Looking at Xie Ning and Li Zhi who suddenly appeared, everyone's reactions were different.

On the side of the fallen demon master, one by one, their faces changed like a trick, and they knew very well what the appearance of Xie Ning and Li Zhi meant.

The strong people in Huacheng are more happy and confused.

Lin Yangqiu looked at Li Zhi and asked in surprise, "Isn't this kid dead?"

The town guard said with a smile: "This is thanks to Xie Xiaoyou." Everyone

looked at Shainin in unison, even the Fallen Demon Master was no exception.

Xie Ning shrugged his shoulders and replied with a smile: "This is also something that can't be helped, Wang Jin and a fallen demon master... It's you, you two are plotting right under my nose how to kill someone to blame me, and of course I can't let you get your wish. The

Fallen Demon Master, who was pointed at by Xie Ning, felt everyone's gaze, and his face turned red.

"I see, I see,"

Li Yongchang muttered to himself, with tears in his eyes.

The joy of regaining it made him, a person who is over half a hundred years old, cry all over the year.

Only then did a few people in Huacheng understand the reason for Li Yongchang's rebellion.

The Fallen Demon Master obviously also realized that Li Yongchang could no longer be used for himself, and several people rose up one after another, but not externally, but towards Li Yongchang, who was surrounded in the middle at some point.

However, this sudden scene did not succeed, I saw Li Yongchang summon a smoke monster into his body, turned into smoke and disappeared, and appeared in the camp of Huacheng in the next second.

Li Yongchang didn't pay attention to the Fallen Demon Master's side, but instead faced the town guard envoy and lowered his head, "Lord the town guard envoy, I hope it's too late for me to repent now."

"I'm waiting for you. The warden replied.

Li Yongchang nodded, looked at Xie Ning, took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry, I misunderstood before."

"I forgive you, but there are conditions for saving your son, you just need to talk to your son."


After saying a few words, Huacheng was overjoyed.

The addition of Li Yongchang is not only as simple as giving us one more help and one less help for the enemy, but more importantly, without the suppression of the Prison Tiger, the Ice Lion King can exert his platinum-level strength, which is the key factor that determines success or failure.

The fallen demon masters on the other side had extremely difficult faces.

The leader's face was gloomy, and there was a fierce killing intent in his eyes, but he didn't make a move, but said: "Xie family, you are indeed very powerful, you can even escape from Wang Jin's hands."

Xie Ning replied: "Escaping is nothing, not only Wang Jin, but also a hundred or so of your subordinates have all died in the secret realm, if the two sides of the underworld are connected, you will soon be able to see them."

Subsequently, Shainin roughly recounted what happened in the secret realm.

When they learned that hundreds of fallen demon masters had entered the secret realm to hunt the candidates, everyone was even more furious, and one by one the momentum surged, intertwined together, forming an invisible tornado, blowing smoke and sand in all directions, and the swords were tense.

"But don't worry, the hundred or so enemies are already dead, and the candidates are almost fine, and they are rushing to Flower City to support the fight against the beast tide, and reinforcements from other cities will also arrive soon.

"Okay, okay, it's okay. Lin Yangqiu said hello again and again, and let out a sigh of relief.

The same goes for several others.

"Xie Xiaoyou, there should be hidden signal jammers in the city, you have to go and destroy those shields, leave it to us here."

Xie Ning nodded, and then rode the poisonous white wolf and ran in the opposite direction of the battlefield.

The leader of the Fallen Demon Master erupted at this time, coming straight towards Shain, and on the other side, his Demon Golden Python also killed Shainin.



" The town guard envoy and the general of the border tiger stopped together, and said categorically:

"Your opponent is me!"

The north gate of the flower city.

Overlooking the city wall, the endless corpses of demon beasts fell to the ground horizontally and vertically, endlessly, the whole land was stained red with blood, and some corpses were directly piled up, broken bones, broken claws or something, and thrown on the ground at will.

The demon beasts killed by the city defense army are no less than tens of thousands, but even so, those demon beasts are still one after another, and they don't know what fear is.

