The addition of Lingnan College turned the tide of the battle.

The already stable battle of the North Gate, because of their joining, fell on one side, and pushed the battlefield in the direction of the forest at a great speed.

Seeing that the situation was stable, Xie Ning did not participate in the battle anymore, he summoned the poisonous flame white wolf, and took the wind listening rabbit and rushed towards the advanced battlefield.

The Poison Flame White Wolf has been treated with an intermediate energy agent, and although it has not been cured, it has not affected its movements.

Running all the way, I saw many candidates and students patrolling in the flower city, beware of the fish that slipped through the net.

When Xie Ning came to the high-level battlefield, the battle here had also ended, and the strong men of Huacheng were standing together, not knowing what to say, Li Zhi, who had been waiting next to him, seemed to have no sense of existence.

"Well, he's coming. Lin Yangqiu was the first to see Xie Ning and pouted in his direction.

Xie Ning stepped forward, first greeted the senior powerhouses present, and then asked Lin Yangqiu: "Why do you all look at me like this?"

"Where are we looking at you, we are looking at a little monster, haha~" Lin Yangqiu rarely teased Xie Ning, which shows that he is in a very good mood.

Xie Ning smiled bitterly and was about to speak, but the town guard envoy spoke.

"Xie Xiaoyou, I know the general thing, you have contributed a lot to this victory. Without your help, even if you win, you will pay a terrible price. The

town guard looked at Shainin with admiration.

"Give you 20 points, no loss. Bian Hu patted Xie Ning on the shoulder and laughed.

Several other Huacheng powerhouses also stood up to encourage and praise a few words, not only defeated the strong enemy, but also saw the birth of an excellent junior, they were in a good mood.

Li Yongchang and the others on the side performed quite complicated.

Li Zhi looked at Xie Ning who was surrounded, he already knew that the two of them were destined to be people on two roads in the future, and it would be difficult to have any entanglements in their lives, plus Xie Ning saved his life, his anger and unwillingness were much lighter.

Li Yongchang's situation is also a little embarrassing, although the betrayal has a reason and is excusable, but betrayal is betrayal.

Except for Li Yongchang's father and son, Yan Ruyu was left standing there expressionlessly, as if she didn't care about everything.

Xie Ning greeted everyone in Huacheng, then walked up to Li Zhi and stretched out his hand.

Li Zhi hesitated for a moment, and reluctantly took out two quaint and old contract scrolls.

The contract scroll is a very old scroll, I don't know when it appeared on the earth star, once people write down the content of the contract, the two sides reach a consensus, it will be bound by some kind of force, and either party who violates it will be punished.

Xie Ning snatched it, opened it and looked at it, and put it away after confirming that there was no problem.

The others didn't know what was written on the scroll of this contract, and the town guard had a faint guess, but Lin Yangqiu was relieved, obviously knowing what it was.


anxious voice came from a distance, and everyone heard the voice, only to see Mo Yu running over with a panicked face.

Shainin asked, "What's the matter so anxious?" "

No, it's not good... My sister is gone... Someone is arresting my sister..."

Mo Yu ran over all the way, grabbed Xie Ning's clothes, bent over and panted, and cried between his words.


!" "Mo Han's girl is gone?!" Xie

Ning and Lin Yangqiu were both shocked, and even the town guard envoy couldn't help frowning when he heard Mo Han's name and looked at Li Yongchang and his son.

Li Yongchang and his son hurriedly shook their heads.

"Lord Guard! Heaven and earth can be learned, since the beginning of the battle, I have never left here! My son was brought by Xie Ning later, since we have decided to release people, we will never use this indiscriminate means! There must be other people's hands and feet!" After

Li Yongchang finished speaking, Li Zhi hurriedly nodded.

Although the town guard frowned, he was only suspicious, and now when he heard what they said, he couldn't help but believe it a little.

Hearing the news, Xie Ning didn't dare to slack off, and hurriedly said to a few people, "Seniors, I'm sorry, I'm going to go first."

"Go ahead, don't be reckless, if you can't solve it, tell me, and I'll deal with it." The warden nodded.

Lin Yangqiu: "I'll immediately ask the people from the association to go out and look for it together." General

Bian Hu: "The city defense bureau will fully cooperate here, and I will tell you if there are any clues." "

Thank you. After Xie Ning finished speaking, he pulled Mo Yu and jumped on the back of the poisonous white wolf, listened to the wind rabbit share his vision again, and rode away in the dust.

After Xie Ning left, a strong man in Huacheng who supported the battle asked: "A woman is missing, why is she so popular, even the people from the cultivation association have been sent, shouldn't it be mainly to defend the city now?"

Hearing his words, Lin Yangqiu smiled bitterly and said, "This is an intermediate cultivator." "


The importance of an intermediate cultivator to a city is close to the weight of a town guard.

It seems to be weak and has no combat ability, but it can help countless people create powerful demons, they only need one sentence, and some people are eager to do things for them.

In the current world that is not very peaceful, the identity of an intermediate cultivator can be imagined. If you can reach the level of a senior cultivator, it will be no less than the status of a national treasure.

Shaining didn't know what was behind him, but when he came to the Mo family cultivation store at this time, he saw that the store was in a mess.

The grass and trees were shattered into stumps and scattered all over the ground, all kinds of instruments were shattered, the glass was completely shattered, and the gaps in the floor that had been torn by sharp objects were bloodstained, which was shocking.

"Don't worry, I'll take a look first. Seeing that the six gods of Moyu had no owner, Xie Ning comforted him, observed carefully for a while, and with the help of the poisonous white wolf, he quickly found a clue, and determined the direction according to the clues and the smell of the poisonous white wolf.

"Let's go!"

At this time, the road was empty, the poisonous white wolf completely let go of the speed, rampage, chasing clues all the way, the surrounding buildings from fashionable and clean, slowly becoming dirty and cramped, all kinds of rental, seeking medical treatment, daughter and other advertisements, posted everywhere.

When he arrived here, the huge size of the poisonous white wolf became an obstacle, and as a last resort, Xie Ning put it away and walked through the narrow alleys with the ink rain, relying on the perception and sharing of the wind rabbit, without the slightest hesitation along the way.

Suddenly, Shainin quickened his pace.

Beyond the corner, in the alley less than two meters wide in front of him, a man dressed as a fallen demon master was chasing a girl with a disheveled hair and plain clothes, the girl's back clothes were faintly oozing blood, and there was a small patch on the hem of the exposed clothes.

"Sister!" Mo

Yu saw his back and immediately shouted.

At this moment, the girl in front of her stumbled under her feet, tripped over the takeaway bag stuck to the ground, and made an 'oops' sound.

The Fallen Demon Master rode a bronze level 1 scavenging hound, and immediately pounced.

The fangs of the hounds are approaching.

Just as it was about to succeed, a fist wrapped in flames, came first, and slammed into its neck just as its mouth was about to bite.

With a wail, the scavenging hound fell to the ground, its head twisted into an irregular shape, and Shain's other hand was unambiguous and pressed forward.

In the horrified eyes of the fallen enchanter, pillars of fire rose and burned him to charcoal.

Easily killing the fallen demon master in seconds, Xie Ning turned around, but when he saw the girl's face, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Mo Yu's eyes glared: "Who are you?!Why are you wearing my sister's clothes?".

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