The demon beasts outside the valley gradually approached, and Xie Ning and Mo Yu both frowned, staring at the heart fire rui.

The white wolf seemed to know that this thing was for himself, so he worked very hard, and a mouthful of flames erupted, never ambiguous.

On the other side, the sonic mantis grabbed a flaw, slashed the monster beast in the cave with one sword, flew back to the ground, and killed the group of poisonous snakes that roamed by.

Under the wave of the two knife arms, the grass flew all over the sky, and there were pieces of snake meat mixed with it, and the smell of the grass was mixed with fishy smell, which filled the air.

Listening to the footsteps of the demon beasts outside the valley getting louder and louder, Xie Ning didn't dare to delay, grabbed Mo Yu's arm and ran towards the stone wall.

"Let's go up first, and I'll leave it to the mantis here.

Mo Yu nodded, struggling to catch up with Xie Ning's pace.

Fortunately, the stone wall was not smooth, and the slope was not vertical, Shainin ran for a while, 'kicked

' and stepped on it, jumped into the cave, turned around, and stretched out his hand: "Come on!"

Mo Yu learned Shainin's way, first run, and then stepped on the raised stone, narrowly reaching Shainin's outstretched arm, and successfully climbed into the cave.

At this time, the group of demon beasts had already rushed closer, and in the dark night, they were like clusters of flames.

It's no wonder they're attracted to the heart fire. This is a group of fire-based fire lions, group monsters, like all fire attribute things, the heart fire is no less than the temptation of catnip to cats.

"Little Mantis, stop this group of lions, don't let them get close to White Fang!" After speaking, Xie Ning looked at the white wolf again, "White Fang, don't stop, continue to breathe fire, breathe fire with maximum strength, the more fierce the better!"

There were more than thirty lions in that group, and it would be a great challenge for the sonic mantis to stop them all. Whenever one breaks through the defense and attacks the white wolf, it will interrupt the blooming of the heart fire, and it will cause damage to the white wolf, bringing hidden dangers to the next evolution.

In the final analysis, the human body is still too crispy, and it will die at the touch of it, and it can't help at all.

Seeing the group of flame lions rushing over, the sonic mantis flew with its arms, and one blade after another smashed into the lions, causing the lions to be chaotic for a while, stacking into several piles, but the few who rushed to the front ignored it and rushed over.

In their eyes, there is only madness at the moment.

When several lions rushed in front of them, the sonic mantis knife arm was suddenly extended, exceeding its own height, it was one meter and a half long, the two long blades crossed and slashed, and the four lion heads rolled to the ground, blood gushed out, splashing half of the sonic mantis' body.

"It's amazing..."Mo Yu was stunned.

Shainin didn't expect that the sonic mantis still had the ability to retract the knife arm.

After killing four of them in one blow, the sonic mantis continued to fire long-range blades, diverting the attention of the lions, flying in mid-air, hanging the lions in circles, if anyone dared to fall behind, it would be a decapitation operation without saying a word.

The white wolf covered by it also breathed flames all the time.

In a short period of time, it became more comfortable with the use of flames, and the color of the flames emitted was slightly darker than before.

With the nourishment of its flames, the heart fire stamen has reached a critical moment, the petals outside have bloomed, only the innermost stamen remains, which is still protected, and this layer of stamens is the purpose of Shainin's trip.

At this time, the smell of the Heart Fire Rui was even stronger, and the lions had already ignored the attack of the Sonic Mantis, and they all came towards the Heart Fire Rui.

Seeing this, the sonic mantis gave up its long-range attack, a dive, and smashed into the lions, blocking the front, its small body, it was able to wrestle with the lions, but the lions won in numbers after all, and the sonic mantis was attacked by the lions or fire or collided or bitten, forcing it to gradually retreat, towards the white wolf.

Seeing this, Xie Ning raised his hand to outline the demon control technique-elemental armoring.

As the Demon Resist technique fell on the Sonic Mantis, the strange energy on its body formed a set of armor invisible to the naked eye under a special combination, providing a certain defense to the Sonic Mantis.

Subsequently, Xie Ning concocted the poison flame needed for evolution with other materials, and he stared at the stamens, counting the seconds in his heart.

"It's now!"

Shainin rushed out of the cave at the moment when the stamen of the Heart Fire Stamen bloomed, dragging the Heart Fire Stamen down the slope.

After landing, he didn't touch the hot stamens, took out the other evolutionary liquids that had been prepared and poured them into the white wolf, and handed the stamens to the white wolf, but at this time his face was a little hesitant, but this hesitation did not last long, and he put it away.

Xie Ning looked at the white wolf with a serious face.

"White Fang, eat this flower, you will start to evolve, but the process is painful, if you get through it, you will become stronger, if you can't get through it, you may get hurt, or even die.

Shainin ultimately chose to let the white wolf make his own decisions.

The evolution of the white wolf is different from that of the sonic praying mantis.

The sonic mantis is alienated, and with the characteristics of the insect system, even if it is painful to transform, it will not be in much danger to life.

But the evolution of the white wolf, Xie Ning chose the origin evolution, as the name suggests, is to evolve the origin of the elements in the body, so that the elements will be transformed, which will cause changes in appearance and ability, which is currently the most suitable for it, but the process will be very painful, and there will be a certain risk, success or failure, related to materials, and also related to will.

The white wolf first turned his head to look at the sonic mantis that was staggering back against the lions for it, and then looked at Xie Ning, who was serious and worried, lowered his head, opened the wolf's mouth, and swallowed the stamen.


In an instant, the fire rose.

The huge flame element ignited in the white wolf's body, and flames overflowed from the seven orifices, sweeping through the whole body, and these flames carried the energy of poisonous flames and heart fire.


the pained white wolf let out a long wolf howl, and at this time, when the moon was in the sky, the bright moonlight sprinkled on it, and burst out with a burst of white light.

The dazzling white light made Xie Ning have to cover his eyes.

The white light of evolution, with unknown changes, is exciting every time it appears, but the fire lion group at this moment does not like this light.

Realizing that their hearts had been eaten, they attacked more fiercely in anger, and their fists were no match for the four-legged sonic mantis, and they were beaten back and wounded, and scars gradually appeared on their bodies.

After all, it is a speed-type demon, and it is still a little difficult to be tough with dozens of demon beasts.

Finally, some of the flame lions broke through the defenses, and the seven lions rushed towards the white wolf in a row, either spitting fire or roaring, showing hideousness.

At this moment, the white light gradually faded, and a huge figure surrounded by flames stepped out of the flames, and the flame of the flame lion fell on it and was directly extinguished.

Seeing seven lions rushing towards him, this white figure burst out with a pillar of crimson fire, ten meters high into the sky, and the two lions that were too close were directly burned into charcoal, and the other five were also burned and retreated.

The white figure glanced at them, then pulled the long tail of the flames, forced back several lions around the sonic mantis, and plunged into the group of lions, and the fire was blazing.

Just now, the sonic praying mantis was guarding it, and now, it's time to change it to protect it!

This figure is the evolved white wolf.

The white body with a crimson fire was invincible among the lions, and even those flame lions were higher in rank than it, but they did not dare to step forward because they were afraid of the flames on its body.

For a while, the lions were scattered and fled, but they didn't run far before they all fell to the ground with a wail.

After forcing back the lions, the figure extinguished the flames and happily pounced towards Shainin!

Only then did Shainin see the system prompt.

[Drip!Evolve successfully!Fire Wolf (Elite Lower)Alienated into Poison White Wolf (Superior Grade)!Gain Evolution Value*10].

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