"Damn! These demon beasts can't be killed no matter how much they kill!"

"Sir, a new wave of demon beasts is gathering thousands of kilometers away, and they are the wind wolves, most of them are at level 6~9 of black iron, and there are level 4 bronze in the lead.

"Keep scouting, keep an eye on the right and left, and don't get some bastards running up the walls." As

he spoke, Qian Long, the person in charge of the city defense army, rolled up the rolling sand with a spear, piercing more than a dozen demon beasts that had just climbed the city wall, and then swept away, and the yellow sand killed the remaining dozen demon beasts within 100 meters in front.

"One minute! Hurry up and rest, and then when you are busy.

After Qian Long finished speaking, the soldiers on the city wall lay down on the spot, without delaying for a second, and applied plasters to their hands while drinking water.

The opponent's demon beast must use the demon hunting gun, but although the special demon hunting gun is powerful, the side effects are also great, just now there have been hundreds of soldiers who have been stunned, even if there are no stunned, the hands are numb, the head is a little heavy, and even occasionally a few veterans who have made the gun for many years are shocked and vomited.

Now 1 minute is short, but it's enough for them to ease.

The 1 minute was quickly over, and the soldiers stood up again, one by one, with indomitable determination, and once again shouldered the demon hunting guns, aiming at the storm wolves that had rushed within three hundred meters.

At this time, the battlefield below was also emptied by Qian Long, and he jumped up and continued to defend it.

Just as he was about to give the order and launch an attack, he heard a lion's roar in the forest.


Then it can be seen with the naked eye, about a distance of thousands of miles, a strong frost broke out in the gathering place of the wind wolves, freezing the wind wolves within a radius of hundreds of meters, and then a group of people and horses stepped over, smashing the wind wolves to pieces, and came towards the north gate.

Qian Long narrowed his eyes and looked at the team carefully.

At this moment, a star bird and a thunderfly flew out of the group, and they hurried towards the city wall first.

"Don't shoot!" With

Qian Long's order, the two imperial demons successfully landed on the city wall, and two students jumped from it, it was Lan Yu and Zhan Yingying.

Zhan Yingying said: "We are the team of candidates for the secret realm trial, and we have come to support Huacheng.

"At present, there are 3,541 people in the team, and more candidates are still on their way. Sapphire reported the number.

Hearing the news, Qian Long was overjoyed.

Although the students have not been tempered by many bullets and blood, these candidates, each of whom is a demon master, can play a big role in the face of the relatively weak beast tide, and with the soldiers, it can also relieve a lot of pressure on the soldiers.

"Very good! You are all good! On behalf of the city defense army, I thank you for coming!" Qian Long saluted seriously, and then shouted: "Aim at the demon beasts and cover the team to enter

the city!" "Yes!"

The arrival of reinforcements made the soldiers full of momentum, and they were full of enthusiasm!

The team of 3,000 candidates, under the leadership of Lu Bingyun, quickly rushed back to the city and came to the city wall.

Except for some of the soldiers who had just vomited and needed to slow down for a while, the others had already thrown themselves into the fight, replacing the next few soldiers who were already exhausted to the limit.

There are also some candidates who are arranged to go to the city to clean up the fish that have slipped through the net.

"I didn't expect it to be Lu Yatou, the team you led, but it really has the demeanor of your father when he was young. Okay..."

Qian Long looked at Lu Bingyun, who was directing the candidate's actions, and couldn't help but sigh.

When Lu Bingyun heard this, he replied with a smile: "Uncle Qian, you have won the award, I am just assisting in the command, and the captain is not me."

"Oh, among the young generation in this flower city, there is someone who can make you willing to be a green leaf, and I am even more curious about who that person is." "

He, you should have seen it," Lu Bingyun said this, glancing out of the corner of his eye, he couldn't help laughing, and pouted, "Oh, that's it."

Qian Long turned his head to look: "Hey! It's this little slippery head who ignores people!".

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