The Era Of Gaowu: Feedback From Avatars, Immortal Kings Have To Kneel Too

050: Zhao Changkong: End? No, This Is The Official Start (Asking For Flower Evaluation Votes)

But the matter was far from over, and the host suddenly realized something was wrong at this moment.

The host looked at Zhao Changkong, who was still risking points to rise.

The whole person became excited, even if it was because of self-elimination, half of the points were deducted, but at this moment, the number of points of Zhao Changkong also increased because he took the lead in eliminating Gu Chenyu, and it is still rising at this moment, which is surprising up.

"Student Zhao Changkong's points are still rising. Let's see what happened. This kind of thing happened. It seems that our student Zhao Changkong still has a backup. He wants to compete for the first place after leaving. ?"

"Ah, that's how it is. Although Zhao Changkong has been eliminated, his mirror image is still there. He's killing him right now, and it's already boiling. Lei Chen can't hold him down at all right now. No, it should be Lei Chen who is completely suppressing him Can't live with him!!!"

Many spectators were in an uproar.

People from aristocratic families were also in an uproar.

And Zhao Changkong pushed a few guys away, looked at the screen and smiled.

"Don't think that if I am out of the game, there will be no backup left. A me who has no taboos is stronger than a me who is restrained in all aspects. Let me see how far you can develop! My mirror person!!! "

Since the mirror person has copied everything about him.

Then it must have copied the dark version of the Beiming Divine Art.

And he can't use this, but it doesn't mean that the mirror person can't use the Beiming Divine Art, only he knows the power of the dark version of the Beiming Divine Art, but he dare not use it, it is a poison, look at that madman Just like the blackened emperor avatar will know.


And just as he thought.

At this moment, the mirror image man began to crush and beat Lei Wei.

It was found that the main body fighting with Gu Chenyu had died, and the mirror image man did not hide, and directly opened fire with full firepower, as if darkness had descended on the earth, and endless murderous aura was covering it.

"How is it possible? Can it be stronger?"

Lei Huo's arm was covered in blood, which was cut by Zhao Changkong's mirror image man with a sword.

And he is also caught in a tangle at the moment, the person in front of him makes him feel what is called an endless nightmare.

It was a feeling like a cat catching a cat and a mouse, as if he was the mouse played by the other party. The strength of the other party made him feel as deep as an abyss, which was a kind of powerless and terrifying erosion.

"Ah, the farce is over, let's start dinner now."

"Northern Darkness swallows the sky, and the vast sea is immeasurable. I use the extreme square hole of the sky to penetrate the heavens and the earth!!!"

The vitality around him began to gather towards him, and the endless dark breath began to rush towards him. At this moment, the earth veins in the surrounding area were all arranged by him, and they became the tentacles of the Beiming Divine Art to absorb vitality.

"The means of the Su family? No, it's similar to the breath I felt before. This is the mirror image of the person who fought against Gu Chenyu!!!"

It was only at this moment that Lei Wei reacted, and felt his scalp tingling instantly.

At the same time, it also makes sense, why this person is obviously just a mirror image person, but is so powerful, as long as he is connected with the Gu family, all explanations become much smoother.

Not only did he feel that something was wrong, but people everywhere in the city also felt that something was wrong, because the large-scale changes in the leylines, coupled with what happened before, are very sensitive at this time.

"The ground veins are changing, no good, this is the method of that person!!!"

These people didn't know that Zhao Changkong had been eliminated, so they recognized Zhao Changkong's mirror image as a trick of Zhao Changkong, so at this moment, they were all running around the city like frightened birds.

The earth seemed to be shaking.

Countless dead monsters turned into life and flowed towards Zhao Changkong's mirror image. At this moment, the mirror image was fully fired, and even many masters of the Tiangang list who were also mirror images felt the fear of the doomsday.

"Someone is manipulating the earth's veins, and my innate supernatural powers don't work, what a lot of energy!!!"

"Run away, this guy is using the leylines to perform some kind of ritual, and he is going to continue playing taboo tricks. I don't want to be affected, otherwise I may not be able to keep this point."

"Is this guy crazy? Wasn't he fighting that monster Gu Chenyu before? Now he's releasing such a terrifying move again, what is he trying to do? Doesn't this guy have limits?"

Some people are crazy.

Can't imagine the horror of someone who can do such a thing.

Even the person who is the second and third person on the Tiangang list is lost in thought at this moment. You just warmed up with Gu Chenyu, and now is the official start. Do you want to be so outrageous?

"Now Gu Chenyu guesses that the person is gone, but there is something even more outrageous than him, should we fight or not?"

As the second strongest player on the Tiangang list.

Mo Xiangfeng felt a bit of a toothache at the moment, what happened to Te Niang.

Similarly, Hao Guangcun, the third strongest player on the Tiangang list, is also a guy who also works as his ally. At the moment, he also has a toothache. It was solved.

"What else can we do? Of course we fought. Besides, it seems that this guy wants to finish us all. He really has a big appetite. If he really wants to succeed, we have no chance to climb to the top."

Mo Xiangfeng said thoughtfully.

If it is really successful for Zhao Changkong.

It must be far ahead of the two of them in the standings, and even the combined points of the two of them can't keep up, what a joke.

Of course, the first thought was to rush over, get rid of the number one guy first, and then slowly liquidate the others. With the points gained, are you afraid you won’t get the number one place?

Hao Guangcun nodded, feeling that his words were very reasonable.

"Then let's go and deal with him first. If we don't deal with him at this time, how long will it take? Besides, this guy has already exposed his whereabouts. With such a big commotion, we may not be the only ones who want to deal with him by then. "

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Obviously, they all moved to deal with Zhao Changkong and get the points in their hands.

(I want a monthly ticket for the flower evaluation ticket, and thank you all for the flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, and rewards you have given to the author. I can't repay you.)

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