On the weekend, Xie Ning went to the City Defense Bureau to meet with the one-armed general Bian Hu, and under the attention of several high-ranking officials, cultivators and soldiers of the City Defense Bureau, he evolved into a demon, and the super-level anti-insect evil heart tree, the transcendent-level evil heart tree was born in front of them.

These two dryads are also as Shainin said, in the fight against iron-eating ants, compared with trapping vine trees, it is a qualitative leap.

Looking at the two new dryads, General Bian Hu had no more sadness on his face, not only him, but also the soldiers on the field were excited, at this moment, they couldn't wait to quickly bring the dryads and fight with the iron-eating ants.


evolving the Dryad, Xie Ning bid farewell to General Bian Hu, and left the City Defense Bureau under the send-off of everyone.

Although this time the evolution to trap the dryad consumed more than 400 evolution points when unlocking the evolution plan, he was not distressed, because correspondingly, these evolution plans could help him get 20 credits.

If you lose the evolution points, you can earn again, if you fail the college entrance examination this time and fail to enter Lingnan College, it will be a big loss.

However, because of this incident, Xie Ning sighed even more at the lack of flowering of the evolution point.

Riding the poisonous white wolf galloping on the suburban demon road, which is improved by the original road, the ground is hard, and can support the running of most demons without breaking.

The poisonous white wolf was galloping on the high-speed demon road, and a white ape suddenly turned up from a position more than a hundred meters in front of him, blocking in front of the white wolf, and then a green bone weasel slipped from the air and blocked behind the poisonous white wolf.

The poisonous white wolf braked the wolf sharply, drawing a few gray-black traces on the ground, and the wolf stared at the white ape in front of him, his eyes showing a fierce light.

Xie Ning looked around and shouted, "Who is it?" "

Hehe~ The so-called mantis king turned out to be a hairy boy. An old voice sounded, and from behind the figure of the white ape, a hunchbacked old man with white hair emerged.

Thinking of the old man's words, Xie Ning narrowed his eyes and asked, "Are you from the

Black Market Gladiatorial Arena?" "Black Market Gladiatorial Arena, listen, what an ugly name." It's just a colloquial name you've given us, and we prefer to call ourselves Demon Hunting Grounds. The old man, on crutches, walked to the edge of the railing, jumped to sit on the railing, which was not too low, and pointed at Shainin with his crutches.

"Originally, you had good potential and were qualified to be the killer of our division, but unfortunately you still have a relationship with the town guard, so it can only make you interesting and get out of here, I didn't expect you to be a ruthless character, don't suffer a loss." Not to mention the devil mantis who killed us, he also burned the janitor.

Xie Ning looked at the two imperial demons blocking the road in front and behind, and asked, "Then you are here to settle accounts today?"

"Almost." Killing must not dare to kill you, killing people in this city is a very troublesome thing. But your two demons, we'll laugh it off. As

soon as the old man's words fell, the green bone weasel and the white ape rushed towards Xie Ning.

Xie Ning didn't think about it, with a flick of his hand, the summoning array that had been prepared in secret was issued, and the sonic mantis blocked the green bone ferret, and at the same time, Xie Ning jumped down and landed on the ground, handing over the white ape in front of him to the poisonous white wolf to deal with.

When the poisonous white wolf pounced on the white ape, the sonic mantis and the green bone weasel had already exchanged hands, and the two speed-type royal demons were inseparable from each other for a while, the sonic mantis was fast, and they comprehended the trembling, and the green bone weasel had a high level, enough to have silver level 1.

Silver level 1, this is the limit level that the sonic mantis can play without talent, and if it encounters a silver-level speed-type demon, it will be dangerous.

On the other hand, the poisonous white wolf is of the same level as the white ape, both are bronze level 1, and no one can help anyone for a while.

"What a powerful praying mantis, he actually comprehended the trembling, and he didn't fall behind when he beat the 7th level. Boy, why don't we make a deal and give me this demon, and I'll help you calm things down this time?" the old man looked at the sonic mantis with a greedy look in his eyes.

"For the old disrespectful old guy, in that case..."Xie Ning twisted his neck and walked towards the old man, "Let me teach you how to be a peaceful old man." "

What do you want to do!" The old man felt his body light, and he was actually picked up by Xie Ning with one hand, and he immediately panicked.

"What are you doing, young man, you can't help but talk about martial virtues

!" "Hey, hey, so good young man! I can sue you if you do this!" A

casserole-sized fist enlarged in front of the old man.

In the next few minutes, the old man's screams sounded on the Demon Expressway.

After finishing the work, Xie Ning picked up the old man from the ground again, helped him stand firmly, patted his twitching shoulder, and whispered: "Old man, you are getting a lot of age, it's time to retire." In my opinion, you're not suitable for robbing homes and houses, so you might as well quit, or else... I'm going to beat you up.

At this time, the old man had been beaten and whined, where could he care about retorting, and his head nodded like an old chicken pecking rice.

On the other side, the battle of the demon was already over, and the green bone weasel and the white ape couldn't break through the defensive circle, so they could only watch their master being beaten in frustration, without any will to fight.

At this moment, the roar of a car came from the lane behind him, gradually approaching.

There was a braking sound, and heavily armed soldiers rushed over to control the scene.

"Xiao Xie, what's going on?"

This is the team of the City Defense Bureau, led by Xie Ning's old acquaintance, Wang Biao, the captain of the Wang Captain who once hoped for the forest.

"This old man is a person from the black market dueling arena, a bronze peak demon master, and a demon has broken through the silver level..."

Wang Biao knew that Xie Ning's praying mantis was very powerful, but he was not surprised, but when he saw the poisonous white wolf that Xie Ning was riding, he couldn't help but sigh: "I haven't seen you for a few days, and you have become a real bronze demon master, I am really envious."

"Brother Wang has won the award, I'm just lucky. Shainin replied with a smile.

Then the two chatted briefly and asked about the details of the incident, and with a wave of their hands, they handcuffed the old man and his two demons with special handcuffs.

In order to avoid Xie Ning's accident again, Wang Biao also arranged a military vehicle to escort him back.

Before leaving, Wang Biao pulled Xie Ning aside and whispered: "Be careful of the people in the black market gladiatorial arena, this organization is not simple, you will avoid the limelight for a while in the next period." "

Well, I remembered, thank you, Brother Wang. Shainin nodded seriously. He is not a pretentious person, and he will avoid it when he should avoid it.

Subsequently, Wang Biao escorted the old man back, and Xie Ning also put away the two imperial demons and drove towards his home in the car of the city defense army.

On the way, Xie Ning suddenly received a call from Lu Bingyun.

"Hey, Xie Ning?"

Xie Ning replied, "It's me, Bingyun, what's wrong?"

"I heard a news, the mad hunting group will be back tonight, you have to be careful." Lu Bingyun's tone was full of worry.

Hearing this, Xie Ning frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Xie Ning, are you listening?" Lu Bingyun's voice on the other end of the phone was a little anxious.

Shainin came back to his senses and replied, "I'm listening." Sorry for the distraction. Don't worry, I'll take care of it, don't worry.

After chatting a few words else, just hung up the phone, Mo Yu's phone called again, and the content was the same.

Shainin replied briefly, then hung up the phone and began to think about what would happen next.

The madman hunting group is back, and Uncle Wang should fool them to kill him, but is it really so easy to fool the head of a group?

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