Time passed day

by day, and in the blink of an eye, a week had passed.

Today is an extremely important day for China, and it is also a turning point in the fate of tens of millions of senior high school students -- the college entrance examination!

The media throughout the country are ready to report first-hand news with long guns and short guns, and all kinds of preliminary drafts; the people are also busy paying attention to any movement on the Internet, and even foreign magazines and newspapers have set their sights on China.

At this time, at the gate of Huacheng 72 Middle School, there was a row of elite soldiers of the city defense army, and there was a bronze-level wolf squatting next to each person, these wolf warriors were motionless, like sculptures, but the tense muscles and the strength of the momentum made people have no doubt, but if anyone got closer, they would immediately show their fierce appearance.

The sunlight shone on the bodies of these soldiers, as if pouring a layer of copper skin on them, and it looked even more solemn.

Directly opposite the gate, in a huge square, stood hundreds of students, most of them reciting the knowledge of demon beasts, intending to sharpen their guns in battle. Further out, outside the line of defense, many parents stood there, looking forward to it.

If you pay close attention, you can find that most parents waiting outside the venue are actually more nervous than the candidates.

Every year in the college entrance examination, some geniuses will be exposed, and these characters, as long as there are no accidents, will be the mainstay of a country in a few years, and individual Tianjiao even has the opportunity to become big figures who influence one side.

Not to mention, Lu Yimin, the current town guard of Huacheng, was admitted to Lingnan College and rose in Lingnan College.

With such a living example around, it is no wonder that these parents who want their sons to become dragons and phoenixes are so nervous and eager to do so.

Therefore, every year's college entrance examination has attracted much attention, and people are speculating who this year's pride of heaven will be.

"Wow! That's a lot of people.

A crisp voice sounded from the corner, and the girl in a cool summer dress looked at the boy next to her, "Great god, I didn't expect it to be so spectacular, even the city defense army was dispatched."

When she spoke, the two ponytails were still flicked one by one, although she did not apply powder, and there were still some fine beads of sweat on her face, but it did not affect her agility at all, like a fairy lost in the world in summer.

This girl is Mo Yu, and the one she calls the great god is naturally Shainin.

Xie Ning also glanced at the crowd, and was not surprised by the crowded crowd, but he still said angrily: "Aren't you already exempted from the exam?

I didn't expect it to be quite grand, so I regretted applying for exemption from the exam.

Xie Ning shook his head helplessly, fortunately, this examination room is not an examination room for the assessment of cultivators, otherwise if he said this, Mo Yu would have to be abused and killed a thousand times with his eyes.

Coming to the outside of the red line and showing his admission ticket, Xie Ning walked inside, while Mo Yu stayed outside the red line.

Compared with those candidates who were sharpening their guns, Xie Ning's reaction was much more flat, he looked at the crowd and found a place where there were not many people to stand.

But at this moment, a gentle inquiry sounded

: "Excuse me, are you called Shaining?"

Xie Ning turned his head to look, nodded slightly, and replied: "I am Shainin." Classmate, do you have anything wrong?" The

other party was a blonde and white-faced, but with a typical Chinese face, and he looked very clean, and he was looking at Xie Ning with a kind smile at the moment.

The boy smiled slightly: "Hello, my name is Jin Feng, I have heard rumors about you before, even the Bronze Level 4 Evil Eye Black Tiger can be defeated, it is really powerful."

"Thanks, it's just luck, it's nothing. Xie Ning shook his head and replied.

At this time, two people who were watching left and right saw Jin Feng, so they came over and complained: "Jin Feng, why did you come here, it made it easy for me to find Yingying."

Xie Ning looked back, the person who came was also a boy, not tall, with a single hair, dark complexion, and a backpack on his back, at this time he was looking at Jin Feng helplessly, and beside him, there was also a girl who was exquisitely dressed and had a proud look in her eyebrows.

Jin Feng scratched his head when he saw someone coming: "I'm sorry, I just saw the legendary classmate Xie Ning, and I couldn't help but come over to say hello, so you have been waiting for a long time." The

person who was talking to Jin Feng followed Jin Feng's gaze and looked at Xie Ning, with doubts in his eyes, obviously he didn't know Xie Ning, and the girl next to him also frowned and shook her head.

