The Era Of Gaowu: Feedback From Avatars, Immortal Kings Have To Kneel Too

086: Grand Slam, It’S True, Don’T Come Here (Please Subscribe, Please Order In Full)

That's big boss behavior.

The other avatars probably also went their own way.

Zhao Changkong doesn't want to talk anymore. In this era, Gui Wu Tsuji is afraid that he will meet ten beings who can cut him down. This incident may become his shadow for the rest of his life. Even more ruthless.

[In the 22nd year since the clone was born, Guiwu Tsuji is not reconciled. Being taught by two people in a row also saves face. He thinks about becoming stronger, or recruiting more powerful samurai to become his subordinates, but he again Hit the wall again. 】

[The clone was born in the 22nd year, your clone is very interested in this ghost, he found you, but after you heard that you can’t bask in the sun if you become a ghost, you interrupted his words, and you still became the other party Your subordinates? Do you think it is necessary to recognize the gap between the two. 】

[In the 22nd year of the clone, you pulled out the knife, Gui Wu Tsuji Wuyou turned around and fled like a stress disorder, but when you caught up with me, you just hacked at "610", and then you caught it He locked him in an iron box and asked his subordinates to study his body structure in order to obtain the reason for his longevity. 】

Well, compared to those few, this one looks more fierce.

Not to mention the beating, but also the arrest, and the arrest made people start to do research. The truth is outrageous to the extreme.

[The clone was born in the twenty-third year, the current situation was turbulent, and the daimyos were assassinated one after another, and during this time, ten people who were called dare not to mess with came out, and their strength made people stand upright

The number of people has become a joke for them, any one of them has the ability to kill rivers of blood, some of them are daimyo, some are swordsmen who roam the rivers and lakes, some are butchers, and some are generals...]

[The clone was born in the twenty-fourth year, and someone came to your door and asked you for the money you asked for. You refused the other party's request, and the two fought together, and the ghost Wu Tsuji also took the opportunity to kill the guard and escaped. , He felt that he had never been so speechless in his life. 】

[In the twenty-fifth year since the clone was born, all six of your clones are looking for this guy known as the ghost king, hoping to get the secret of immortality from him, but Guiwu Tsuji can only keep avoiding it, and it is impossible to avoid it Just use the contradictions between the two sides to deal with and then avoid. 】

[The twenty-sixth year of the birth of the clone, ten of you are known as the Ten Heroes of the Warring States Period in this era, unless you fight each other, the others will be crushed by you unilaterally, and the Ubayashiki family also knows what you think , silently withdrew from this battle for hegemony, they are very dissatisfied with you, but they are afraid of your strong strength and dare not attack. 】

Zhao Changkong is also speechless, Ji Guoyuan is so strong.

This group of people said that if they kicked them out, they would kick them out. They are really honest people who are easy to bully, right?

In the end, he met these ten clones of himself.

This group of avatars fully demonstrated what it means to not follow the rules.

Everyone is the sixth child, and it is a common practice to cut off their names. The practice of beheading whoever is on their head is now the only one.

[The clone was born in the twenty-seventh year, the Ubayashiki family is very disgusted with your desire to obtain the longevity of Onimai Tsuji, and compared to Onimai Tsuji, you ten guys are the biggest and most powerful in this era Horror exists, but that Guiwu Tsuji Wumi has been silently marginalized. 】

[In the twenty-eighth year since the clone was born, a boy named Ji Guoyuanyi began to rise silently. He is very powerful. His eyes can see the root of all moves. He created the breathing method. In this era, he is destined to be great Glory, but there are still ten mountains in front of him. 】

[The clone was born in the twenty-ninth year, Ji Guoyuanyi's ability and that terrible insight, known as the ability to penetrate the world, and the power called stripes that he opened, plus his His excellent swordsmanship gives him the ability to stand in front of your clones and become a qualified opponent, but only a qualified opponent. 】

【In the 30th year since the clone was born, you have been inspired by Ji Guoyuanyi, and you have opened up the transparent world, but no one is willing to try that pattern. After all, you have already walked out of your own path, why bother to go again? Take a path that others are destined for but you all want to get that guy called Onimai Tsuji Mumi even more. 】

Become stronger, but can not live forever.

Zhao Changkong understood what his avatars wanted to do, so he was a little annoyed.

Is it easy to earn points just by opening a world?

In the end, this group of guys also wanted to learn from the emperor's doppelgänger, being a nail household and occupying a pit.

[In the thirty-first year since the clone was born, a beautiful woman named Zhu Shi came to your door. She called herself a ghost and intended to cooperate with you. She explained a lot of her research on ghosts. You were very surprised, and She also readily agreed, and while getting along, you gradually became curious about her, and eventually occupied her. 】

[The clone was born in the 31st year, through Zhushi's research, you have a better understanding of ghosts, but the price is that Ghost Dance Tsuji escaped even more embarrassingly, as if everything in the world was targeting ghosts. Gui Wu Tsuji is not miserable, which made him lament how difficult it is for a real woman in this era. 】

There will be no more.

Zhao Changkong doesn't seem to be looking at the experience of his clone.

He seemed to be looking at this tragic experience called Ghost Mai Tsuji.

It's fine to find one to be hacked, but in the end, he was hacked by his clone one after another. The key is to send it to the door by himself. The most outrageous thing is that the scene of being arrested and used as research materials will probably become the most embarrassing scene.

Then this group of avatars precipitated over time.

Slowly began to yearn for longevity, and then took this guy for surgery.

After all, the example of the fact of longevity is here, even if it is hard to think about it, I will try it, so Guiwu Tsuji Wumi was eventually chased up and down by these ten guys, no, it should be eleven, and there is a successor. Guoyuan one.

But there is only one person who wants to kill him, and that is Ji Guo Yuan Yi.

But there were ten guys who wanted to catch him and slice him up.

Thinking about this scene, I felt chills down my back. If I was really caught, what would be waiting for him, I guess Gui Wu Tsuji Wu Mi didn't want to know.

What's more, there is Zhu Shi's new husband.

Even if it is to vent his anger on his beautiful and cheap daughter-in-law, he will perform a slice study with Ghost Dance Tsuji.

[Congratulations on getting it, see through the world: Perception is brought to the extreme, seeing through the body of the creature, and the perception is accelerated. After concentrating, all objects will reflect to reality in another form of release. 】

[Congratulations, murderous aura attachment: attach your own murderous aura to the weapon, the more blood you have in your hand, the stronger the murderous aura will be, and even compress the murderous aura to the extreme. 】

[Congratulations, the sword intent penetrates the body: Infecting the sword intent into the body of the undead (0.0 recovery power is very strong) organisms will make their bodies constantly suffer from the erosion of the sword intent, and they will not be able to recover. 】

[Congratulations on getting the Wuming Liu Killing Sword: Cut out the power in the body, this is a swordsmanship genre that integrates defense, attack, and integration. 】


Zhao Changkong felt that he was still fighting such a rich battle.

This time it's a grand slam.

Feedback from all ten clones was present. The key is that none of the ten clones died. It’s the first time I’ve seen it. I can only sigh that the luck is really good this time.

It's just that the archipelago is suffering.

It is estimated that the whole chaotic world will be even more chaotic, because if those ten clones are really immortal, one can imagine what kind of blow it will be to that era, that is, ten terrifying monsters above everything else.

A ghost king can make the whole island country circle around.

Ten ghost kings who are more terrifying than Oni Wu Tsujimu, why don't they go directly to heaven?

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