Shainin didn't know what was going on, and at this time he was walking on the way back to the outer forest.

Although he had beaten more than twenty venom toads just now, none of them had reached the bronze level and had not obtained any evolution value, so on the way back, when he encountered a bronze-level demon beast, Xie Ning would not let it go.

First, you can get evolution value, and secondly, you can familiarize the sonic mantis with its body.

The reason why some people say that cultivating the demon is the right of the rich is because the cultivation process of each demon costs a lot of money, and Xie Ning is just a casual player in this world, and he needs to find a way to get more money to ensure his evolutionary needs.

And the fastest way to make money is to become a cultivator and help others evolve the demon, and what is needed for this thing is a large amount of evolution value.

Stop-and-go, kill seventeen, counting the skipping kills, have gained 24 evolution points, plus the previous gains, a total of 133 evolution points.


"Let's go, let's see. With that, Shainin and the sonic mantis rushed in the direction of the sound.

Passing through many trees, I followed the sound to a huge banyan tree.

This banyan tree is more than three meters wide and nearly 100 meters high, and there are not many leaves on its dense branches, which makes it look a little bald. Layers of cobwebs hung haphazardly on the branches.


A mass of white, unrecognizable monsters was glued to a spider's web, struggling violently, and the cry came from its mouth.

"Good guy, you can hear it from hundreds of meters away, there is no one who wants to survive!" Xie Ning couldn't help but sigh.

[Demon Beast Name] Fire Wolf (Albino Mutation)

[Demon Beast Rank] Elite Lower Grade

[Demon Beast Level] Black Iron Level 4

[Demon Beast Attributes] Fire [Demon Beast Weakness] Water [Demon Beast

Status] Endangered, Toxin Invasion (Treatment: 1. Take ...


Demon Beast Talent] No [Demon Beast Introduction] The cub of the Golden Demon Beast Red Fire Wolf King (Lord), due to congenital mutation, snow-white hair and low quality, was expelled from the wolf clan by the Red Fire Wolf King, wandering alone, and its resolute character is destined not to be resigned to ordinary.

【Evolution Route】The

next generation of 7 lord-level demon beasts will normally be extraordinary or lord-level, and a few will have the rank of monarch when they are just born due to the favorable time and place.

In contrast, this fire wolf cub is a disgrace to the clan to some extent. And this mutated coat color will also be regarded as an outlier.

Seeing this lonely cub struggling, even Xie Ning, who was still hunting demon beasts a moment ago, was moved by compassion.

It's ironic to say that people hate the tide of beasts besieging the city, and they want to die all of them, and on the other hand, they feel pity for a fallen demon beast cub. As for why this happened, Shainin didn't know, he could only follow his inner feelings to do it, strange or not, that's another story.

Shainin wanted to save the demon beast cub, but he didn't act immediately, and his eyes looked around the entire tree, especially those hidden places.

Sure enough, after a while, I heard a "ding" sound.

[Demon Beast Name] Poisonous Tarantula

[Demon Beast Grade] Excellent Inferior Grade

[Demon Beast Level] Bronze Level 3 [Demon Beast Attributes] Poison [Demon Beast Weakness] Fire [Demon

Beast Status] Predatory [



Introduction] Spiders who are good at casting nets to poison are poisonous and have strong toxins and average strength, and often rely on sneak attacks to win.

[Evolutionary route]....

As Shainin discovered the hiding place of the poisonous spider, the sonic mantis also dispatched, flexibly avoiding the dense cobwebs between the flapping of its wings and coming to a high place.

Just as the poisonous tarantula was about to attack, the sonic mantis's figure flashed, and it quietly came to the back of the poisonous tarantula.


a hissing roar, the poisonous spider fell from the branch and landed on its own web, twitching its eight legs a few times, and finally stopped.

The sonic mantis successfully kills the highly poisonous tarantula, crosses level 2, and gains 3 evolution points. This

is the most aggrieved demon beast that Xie Ning has encountered so far.

After killing the venomous tarantula, the Sonic Mantis also brought the little wolf cub down.

The little wolf cub is snow-white, small, and can hold it in one hand, its breath is weak, its eyes are closed, it seems to know that it is out of the cobwebs, and it does not howl loudly, but it is also humming unconsciously, with a painful expression, and its legs kick unconsciously around.

The size of this little wolf cub coupled with its pitiful appearance is cute to the extreme, and it can easily charm a group of little girls.

"It's not doing well, and the breath is getting weaker and weaker. The

sound of the sonic praying mantis sounded from consciousness.

Shainin nodded, looked at the treatment plan, and then quickly acted with the sonic mantis.

