At night, the thin clouds are in the sky, and the moon is bright and the stars are scarce.

The breeze blows slowly, helping the tired people and blowing away the wind and dust.

After a day of suffering, the flower city fell asleep exhausted with the darkness of the night, and the people who survived the disaster had long since left the shelter and returned to their respective homes.

The town guard is in charge of the overall situation, the city defense army is stepping up patrols just in case, the academy and reinforcements from all directions are helping to protect the city, and tens of thousands of candidates are temporarily living in various classrooms under the arrangement of the old headmaster.

Except for bored netizens, most of them slept.

In the Huajing community, Xie Ning's home.

Mo Han lay quietly on the bed, very quiet and beautiful.

Her eyelids moved, and she slowly opened her eyes, and it was pitch black, after all, it was night, but the unfamiliar touch behind her made her realize that this was not in her own home.

was vigilant, heard the familiar snoring, followed the sound, touched a familiar silhouette, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiaoyu, wake up, wake up..."She gently pushed Mo Yu's head.

Mo Yu raised her head, rubbed her eyes, and muttered in confusion: "Sister... I'm so sleepy..."

2 seconds later.

'Rubbing', Mo Yu sat up straight, rubbed his eyes, and couldn't help but be ecstatic when he saw a pair of big eyes sparkling in the dark night, looking at himself with a smile.

"Sister, you're finally awake! Great!"

"Thank you for your hard work." Mo Han touched her head and said, "Tell me, what happened after I fell unconscious?

Mo Yu turned on the bedside lamp, and through the dim light, he said that there was an accident in the store when he came back, and then how to find Shaining, how to chase all the way to the urban village, how the girl called Ding Qiao rescued her, etc., the whole thing happened, and told it in detail.

"My sister has been in a coma since the afternoon, and she is scared to death..."Mo Yu said, and couldn't help but complain.

Mo Han smiled, suddenly pressed the bedside lamp, and opened the curtain in Mo Yu's confusion.

The bright moonlight, through the window, shone into the room, filling the dark room with white soft light again, adding a bit of peace.

The two sat and lay down, quiet for a few seconds.

"Then how is Xie Ning?"

Mo Yu stood up and quietly opened the door, Mo Han looked over the door and saw the scene outside the door.

Beyond the door was a spacious hall, and her gaze was focused on the center of the hall as the white moonlight shone through the floor-to-ceiling windows, covering the frost on the floor.

In the middle of the hall, Xie Ning lay on the sofa, sleeping deeply, after a day of hard fighting, his clothes stained with blood scabs and dust were already in tatters, but they were still stubbornly hanging on his body.

Through the moonlight, you can clearly see his exposed skin, various scars on his face, arms, and legs.

"This..." Mo Han's eyes were stunned, and he looked at it blankly.

Mo Yu looked at Xie Ning with a look of adoration, and only after a few seconds did he say, "The Great God has been fighting for a day today, and he is tired. After he came back with you, he wanted to take a rest, but he just fell asleep on the sofa..."

Unlike Mo Han, who was busy cultivating the imperial demon, Mo Yu has been paying attention to the movements of Xie Ning's live broadcast room, although there is a disconnection in the middle, but after the signal is restored, she still understands what happened for the first time, and only then does she know what Xie Ning has done, and even what she knows on the Internet is far from complete.

Despite this, she also knew that the peace of Huacheng at the moment, the candidate was able to come back alive, and a large part of the credit for the whole thing against the fallen demon master came from Shaining.

At this moment, Shainin rolled over in his sleep and flipped the blanket to the ground.

The sonic mantis, who was guarding the side, lowered the footsteps, stepped forward, slowly covered the blanket, looked at the Mo sisters, and returned to his original position, as if nothing had happened.

Mo Han and Mo Yu glanced at each other, and they both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

It's really the first time I've seen such a gentle scene.

Mo Yu closed the door again, and the eyes of the two of them closed with laughter, and after a while, Mo Yu suddenly turned on a straight face, closed the curtain again, and turned on the light in the room under Mo Han's puzzled gaze.

From the extreme darkness to the sudden light, Mo Han's eyes were very uncomfortable, she quickly closed her eyes and said uncomfortably: "Xiaoyu, what are you doing?"

"Sister, open your eyes and take a look."

It took a while for Mo Han to get used to the light, and he slowly opened his eyes, and there were two quaint scrolls.


The moment she saw the scroll, Mo Han froze, her body trembled uncontrollably, her eyes looked at the scroll, and let the tears slide down.

"Sister," Mo Yu said with red eyes and sobbing, "we are free." The

word 'freedom' slammed into Mo Han's heart, she trembled her hands, took the scroll, and the moment she opened it, the painful memories of the past ran out of the memories again, such as in front of her, like yesterday, and it seemed very far away.

"Xiaoyu..."Mo Han grabbed the scroll and said in a low and hoarse voice, "Tear it off."

Two slender little hands tore the scroll up and down, divided it into two halves, and then dragged it into four pieces, and so on seven or eight times, and as she tore, tears fell on the quilt, and finally beat the shredded paper with her hands, tearing her voice, and crying loudly.

The emotions that have been suppressed for many years have finally been released.

Mo Yu hugged Mo Han tightly, didn't speak, just hugged it.

She knows best in her heart how much her sister has paid over the years, and the peaceful life she has lived is because her sister is sheltering her from the wind and rain.

Over the years, it was my sister who was beaten and scolded, it was my sister who patched her clothes, and it was my sister who gave up the contract demon in order to save money, she didn't understand anything, and she was always well protected by her sister.

Mo Han cried thoroughly, and he collected it quickly, and after a while, he wiped away his tears and regained his composure.

"Sister, what do you think we're going to do next?" Mo Yu asked excitedly.

Mo Han already had an idea in her heart, she didn't answer and asked: "How do you feel about Xie Ning?" "

Xie Dashen? That's my idol, among the people I know, there is no one more special than him, and no one in his age group can match him." It's as if what he wants to do, there's nothing he can't do. And his approach is always correct, which is really admirable.

Although Mo Yu was puzzled, he still replied seriously.

After hearing this, Mo Han rubbed her head and said, "Then it just so happens that you are all going to Lingnan College next, so you can continue to follow him and help him do things." "

Ah, sister, what about you, what about you?" Mo Yu hurriedly asked.

"I'm going back!" Mo Han said categorically.

After hearing this, Mo Yu suddenly became anxious, rubbed his feet and resolutely objected: "Where are you going back?

Mo Han pulled Mo Yu to sit back, "I've watched the news all these years, and I haven't heard that place was captured, I want to go back to see if my parents and grandfather are still alive, and I want to know who killed us! But you don't have to worry about me, how can I say that I am also an intermediate cultivator, and I have forged an identity, and some people want to win me over." And I didn't force it, I just went to check the information. "

But—" Mo Yu looked worried.

"No, but.

Mo Yu asked again: "That... What about Shainin's side? I can see that you like him. "

I—" Mo Han hesitated.

Mo Han was silent, and Mo Yu didn't speak.

The lights in the room went out quickly, and the Mo sisters were lying on the bed, each with their own thoughts, and they didn't know when they fell asleep.

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