"Why, you don't believe it?" In

response to Xie Ning's rhetorical question, the Lu family frowned.

Lu Yimin asked: "Xie Xiaoyou, is there anything wrong with these medicines for treating poison and inflammation

?" "Uncle Lu, don't be deceived by this kid surnamed Xie, he doesn't understand anything at all," as he spoke, Li Zhi pointed to the cold ice lion, "It used to have burnt marks everywhere on its body, and the pus and blood that flowed out, but now not only the pus and blood and traces are gone, but also tender flesh, this is obviously in the treatment, how can there be a problem?"

This kid has a grudge against me, and he also embarrassed Sister Bingyun at school, maybe he is here to find fault this time!"

After Li Zhi's words were finished, Master Wang also leaned over with a gloomy face, tugged at Xie Ning's collar, and asked, "Why do you say that there will be problems with my treatment? Is there any evidence

?" "Evidence?" Xie Ning put Master Wang's hand down and straightened his clothes, "There will be it soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a heart-rending roar from the cold ice lion that had been weak just now.


" "Ice and snow!what's wrong with you?!" Lu Bingyun exclaimed, and was about to run over, but who knew that a hand grabbed her and dragged her firmly in place, she struggled hard, and shouted: "You let go of me

!" "Calm down! You will only hurt it in the past!" After Xie Ning finished speaking, one hand rubbed his chin, and the attribute of the Ice Lion popped up in his eyes, and the status column changed from 'healing' to 'Poisonous Flame Retaliation'.

The tender flesh that originally grew on the ice lion shrank and burned at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the various medicinal liquids that were originally applied were also burned out, leaving no trace of medicinal effect, until this moment, the ice lion regained its calm slightly, but its breath was even weaker, and even its strength fell from bronze level 6 to bronze level 2, and it was still slowly declining.

"Xie Ning, what's wrong with the ice and snow?" Lu Bingyun grabbed Xie Ning's arm, and asked anxiously with his eyes: "It was fine just now, why did it suddenly deteriorate?"

Xie Ning shook his head, first checked the ice lion, and then said: "What is good, it's just some appearances." The poison of this big lion has already entered the bones, and only some medicine is applied to the surface, how can it be good, not only is it not good, but it also stimulates the poison in the bone marrow.

Seeing the strange appearance of the ice lion, Master Wang stiffened his neck and retorted: "I, I knew it would be like this." I just want to cure my appearance first, and then cure the poison of my bone marrow..."

"Hehe, Master Wang, you can just deceive outsiders with your words, don't leave me fooled. Shainin unceremoniously scolded, "The poison in the bone marrow cannot be cured by medicine alone. "

You... Could it be that you have any higher means that you can't achieve?"

"I naturally have a way, otherwise what is the pestle doing here?" Xie Ning replied.

"Then you'd better act quickly.

Xie Ning squinted his eyes and looked at Master Wang in front of him: "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Although this person is called a master, he doesn't have the demeanor of a master no matter how he looks at it, but is a bit like a character like Wen Copying Gong, maybe this will, he is also thinking of stealing a master.

Although Master Wang was unwilling to admit defeat, after learning about the poison in the bone marrow, he also knew that he was not capable of solving it, so he had the idea of stealing the master.


At this time, a sound of footsteps sounded, and Mo Yu ran in with a large bag and a small bag, panting.

"Great God, everything has been bought," Mo Yu looked at the deserted courtyard at this time, and said in surprise, "What about those people? Why did they all run away?"

"I didn't run all of them, and there were still two of them." Xie Ning said, looking at Master Wang and Li Zhi, "Both, please leave now, you will only affect my treatment here." "


?" "That is, why do you want us to leave, this is not your home!" Li

Zhi and Master Wang suddenly jumped to their feet, one was unwilling to leave so humiliatingly, and the other was unwilling to miss the opportunity to steal the teacher.

Xie Ning ignored the crazy appearance of the two, but looked at Lu Yimin, and said sincerely: "Uncle Lu, please let these two leave, each cultivator always has his own unique method, if they learn it, it will not be good." Although

Lu Yimin is not a cultivator, he also knows that every capable person always has some secrets that cannot be known by others, so he does not doubt it.

