The gold-level momentum made everyone a little difficult to breathe, and the weakest Xiaoya, Lan Yu, Ye Chong, etc., were even more pale, with fear in their eyes.


The Fallen Demon Master didn't talk nonsense, and after reading the name, he came straight to Shainin, his thin hand was like an eagle's claws, grabbing Shainin's neck.

Xie Ning knew that this fallen demon master also belonged to the physically strong people, although he didn't know how they did it, but he knew very well that if he was caught, he would definitely die, he resisted the momentum, and moved half a step to the side with difficulty, narrowly avoiding this blow, but he was still scratched a bloody mark.

Xie Ning's heart was beating wildly, and at that moment just now, he seemed to feel the shadow of death hanging over his body.

The Fallen Demon Master missed a blow, and his other hand swept in, his five fingers were like nails, emitting a cold glow, and he went straight to Xie Ning's temple.

Shainin raised his arms with difficulty and stood in front of him, blocking the blow, but he was also knocked out, breaking a small tree with the thick mouth of a bowl.

The Fallen Demon Master was about to rush forward to make up for another punch, but Xie Ning was killed.

At this time, the sonic mantis exploded with energy all over its body, and it actually stimulated its potential under heavy pressure, and it took advantage of the moment of surging energy to launch a sonic kill, and instantly disappeared in place, knocking the fallen demon master back more than ten meters, and then raised its knife arm and slashed towards the neck of the fallen demon master.


As soon as the sonic mantis swung down, the knife arm was grabbed and then slammed to the ground.


There was a loud earthquake, and a huge crater several meters wide appeared, and then the Fallen Demon Master grabbed his knife arm again, slashed it around, smashed the two silver-level captains and their Imperial Demons, and then smashed down the quartz porphyry exposed in the huge pit.

The sonic mantis was smashed headfirst down on the quartz porphyry, smashing the entire quartz porphyry, known as the hard stone of the building, into pieces, cracking its armor and bleeding all over the ground.

It was too late to say that it was too fast, from Shainin's attack to the serious injury of the sonic mantis, it was only a matter of moments.

Under the rage of the Flowing Fire Ice Lion and the Poisonous Flame White Wolf, they broke free from their restraints and swept away with ice and fire, and the diamond demon that was least affected also launched a ground stab and attacked from behind.

The Fallen Demon Master avoided the two energy, pulled up the ground thorns, and threw them back at the diamond demon, at this time, the cold ice exploded, turning into a cold stream of fire, and in the poisonous flame, the poisonous white wolf also jumped out, angrily pounced on the Fallen Demon Master who had just dodged.

Just as it was about to get closer, the Fallen Demon Master raised a foot and pumped it on the waist of the Poisonous Flame White Wolf, the bone was broken, piercing the flesh and skin, making the Poisonous Flame White Wolf look bloody, but it didn't seem to know what the pain was, and it hit it unabated, opening its mouth and spitting flames, forcing the Fallen Demon Master to retreat.


poisonous white wolf roared at the sonic mantis in a low voice, full of concern.

"Damn the beast, then you can watch it die!" said

the fallen demon master, who was burned by the poisonous flames and had fine blisters growing on his face, gritted his teeth, and then knocked the poisonous white wolf out with one punch, and then smashed another punch towards the sonic praying mantis, which had fallen to the ground with serious injuries and no movement.

Just when the poisonous white wolf's eyes were about to crack, and his eyes were full of grief and indignation, an anti-summoning formation appeared, and the sonic mantis was instantly retracted.

"Lao Tzu's... Partner...... Don't think...",

a weak voice came.

Shainin was stopped by a big tree and fell to the ground, the anti-summoning formation in his hand gradually disappeared, and the wound on his back that was stabbed by the dagger opened again, and blood gushed out.

From time to time, Qian Long's angry voice was heard in the distance, and the voice was trying to get closer, but from time to time it would be farther away again with a loud noise.

Obviously, the demon who fell into the Demon Master stopped Qian Long and the Dragontail Flying Shark.

The only two remaining silver-level demon masters were also entangled by the silver-level 10-level demon masters summoned by the fallen demon masters at this time, and they couldn't rush over.

The Fallen Demon Master walked towards Xie Ning step by step, and the Flowing Fire Ice Lion and the Poisonous Flame White Wolf flew up, but they were all punched and kicked, and they were seriously injured.

The other demons also broke free one after another, and the Storm Rabbit and the Thunder Fly struck together, but instead of hitting the Fallen Demon Master, they were borrowed to hit the Celestial Star Bird that was about to take Xie Ning away, and stunned it to the ground.

The Fallen Demon Master took a few more steps, shattered nearly half of the diamond demon that rushed over, and also injured the origin, falling into a state of serious injury, and the long-nosed tapir did not stop a blow and was knocked out.

