"You!" the boy wanted to say something, but the playground bell rang and he had to leave in disgrace.

Liu Yuan, the squad leader, stood next to Xie Ning and said to him worriedly: "Xie Ning, it's better for you to be careful." Although these rich second generations don't have much strength, they can't be sure if they will hire someone to do it.

Xie Ning nodded and said, "I'll pay attention." "

The regular flag-raising ceremony begins every Monday.

In a solemn and solemn manner, the flag-raising ceremony was successfully completed, although the hair was half white, but still energetic old principal, wearing a Tang costume walked up to the stage, with a kind smile, after talking about some recent things in the school, the conversation suddenly changed.

"Just last Friday, on the same day that Huacheng encountered the Beast Tide, our team to the Hope Forest was also attacked by the Beast Tide. In this beast wave, our students showed extraordinary literacy and fought against monsters together with the soldiers of the City Defense Bureau, which was the most valuable lesson before graduation.

Here, I would especially like to praise Xie Ning from the first class of the third year of high school and Mo Yu from the third class of the third year of high school, with their excellent sense of battle and tacit cooperation, they attacked and killed the leader of the beast tide and rescued everyone.

Here, let us first welcome

Shaining and Mo Yu to the front of the stage with warm applause!" The students applauded in surprise, and the applause was thunderous for a while, and then they saw Shaining and Mo Yu walk out of their respective class phalanxes, look at each other and smile, and walk towards the front of the stage.

For Mo Yu, everyone didn't feel anything, but when they saw Xie Ning coming to the stage, they were not calm.

"It's really fake, I clearly remember that his demon is only level 3 of black iron. "

9494, otherwise I wouldn't have been so embarrassed by Li Zhi's eye-catching tiger, in my opinion, it should have been picked up and spilled, and I ran to mend the knife when the demon beast leader was seriously injured." "

Cut, the upstairs classmates look like lemon essence incarnation. What a leak, that's a demon beast that they killed with their real skills!"

"If it weren't for Shainin, our people would have died a long time ago." You don't know how strong Xie Dashen is!"

"The brain-dead fan has appeared, and it is going to be whitewashed.

Today's Xie Ning is no longer the Xie Ning of the past, you will know when you face off against Li Zhi at noon

!"Hmph! A group of frogs

at the bottom of the well!" "You are a frog at the bottom of the well!"

The content of the quarrel gradually deviated, but the eyes of all the classmates were firmly fixed on Xie Ning and Mo Yu.

The principal looked at Xie Ning and Mo Yu who were standing beside him, with a relieved smile on his face, and said, "Now, I invite the representatives of

the city defense army to come to the stage to present the award!" "No, there is also an award from the city defense army!" A

student who experienced the forest beast tide sighed: "My real name is envious, but I know that Xie Dashen deserves this award."

Another student sighed deeply: "Yes, if it weren't for Xie Dashen, let alone us, including the city defense army and the hunting group, all of us would have to die of exhaustion there." "

Hey, what the hell did you go through on Friday?" Some students have been hanging too high and are already starting to go crazy.

"Want to know?" the classmate asked rhetorically.


Girls may not feel much, but the impact of this figure on boys is great.


, one-armed god of war! It turned out to be the one-armed god of war who came to present the award in person!" "Damn! A small school award, and even invited a one-armed general, this is another guardian saint of our flower city!" Even

the students who praised Xie Ning for this award in front of him also retorted on the spot: "It's sour, even if Xie Dashen saved my life on Friday, I'm sour at this moment." I'm just jealous!"

"+1, the incarnation of lemon essence, I can't wait to kill Shainin with citric acid and replace it. "

Hey, you've had enough! What happened last Friday? I just know the acid, but I don't tell the story

!" "I won't tell you!" "


one who slowly walked up to the stage was a burly one-armed middle-aged man, and a Chinese face made his expression more serious, but even so, when he looked at Xie Ning and Mo Yu, his eyes were very gentle.

Especially when he saw Shain, he couldn't help but look at it a few more times, nodded slightly, and looked appreciative.

Don't talk about others, even when Xie Ning saw this one-armed middle-aged man, his heart was not calm.

The one-armed major general - Bian Hu, also known as the one-armed general and the one-armed god of war by the people of Huacheng.

He has been in the army since he was a child, relying on his tiger bravery, from the most ordinary soldier, fighting all the way, in the sea of corpses and blood, standing in the position of a major general, from an ordinary person, fighting to becoming a golden demon master, a black tiger blade, invincible, invincible.

Bian Hu walked up to the stage, nodded slightly under the fanatical and adoring gaze of the student group, and then looked at Shainin, his eyes full of appreciation.

Bian Hu first stretched out his unique left arm, shook hands with Mo Yu and Xie Ning, and then patted Xie Ning on the shoulder: "Young man, great! It's much stronger than when I was young."

Xie Ning scratched his head and smiled, and replied: "I'm far worse than you, you are the idol of the young people in Huacheng." "

Haha~ What an idol, it's just a veteran who is lucky not to die. Bian Hu laughed, sounding very heroic, and after laughing, he returned to a serious expression, turned around, faced the classmates in the audience, and said in a deep voice:

"In order to express the contribution made by Xie Ning and Mo Yu in the 'Hope Forest Defense Beast Tide', our bureau has decided to reward Xie Ning and Mo Yu with 100,000 yuan in cash respectively. In addition, in view of Xie Ning's great behavior of killing strong enemies and saving everyone in this beast tide, he will be rewarded with an additional 10 points to the total score of the college entrance examination. I hope that Xie Ning will continue to maintain it in the future and make greater contributions to the country and the people!"

Bian Hu's words caused an uproar

in the audience! 100,000 yuan in cash is not much, and what really shocked everyone in the audience was the reward of adding 10 points to the total score of the college entrance examination.

The Royal Demon College Entrance Examination, like a new starting point, the higher the college entrance examination score, the higher the opportunity to enter a higher college, with a higher starting point, with these 10 points, as long as the ability is passable, it is difficult to think low from the starting point.

Not to mention the reactions of other strange classmates in the audience, in the same class, Li Zhi's jealousy has burned his eyes red, and he can't wait to have a showdown on stage immediately, of course, he also knows that he must be the unlucky one who is on stage at this time, so he can only think viciously in his heart: "Laugh, the more beautiful this will be, the more embarrassed I will be when I am defeated."

Xie Ning didn't know what Li Zhi was thinking at this time, at this time he suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, with a smile in his eyes, and said to Bian Hu

: "Thank you, General! I will definitely not let the country down! I will not let the people down

!" After Xie Ning finished speaking, Mo Yu followed closely and said: "Me too, so am I, I will definitely win glory for the country in the future!"

"Okay, good~".

After Bian Hu finished speaking, he spoke a few more words on the stage, and when he was about to step down, he whispered a few words to Xie Ning, and then Xie Ning said a few words on the stage and walked off the stage.

When passing by Lu Bingyun's side, Lu Bingyun said with a smile: "Congratulations."

Shainin nodded and walked back to the class phalanx, leaving his classmates with shocked faces.

Isn't it that the confession was rejected

? Why are you still talking?!

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