Soon, in the humble environment of the wild, Shainin made a very simple herbal paste and stuffed it into the little wolf cub, only to be spit out by the little wolf cub.

"Little cub, do you still want to live?" Xie Ning stared at the little wolf cub and frowned, "If you want to live, take these medicines!

Xie Ning looked at the tenacious appearance of the little wolf cub, couldn't help laughing, touched its head, and said: "The will to survive is quite strong, if you can survive, my second partner will be you." "

With the demon beast evolution system, Xie Ning doesn't need to choose how high the level of demon beasts is like others, he can evolve a demon beast that suits him according to his own preferences.

In the meantime, Shainin hugged the little wolf cub and quickly walked towards the outer forest with the sonic mantis.

The effect of the herb is good, although it failed to make the little wolf cub recover, and the breath is still very weak, but it has finally stabilized and no longer deteriorates.

As long as he waits back, he will be able to buy more medicinal herbs and heal his injuries.

The medicinal herbs that grow in this forest are still too limited.


In the afternoon, Shainin returned to the meeting point in the outer forest.

Most of the people have already arrived, and everyone has a demon by their side, and obviously the classmates who don't have the demon have found a demon beast that suits them in the forest.

Although when he was about to arrive at the meeting point, Xie Ning took the sonic mantis back into the contract space, but he was also a figure in the last two days of No. 1 Middle School, not to mention that at this time he was still holding a little wolf cub in his arms, which made all the girls have red hearts and almost turn over.

"Shainin, what are you..."The squad leader looked at Shainin with some confusion.

Shainin smiled and replied, "Old class, this is the little guy I rescued in the forest. The

squad leader nodded, and said with a serious face: "I see, it's not like giving up the demon partner." "

The demon is not irreplaceable, many people in the process of growing up, in order to pursue the strength of the power, often in the later stage will replace the demon that has not been able to upgrade in the early stage, this behavior has been condemned in the Demon International Alliance, but there are still countless people making the choice of replacement.

As for the fate of those demons who have been terminated from their contracts, few people care.

People call the demon beast that has not been contracted a demon beast, and the demon beast after the contract is called a demon, but what is the name of a demon who has terminated

the contract after the contract? The reason why the squad leader cares about this is because his demon is a demon that has been

abandoned by others, and he knows very well the inner feelings of the abandoned demon.

Xie Ning is also a person who knows these experiences of the old class, so he has no dissatisfaction, but replied seriously: "My imperial demons are my partners, and I will not abandon them." The

squad leader smiled with satisfaction.

At this time, the squad leader was suddenly called by the teacher, along with the squad leaders of several other classes and the head of the hunting group.

After a while, the squad leader came back with a calm face and brought back a piece of news - Huacheng was attacked by a beast tide!

Suddenly there was an uproar, everyone was talking, some people were uneasy, some were afraid, and some people with big brains began to think about the plot of survival in the apocalypse.


can this be?" "What happened to the flower city?What about the old town

?" "What level is the beast tide this time

??" "What should I do, can I go back?"


the noisy and noisy crowd, the squad leader shouted loudly again: "Everyone, be quiet! Listen to me, things are not so bad."

After everyone quieted down, he continued: "According to the news I received, the beast tide is only silver-level, and it has been repelled two hours ago, and they have not been able to attack the city, and your family is safe!" "

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay..."

"Although the city is safe, the danger factor in the field is much higher," the squad leader looked around and pointed to the officer at the entrance of the forest, "In order to prevent being attacked by the small wave beasts when we go back, the city guards stationed in the forest will send soldiers to escort us."

Hearing this, everyone was completely relieved, in the eyes of many of them, with the escort of officers, they were safe, and slept all the way back to Huacheng.

Shainin thought so at first, but when he looked at the few people at the entrance of the forest, he felt a little wrong.

Whether it was the leader of the team, the forest guard officer, or the leader of the hunting group, their faces were not relaxed, but a little heavy.

turned his gaze to the squad leader again, and felt that the situation was wrong.

Because even the squad leader who sent this news had an ugly expression.

"Old class, what's the truth? Shainin pulled the squad leader aside and asked in a low voice.

The squad leader was surprised, then looked left and right, saw that no one was coming, and took Shainin farther away, and then told the truth.

It turned out that the news was true, but the situation was a little more serious.

The beast tide was defeated, but the scattered multiple small beast tides scattered and attacked everywhere, one of them happened to be coming to the Hope Forest, and on the way back, there was a certain chance that they would encounter this beast tide.

What I just said is just a preventive shot, so that students can be mentally prepared.

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