When there were still eight steps away from Shainin, the poisonous white wolf and the flowing fire ice lion stimulated their potential, and pounced desperately, entangled with the fallen demon master for 3 rounds, and fell down injured one after another, and finally if Shainin hadn't used the poisonous flame to rush the two beasts sideways, I was afraid that their heads would have to be blown out.

"I underestimated you, but I can still stand up. The Fallen Demon Master stared at Xie Ning, who was struggling to stand up, and the killing intent in his eyes was even worse.

At this time, he ignored Lu Bingyun and the others who couldn't move, and only wanted to kill Shainin.

"The dog jumped off the wall in a hurry, right?"

Xie Ning was full of pain, but he grinned, trying to be indifferent, but his eyes couldn't help showing a trace of unwillingness.

Listening to Xie Ning's words, the Fallen Demon Master became a little more annoyed.

He wasn't in a hurry, because this place was still some distance away from Huacheng, and it was difficult for others to see what was going on here, not to mention that there were no troops to save them now.

In this way, the Fallen Demon Master approached Shainin step by step, looking at Shainin's somewhat shaky appearance, a trace of joy flashed in his eyes.

Walking up to Shainin, he showed a hideous smile and slowly stretched out his hand to Shainin.

At this time, suddenly several exclamations sounded, and he saw Xie Ning's pupils shrink in front of him, and he looked shocked.

was stunned for a moment, and then heard a 'dang' sound, and a bloodstained dagger stabbed from the side, but it couldn't penetrate the epidermis, and the dagger was actually the weakest blue jade in this group of people.

"Funny little girl, then you should die. With that, the Fallen Demon Master's raised hand turned to Lan Yu and pinched it.

Xie Ning's long-accumulated energy exploded, and when he was unprepared, he slammed into it, knocking the fallen demon master back a few steps, and then pulled Lan Yu and roared, "You're crazy!"

Lan Yu bit his lip tightly, but stubbornly didn't speak.

At this moment, no one knew how Lan Yu broke free from the oppression of the momentum of a gold-level powerhouse.

"It's a touching scene, let's all die.

As soon as the words fell, before the fallen demon master rushed up, a familiar demon magic circle suddenly appeared in front of Xie Ning, and the figure of the sonic mantis staggered out of it, but in the state of sonic speed, the speed appeared extremely fast, and the golden horn on his forehead stabbed out.


The golden horn stabbed into the middle of the Fallen Demon Master's chest, piercing a bloody hole.

The Fallen Demon Master was hit hard by a blow, and couldn't help but be furious, and the energy in his body exploded, shattering the golden horn of the sonic mantis, and shaking it out.

"Little mantis!"

Xie Ning hurriedly hugged the sonic mantis, and retreated six or seven steps in a row before stopping.

"What are you doing, did I let you out?!" Xie Ning looked at the sonic mantis that was red all over his body and his forehead was still bleeding, and his eyes were red with distress, so he hurriedly took out the intermediate energy potion and wanted to take it.

"No wonder the leader is so obsessed with killing the Chinese students, you are too dangerous. Especially you..."The Fallen Demon Master didn't show the slightest anger at this time, he looked down at the wounds on his body, and then looked at Xie Ning again, "With the ability to control the strange demon and intermediate cultivation, you can turn the situation around by yourself, and what scares me even more is that you are only 18 years old... I finally understand the purpose of the leader, even if I give up this life, I must not let you Xie Ning live!" As

the words fell, the fallen demon master turned red, his hair fell out, his muscles flared up, and the breath coming out of his mouth and nose was as thick as a white mist, accompanied by a sound as heavy as thunder.

This is the greatest use of the Violent Blood Pill and the secret method, at this time, his momentum has skyrocketed, and he has already entered the platinum level in half a step, and the terrifying momentum directly stunned Captain Baiyin, Lu Bingyun, Lan Yu and others, and together with the imperial demon, they all fell to the ground softly. Even his own two demons couldn't bear it and passed out.

At this moment, only the Fallen Demon Master in the state of violent blood remained, as well as Xie Ning and Sonic Mantis, who were still awake.


In the next second, the Fallen Demon Master showed a hideous and bloodthirsty expression and pounced.

Just when Xie Ning was desperate in his heart and thought he was going to die, a cold reprimand sounded, and then the sword light flashed, and the head of the fallen demon master fell to the ground.

'Goo Dong Goo Dong' rolled to Shainin's feet, especially with a maniacal smile before he died.

"Classmate, are you okay?"

A familiar and unfamiliar figure appeared in front of Shainin, just at this time under the sun, this scene... Déjà vu.

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