"Shainin, what a legend, I haven't heard of it. The boy said truthfully.

Shainin smiled and did not speak.

"This is my friend, Ye Chong, and the girl next to me is the proud daughter of the third middle school, Zhan Yingying. Jin Feng introduced a few people, "And this is the man of the year in Huacheng No. 1 Middle School, Xie Ning." He is the one who received the score of the college entrance examination awarded by the city defense army.

"Just him, I don't look like it. Ye Chong looked suspicious.

Xie Ning smiled: "Hello."

Ye Chong ignored Xie Ning, pulled Jin Feng away, and nagged as he walked: "I said you, what are you looking for a genius for, and besides, where is this person like, it doesn't look like a genius."

"How can you say that..."

Zhan Yingying, who was on the side, had a cold face, nodded and turned to leave, and went with the two, and the voice of the conversation gradually faded away.

Shainin shrugged.

Soon, the time reached half past eight and began to enter the examination room.

The soldiers at the door withdrew with the wolf warrior to both sides, the gate slowly opened, and a group of students swarmed in, and some began to run, looking for their classrooms, even Ye Chong and the others who saw him in front were no exception.

Xie Ning walked unhurriedly, quickly found his classroom, and after verifying his identity, he entered the classroom and waited, coincidentally, he was in the same class as Ye Chong.

The two were also stunned when they met, but they didn't say anything.

When the exam starts, everyone starts working on the questions.

This subject exam is very similar to the assessment of the cultivator, but compared with the written examination of the cultivator, it is much simpler, after all, no matter how strict the college entrance examination is, it is only a threshold from high school to university, and the test questions will not exceed the outline, and the assessment of the cultivator, even if it is primary, also represents a kind of strength and honor.

While others were still thinking hard, Xie Ning was already struggling to write, and in the classroom, his writing voice was the most abrupt.

Ye Chong was originally struggling with a question, and when he was about to think of it faintly, he was distracted by Xie Ning's loud writing voice, and his aura disappeared instantly, and he glared at Xie Ning with a distressed expression.

"Candidates don't look at others, do the questions honestly. The

examiner's voice sounded, and Ye Chong was so frightened that he quickly turned his head and sat up straight, so frightened that his forehead sweated slightly.

Shainin didn't know what was happening, it was just over half an hour, and he had already finished writing.

These test questions are not easy for a high school student, but they are a little too easy for Shain, who has evolved many times and received knowledge feedback.

After finishing the question, Shain, who had nothing to do, did the same thing again.

Get down on your stomach and sleep.


At the same time, in the monitoring room, three examiners from 72 Middle School were in front of the monitoring monitor, watching everyone's performance.

The three examiners were from the City Defense Bureau, the Cultivation Association and the Huacheng officials, and the person who was immediately assigned by the Cultivation Association turned out to be Lin Yangqiu, the president.

The person from the City Defense Bureau, the image is just like his identity, wearing camouflage uniforms, standing there majestically, with a serious expression, and a scar from his forehead to his cheek makes him look a little hideous.

When the officer noticed Xie Ning's examination room at this time, he couldn't help frowning, quite disappointed.

"Captain Li, is something going on?" The representative of the Huacheng officials was a middle-aged woman dressed plainly and with her hair coiled.

"He must be referring to the sleeping student in exam room 21. Lin Yangqiu said with a smile.

He had already discovered Shainin's traces, and paid more attention to Shainin, and as he expected, he had done it while the others were still distressed.

"Yes, I didn't expect the president to notice it too, it's this student. Everyone else is trying to write, but this student gave up early, which has to be a pity. Participating in the Royal Demon College Entrance Examination is not a treatment that every child has, and if you don't know how to cherish it, you will regret it in the future. Team Lee nodded, pointing to one of the monitors.

The woman with the hair also found out, and couldn't help but shake her head: "Yes, how many talented children can't participate because of their family background, and they miss this life-changing opportunity." This student, it's a pity..."

"Haha~ Don't be too pessimistic, maybe this test paper is too simple for him?" Lin Yangqiu laughed.

Team Li and the woman with the hair smiled bitterly and did not respond.

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