"Two, thank you very much for coming to help, this assistance, Lu has made a note, and now please leave first. The

town guards all spoke, and no matter how unwilling Li Zhi and Master Wang were, they could only leave the Lu family obediently.

However, the two did not give up, they hid outside the door of Lu's house, determined to wait for Xie Ning to come out to see if the treatment was successful or failed.

At this moment, both of them have the same thought in their hearts - don't succeed in treatment!!

After clearing out the two unrelated people, Xie Ning said to Lu Bingyun with a straight face:

"Classmate Bingyun, after the successful treatment, the appearance of this big lion will change a little, and its strength may be stronger or weaker, you have to be mentally prepared."

"I know, no matter what it becomes, as long as it survives. Lu Bingyun looked serious, and his originally uneasy heart seemed to have settled down a little in this guarantee.

"Good. Xie

Ning and Mo Yu began to work on the materials that evolved, and when they really operated them, Xie Ning found that Mo Yu was much more professional than he thought.

A lot of materials are almost in hand, and I know how to get them, and occasionally some of them don't know, and I will humbly ask for advice.

Once she was busy with evolution, her whole person became very focused, and she didn't have the jumps she saw on weekdays.

One of the two is responsible for drawing the array, the other is responsible for preparing the materials, the grinding of the powder, the condensation of the condensate, and then the two of them arranged various materials around the ice lion.

Just like that, I was busy, and I was busy for half an hour, Mo Yu was a girl in the end, her body was weaker than Shainin, and she was already sweating profusely at this time, but she still meticulously carried out the task given by Shainin.

"Mo Yu, sprinkle these Yin Ice powder on that circle, and then put the Ice Demon Core in five small circles..."Xie Ning finished speaking, handed over some materials to Mo Yu, and then picked up the dagger again, "Bingyun, I need some blood from you."

When Huang Qiuwan heard this, she was in a hurry, and she wanted to step forward to stop her, but she was stopped by Lu Yimin, he shook his head, didn't speak, just looked at Xie Ning, faintly expectant.

Seeing this, although Huang Qiuwan was worried, she also stopped, but her hands were clenched tightly.

Lu Bingyun did not hesitate, stretched out his hand, and after the dagger was slashed, tick tock, more than a dozen drops of blood were caught by Xie Ning, and then quickly took the gauze, wrapped it around Lu Bingyun's hand a few times, and bandaged it neatly.

At this time, Mo Yu had also ground a large bag of Yin Ice into powder, carefully laid it in the formation, in order to ensure that there was no mistake, he even reached out directly to divide it, and after being busy, his little hands were red from the cold, and he trembled, but he gritted his teeth and persevered.

Soon, all the materials were prepared, and after Shainin checked that they were correct, he took a deep breath and said, "Big guy, it's time to start." Endure the pain!"

The small cup of blood was dripped by Xie Ning on the center of the Ice Lion's eyebrows and several key points of the formation.

Suddenly, the formation on the ground emitted a faint light, linking all the spiritual materials together, forming a strange energy law, and finally merging from the limbs into the body of the ice lion.


A louder, more painful scream came out of the Lu family's villa, passed through the villa, and enveloped the entire community.

Master Wang and Li Zhi, who were guarding the door, waiting to see Xie Ning's jokes, glanced at each other, and they both saw a trace of joy in each other's eyes.

"Haha~ Let's go, let's go, go back. "

When I heard this scream, I was relieved. Let's go, Master Wang, I'm in

for a treat!" "That's a good dare!Let that kid pretend to be garlic, now he will die!" "

Hahaha~ Maybe tomorrow in class, there will be no name for him Xie Ning, maybe he will be sunk in the Huangpu River."

"With such good news, don't forget me...",

Li Zhi and Master Wang walked towards the outside of the community with their shoulders hooked, and they didn't even bother to summon the demon giant wolf.

But Xie Ning, did the treatment really fail?


The author has something to say:

This chapter has been revised, and the author Jun thinks that Mo Yu actually contributed a lot, so don't blame her for half of the pay. Thank you all for your support~

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