants to help us, but it is still a little unfair to your classmates."

"You're just going to gain experience, and even if you can help, some people will take it for granted. If the reward is less, the reward for this order will definitely not be less. Well...... You have to remember that after the task is completed, it doesn't matter how much the other party gives you, even if you don't give it, you don't have to complain about the other party, let alone take the initiative to ask him for money, understand?"

That's a reward of at least one million, even if it's only one-tenth, it's a lot of money, with this money, we are one step closer to redemption, and no matter how bad it is, we can buy a good demon for my sister.

Mo Han couldn't give an inch, and said categorically: "Anyway, don't take it, listen to me!"

Mo Yu wanted to say something, but the demon beast guarding at the door suddenly made a 'beep' alarm.

"You hide first. Mo Han pushed his sister into the house.

After a while, a few people came to the door, led by a generous young master, if Xie Ning was here, he would definitely be able to recognize it, this person was his classmate, Li Zhi.

After Li Zhi entered the house, he first glanced at Mo Han greedily a few times, and then summoned the Hanging Eye Tiger and said, "Evolve it to the transcendent level, I will use it on Monday."

Mo Han endured the uncomfortable look, glanced at the Hanging Eye Tiger, and replied: "This Hanging Eye Tiger has not yet reached the time to break through the transcendent level, and it is not good for it to evolve rashly."

"Where is there so much verbosity, if it weren't for the fact that my uncle couldn't even get an intermediate certificate for so many years, you think I would be looking for you? You just evolve, no matter how nonsense you are, I will not be able to redeem you for the rest of your life," Li Zhi finished speaking, and looked around the store, "Mo Yu is not here?"

"No." Mo Han took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, stepped aside with a frosty face, and began to prepare the materials for the evolution of the Hanging Eye Tiger.


Xie Ning, who left the cultivation association, didn't go anywhere, and practiced cross-legged at home, while the little wolf cub and the sonic mantis were playing in the yard.

Although the sonic mantis has now reached the bronze level 1, Xie Ning's current soul power is only at the black iron level, and only when the soul power breaks through and reaches the bronze level, he can be regarded as a bronze-level demon master.

And when he reaches the bronze level of the Demon Master, his soul strength will be able to contract another Demon Master.

Cultivation does not know the passage of time, and a few hours pass quickly.

When night falls, a young figure wearing a praying mantis mask arrives in the gladiatorial arena.

"Sign up, the bronze group duel, the opponent is casual. "

The old smoker who receives hundreds of people every day, and the black market is not a disgraceful thing, most people will disguise themselves, and wearing masks is very common, so he is not the slightest surprise.

Skillfully took the alliance coin, and said without looking back: "Name, demon, level." "

Mantis King, the demon is a sonic mantis, rank 1 bronze. "

Sonic mantis?" The old smoker paused, raised his head and looked at Shainin, then brushed a few strokes, wrote the information, took the card in his hand, and handed it to Shainin, "It's yours after two games, get ready."

Shainin took the card, and as soon as he stepped through the door, a wave of heat hit, mixed with the smell of sweat and sourness, and there were rude shouts in his ears.

As far as the eye could see, there was a large underground gymnasium in front of it, surrounded by fanatical gamblers and blood-loving people, and in the center of a vast dark red depression, two demons were fighting together in blood.

The gambler who was close to the door just glanced back and continued to shout for the demon he supported.

Xie Ning didn't pay attention to these glances, and looked at the battlefield with a frown.

In the field, a storm wolf and a berserk bear were red-eyed, roaring and attacking each other, but the wind wolf obviously fell behind, relying on speed to dodge, and soon, the berserk bear found an opportunity, grabbed the tail of the wind wolf, smashed it a few times, smashed it all over the flesh, a pair of bear paws tore the wind wolf's belly, and pulled out all the liver and intestines.

Wind wolf, killed in battle.

There was a cheer from the gamblers around, and some people stripped and threw themselves in excitement, both men and women.

Obviously, most people in this field suppressed the Zhuang of the Raging Bear.

There was a crystal screen in front of him with a list of battles, and Shainin skipped the second round and looked directly at the third round.

The third round of battle: Mantis King VS Python Man nicknamed Python Man

Challenger, the Demon is a bronze level 4 ice python.

The odds are also displayed next to it, 1.25:0.75

No matter how the odds change, they are controlled within a certain range and will not let people get into the loophole.

As a newcomer, Shainin's odds are slightly higher, but they are only 1.25, and the opponent python is a 13-3 person in the gladiatorial arena, and there are more people who press him to win, but relatively, the odds will be low.

Shainin bet all the 1,000 yuan he had on himself, and then waited quietly.

He came to the black market, on the one hand, to allow the Sonic Mantis to level up quickly through combat, and on the other hand, to earn evolution points.

Soon, the second round ended, Shainin walked to the pit, and a bald man in python skin walked up directly opposite, he had a scar on his forehead, straight to his chin, with a fierce look, a person who was a little less courageous might admit defeat on the spot.

The arrival of new faces has attracted the attention of many gamblers.

"Well, lo and behold, this newcomer is quite young.

"I don't know if I've seen blood, haha~ It shouldn't scare him, but don't cry." "

There's a good show to watch. Believe it or not, the demon will be fine, and the others will collapse first?"

"That place is not something that a young man who has never seen blood can withstand.


The noisy words could not reach Xie Ning's ears, as soon as he entered the pit, the strong smell of blood came to his nose, and at this time he realized that the dark red ground was left after the flesh and blood dried up.

The smell of blood can make the goblin restless, even bloodthirsty.

Both sides summoned the demons, and the game began 10 seconds later. The

referee's voice came from above, and then the scar man raised his hand to summon his demon.

A nearly twenty-meter-long azure python, exhaling gas with ice chips in its mouth, raised its upper half of its height, staring at Shainin condescendingly, and a sense of oppression of a giant thing came to its face.

The first time he faced this giant creature, Shainin said that it was fake if he was not nervous, but he quickly adjusted, let out a long breath, and summoned the sonic mantis.

A handsome, sword-armed warrior in armor, appeared in front of everyone.

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