Leaving the laboratory, the demon cat girl and Long Xue'er found a place to fight, to which Xie Ning and Long Xiao could only smile bitterly.

"Forget it, let them go. As

they spoke, they went to a reception room.

Along the way, Long Xiao also knew Shainin's purpose and sent someone to retrieve relevant information.

While waiting for information in the room, the two talked about the situation in the country of Miri.

"Speaking of the person you're looking for, you've come to our branch in the right place.

"How do you say that?"

"The country of Mili is governed by a number of states, each with a governor, who has the highest power and is in charge of the life and death of the people.

Long Xiao said, looking at Xie Ning, who nodded, agreeing with these words.

"And the person you're looking for, the force she belongs to is in this Los Angeles state. Long Xiao pointed his hand to the ground.

Xie Ning raised his eyebrows slightly, not because she was in Los Angeles, but because she finally got some definite news.

"Unlike other states, it is not the governor who is really in charge here, but countless large and small forces, among which there are three major forces," Long Xiao said with a serious face, "They are the St. Albert Group, the Catholic Order, and the Nine-Headed Alliance.

Shainin watched intently, chewing on the names of these three forces over and over again in his mind.

"Let me first talk about the St. Albert Group," Long Xiao said, "The Albert Group was originally called the Tang Group, which was jointly founded by the Mo family and its partners, and later for some reasons, the group changed, and Gals Albert took power, and changed its name to the St. Albert Group.

Shainin: "..."Tang

Group, Mo Family... It seems that this is what Xiaoyu said, the power created by his parents, and it was the changes that happened in the group later that made the sisters slaves.

Long Xiao continued: "Then there is the Lord's Society, this force has always seemed to have no quarrel with anyone, in fact, it has dealings with the other two forces, it is the most mysterious organization, we suspect that this organization is the branch of the Fallen Demon Master in the country of Miri, but there has been no evidence. "

Until that list," he looked at Xie Ning appreciatively, and said seriously, "You used the address that the artifact copied, I checked the map of Los Angeles Prefecture and confirmed the branch of the Fallen Demon Master, and sure enough, there are them!" "The Fallen Demon

Master, your hands are really long. Shainin said in a deep voice.

He clearly remembered that at the beginning, not only Hua Guo and Mili Country, but almost the entire Earth Star was shrouded, and only a quarter of the land in Hua Guo was removed.

"And what about another force?" asked Shainin.

"The Nine-Headed Alliance, this is the only force formed by the Chinese among the three forces.

Xie Ning was slightly stunned.

"But," Long Xiao said, "this is not a force that does good things. His gang leader is in the territory of China, relying on his strength to run rampant, and the evil things he has done are too numerous to mention, and all the wicked people in China you know can be called good people compared to him. This guy was later pursued in Huaguo and fled to Mili Kingdom.

"I guess he's very popular here. "

Not bad. Long Xiao nodded, "There have been many contradictions between the country of Mili and us since ancient times, and if our country opposes it, they will agree. The prisoners of our country are about to become 'honorary citizens' in them.

Shainin had a 'sure way' expression on his face.

"And where is she?"

Shainin's heart sank.

In other words, she is actually under the command of a fallen demon master.

There was a knock on the door, and a man walked in, holding a bag of papers.

Long Xiao took it and handed it to Shain, "Her information."

Xie Ning took the bag, just untied the rope, and was about to take out the materials, when someone knocked at the door.

The visitor said with a strange expression: "Boss Long, those dozen gangs in Kirkwall Town have brought people over, surrounded our manor, and threatened us to hand over the hijacked senior cultivators. "

How is the strength?"

"There are more than three hundred people in total, and the strongest is 17 gold-level demon masters. Hearing

this, Xie Ning looked at Long Xiao strangely and said, "A place where there are at least three platinum-level people is surrounded by more than a dozen gold-level people?"

"No way," Long Xiao blinked and said with an innocent face, "We are just a small gang that is not in the stream, and it is only a little stronger than those gangs in the city."

"Are you sure it's a little bit?" Shainin asked rhetorically.

"Of course. "

Are you sure it's not a billion points?"

"How is it possible, we are weak, look at the people in this town, they don't pay much attention to us." Long Xiao said, the momentum on his body gradually emerged, and then slowly lowered, in a breath, pressed to give people a feeling of golden primary.

Shainin: "... I have a saying that my mother sells batches, and I don't know whether to say it or not. "


When Xie Ning and Long Xiao came to the outside of the manor, they were already surrounded by a large group of people, led by the dozen or so leaders in the tavern in the town.

"What about the demon cat and Xue'er?" asked Long Xiao's partner who had taken a step to the gate of the manor.

The latter replied: "It's still fighting, and I'll come back after the fight."

Long Xiao nodded, looked at the more than ten people who came around, couldn't help but smile, and asked in pure Milli language: "So many people are surrounding my Zhenhua Gang, is there something wrong?"

"Hmph! Dragon, you know." One man in church attire said, "We're here for the gentleman next to you." "

Your Excellency Senior Cultivator, he was taken away by your sister, and I advise you to hand him over, I don't want us to have an unpleasant quarrel. The person who was in the suit and leather shoes before, and was rejected by Shainin, took over.

"Not bad. The man in church attire nodded.

Long Xiao quietly translated the words to Xie Ning, and the two looked at each other and held back a smile.

"This is a bit embarrassing," Long Xiao said, "I remember that two little girls invited Mr. Cultivator to be guests, how did it become a hostage?

You guys are too ugly, and it's not crooked, so he doesn't want to?"

Long Xiao said this with a smile, and refused to translate it for Xie Ning.

The people on the other side were obviously displeased when they heard this, especially the lip nail woman who tried to hook up with Xie Ning before, but was preempted by the second daughter, her face was directly blackened.

The two sides argued, Long Xiao talked to more than a dozen people opposite for a while, and finally looked at Xie Ning, who was a little confused.

"It's up to me what I'm doing? There's no line for me here. Shainin blinked.

Long Xiao said: "The other side asked you if you have any protection now, if not, would you like to accept the PY transaction?" Although they are men, they are willing to contribute their PY to you.

Xie Ning's eyes widened, and his eyes bulged.

Long Xiao nodded seriously, with a smile on his face.

Without waiting for Xie Ning to answer, from inside the manor, a murderous voice sounded.

"Niang Xipi! The woman will rob me, and the man will want to rob me! The old lady will kill you!!"

Then a female cat rushed out with monstrous killing intent, first flipped Long Xiao and Xie Ning who were standing at the door and had not yet reacted into the air, and then crashed into the crowd, hitting people on their backs, the scene was chaotic and quite bloody.

Long Xiao quickly stood up and rushed towards the manor.

"Let's go!".

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