The Era of Generals

Chapter 298 ?????? Dongping City

Chapter 298 - Dongping City

One day later, outside Dongping City.

Chen Ming, who was hiding in the remote bushes outside the city, was lying on the ground, his eyes never moving away from the closed gate of Dongping City.

From time to time, he stuffed two pieces of dry food into his mouth with the lightest and slowest movement, even chewing lightly, refusing to make any sound.

Suddenly, his movements stopped, and a purple light flashed across his eyes.

Cheng Yu!

It was Cheng Yu's general who suddenly possessed Chen Ming.

"My lord?"

Chen Ming kept a prostrate posture, and connected the instant call from Chen Ze.

"Yes, this subordinate understands!"

After a while, Chen Ming frowned slightly, and replied in a low voice.

At this point, the call was obviously over. Chen Ming continued to lie in the bushes, his gaze finally moved away from the city of Dongping, he lowered his head, thought carefully, and then suddenly stood up.

There was no one outside the city, but after he stood up, he looked extremely eye-catching.

At this time, Dongping city was already well defended, and perhaps Yan Haomiao was under enough pressure, and there were a large number of soldiers patrolling at the moment.

As soon as he stood up, it was obvious that at least dozens of eyes suddenly gathered.

"Someone! There are people outside the city!"

There was a sudden commotion at the top of Dongping City, and the sound of bows and arrows was heard continuously. At least a hundred sharp arrows with cold light were all pointed at Chen Ming's place.

"Don't rush!"

In the moment of life and death, Chen Ming was not in a hurry, he raised his hands and waved them non-stop, and even shouted: "I have something to say!"

While yelling, he walked out of his hiding place with his hands raised above his head, signaling to the other party that he did not have a weapon.

The general on duty at the head of Dongping City saw that he was alone, his face was slightly condensed, he stopped the sharp arrow that was about to be released, frowned and shouted: "Who are you, what are you doing here?"

"I am the envoy of the Qingyang Empire, and I am here to deliver a message from Master Chen to you!"

Chen Ming walked slowly to the main gate of Dongping City, raised his head and said back to the general, and then asked: "I don't know the general's name, can I be the master?"

"People from Qingyang Empire?"

The general on the top of the wall did not answer, but frowned a little deeper, standing on the top of the wall and looking at Chen Ming.

I saw a lot of dead branches and rotten grass stuck to this person's body, and his face was also shiny green. The whole person looked like a bunch of movable bushes. If you didn't pay attention, you really couldn't tell that this was a person at all.

Disguised like this, naturally he couldn't see the original military uniform on this person.

"You said you were the envoy of the Qingyang Empire, do you have proof?"

The general shouted sharply.

"General, I sneaked in secretly this time, and I don't have anything to prove my identity, but I have a word to prove my identity!"

Chen Ming responded loudly, and repeated: "I don't know if the general can be the master?"


The general snorted coldly, and shouted: "This general is Xu Feng, Captain of Dongping, who is in charge of the city's defense affairs. If you have anything to prove your identity, you can say it now!"

Chen Ming put down his hands, looked around the city, and shouted, "I wonder if General Xu can take a step to speak?"

Xu Feng didn't speak, but stared at Chen Ming coldly.

"General Xu, this guy came here strangely, I'm afraid it's a fraud!"

The cronies beside him also had doubts about Chen Ming, so they reminded him.

"Hmph, he's alone, so what if he's cheating?"

Xu Feng glanced at him, waved his hand, and said, "Let him in, I want to hear what he has to say!"

After he had made a decision, his subordinates stopped talking. After all, Chen Ming was really only one person, so how could he cheat?

So the closed city gate opened a small gap from the inside, and a squad of heavily armed soldiers stood on both sides of the city gate with cold eyes, watching Chen Ming approaching slowly with vigilance.

Chen Ming walked to the gate of the city, raised his hands up again, and let the other party search carefully from top to bottom.

The weapon had been abandoned in the bushes long before he got up, and the other party found nothing after a search, so they escorted Chen Ming into Dongping City.

In the city, Xu Feng got down from the top of the city early, and was standing behind the door staring at Chen Ming coldly.

"General Xu, take a step to speak?"

Facing the siege of a large number of soldiers in Dongping City, Chen Ming looked fearless, cupped his hands at Xu Feng, and said, "General Xu, can you take a step to speak?"

"The general wants to see what you can come up with!"

The corner of Xu Feng's mouth twitched, and he immediately turned around and walked to the gatehouse where the soldiers rested under the city tower.

Chen Ming also wanted to follow, but as soon as he lifted his foot, two burly men came from Xu Feng's side, glared at him from left to right, and sandwiched him between them, before going to the room where Xu Feng was going. Go to the concierge.

"Can we talk now?"

Entering the room, Xu Feng put his right hand on the saber at his waist, and said in a cold tone.

Chen Ming looked around, besides him in this room, there were only Xu Feng and the two big men who were holding him, presumably they were the other party's cronies.

It would be too much to ask the other party to send his cronies away, and Xu Feng would definitely not agree.

So Chen Ming paused for a moment, and then said: "I am an envoy sent by Mr. Chen from Xifeng City. I have important matters to discuss with the commander here."

"how to prove?"

Xu Feng replied coldly: "You said you were sent by the Qingyang Empire, and you have no proof, just a word of mouth?"

Chen Ming smiled and said: "General Xu, I escaped many scouts from the Bai Lie Empire and went to the city. Just in case, I dare not carry tokens with me, but Mr. Chen once said before I set off, He said……"

"Back when the three border cities sent cavalry troops to attack Xifeng City, he knew that it was Yan Haomiao of the Bailie Empire who was tipping off the news!"

As soon as these words came out, Xu Feng's expression was slightly startled, he was a little confused, so he said: "So?"

"Is this what you say can prove your identity?"

Chen Ming shook his head and said: "Of course this doesn't mean anything, but this incident can prove one thing, that is, the alliance between Bailie Empire and Qingyang Empire is not as stable as it seems on the surface!"

"The Bailie Empire is ambitious. While coveting the Fengqi Province, it also wants to include the Nantes Province into its territory, so they can be said to be the common enemy of our two countries!"


Xu Feng blinked his eyes and said in disbelief: "You came here to tell this general that the Bailie Empire is the enemy, and you and my two countries..."

"Have you lost your mind?"

Xu Feng was suddenly furious: "Isn't it your Qingyang Empire that has invaded our Nantes province?"

"Currently occupying Xifeng City in my Fengqi Province, isn't it also your Qingyang Empire?"

"Now you come to tell me that the enemy is actually the Bailie Empire, not you?"

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