“Then, it’s you next!”

Being able to have two gold-skinned ship girls, Jiang Shuihan was already satisfied.

What’s more, the remaining few ship girls are all purple rare.

There is no blue elite quality at all.

This is simply the fate of the Emperor of Europe.

Saying that, Jiang Shuihan took out the war fortress in front of his eyes.

The War Fortress, covering an area of fifteen hectares, has two flight runways, a lighthouse, a conning tower, a terminal building and other buildings. As well as thirty coastal defense guns, fifty anti-aircraft guns, seventy anti-aircraft anti-aircraft machine guns!

In addition, there is a dock port to the sea, as well as several maintenance towers and maintenance workshops.

A proper war fortress!

More importantly, this fortress of war belongs to the same thing.

As long as it is released, it can be used well.

“Try it!”

Looking at the four small drives spoiled below, still in contact with the natural ship girl, and even the aircraft mother Lexington who tolerated the deep-sea ship girl, Jiang Shui Han wrinkled his eyebrows slightly.

Directly took out the only broken natural spirit spirit in his hand.



With the movement of Jiang Shuihan, the belief value began to pour out like flowing water.

[Log]: You are fusing a broken spirit into the current war fortress, and the integration does not match, and there is a chance of failure.

[Modifier]: You are fusing a wisp of broken divine soul into the current war fortress, consuming faith points to begin to fuse, and the fusion is successful!

[Log]: You are ignoring the current war fortress and detecting an abnormal ship, and there is a certain chance of failure.

[Modifier]: You are ignoring the current war fortress, detecting that the divine soul has natural nature, the abyss breath nature, and the consumption of faith points begins to transform, the transformation is successful, and the point is successful.


With this point not over, Jiang Shuihan couldn’t help but grin.

One hundred thousand faith values.

Just by ignoring the current war fortress, it consumes 100,000 faith points of Jiang Shuihan.

This kind of big devouring made Jiang Shuihan couldn’t help but grin.

What kind of monster is this?

Is it the deep-sea sukihime, or the ship girl’s harbor? Or is it some kind of ship girl system that you don’t know?

After so many attempts, Jiang Shuihan has a full understanding and cognition of his modifier.

It doesn’t matter what kind of divine power, or divine magic. Simply some other race.

This modifier will always modify you to become a large number of faith races of ship girls.

Naturally, the ship girl put aside the identity of the ship girl, it is a proper elf race.


In the cold thinking of the river, this fifteen-hectare war fortress exuded a deep blue light.

There is a blue-black aura in it.

Abyssal Sukihime?!

He was having a friendly exchange with Sophia, looking at the prestige maid chief who was carrying those destroyer children. and Eugen, who has a cold face and pretends to be a military model, but twists wildly under Julena’s arms.

Mrs. Lexington’s face was solemn.

Zi Mo, this is a very ordinary deep-sea heavy patrol.

But it is only an ordinary deep-sea heavy patrol that has been able to achieve this kind of achievement after receiving the attention of the crown.

It is expected to become a deep-sea ghost.

Being able to be named a water ghost means that Zimo can be regarded as a small boss in the deep sea camp.


The momentum in front of him is even more dignified.

The momentum that was so thick that it made Lexington Airlines a little amazed.

The water ghost is also a large deep-sea ghost.

I just don’t know which one.

“Ah, freshmen. It’s really good! ”

“Your Majesty, do you need me to win a war for you?”

“The blood of the enemy covers the entire sea, do you like this kind of gift?”

On the clear blue sea level.

A huge ship-mounted machine floats quietly above sea level.

There are two maintenance tower cranes on it, several hideous evil turrets, and a straight scarlet airport runway.

Around him, the round ball demons are constantly rising and falling.

A tall and explosive royal sister leaning on the ship covering an area of several square meters said softly.

Her long silver-white hair fell to her ankles, and in the middle of her brain, there was a black unicorn more than twenty centimeters long.

It is obviously the figure of a royal sister, and the face of the royal sister has the same face as a young girl. As well as expressions.

The young voice made people very suspicious, whether this one in front of them was the royal sister, or the voice of the young girl who heard it wrong?

The white-haired harbor water ghost with an extremely explosive body can make other ship girls extremely crazy.

Rulenna’s bosom is simply a princess of peace in front of the harbor water ghost.

This is the real explosive bomb!

Squatting on the sea level, two slender arms hanging above the water.

Two hideous giant hands, with a pair of thick steel bracelets, these two hideous giant hands are like eagle claws. It was as if it could easily tear the ship’s armor.

Deep Harbour Bay Water Ghost.

Among the deep-sea ship girls, the real upper boss.

It also assumes the flagship duties of a part of the deep-sea sub-fleet.

The golden-skinned ship lady of the blue battleship!

Deep Sea – Harbor Water Ghost!

Madness, killing, even thirst for blood.

This is the first reaction of watching the figure below explode to the extreme, wearing a black and white striped thin clothes that are completely out of line with the occasion.

This is something that Jiang Shuihan didn’t expect a little.

The breath of the abyss, and the breath of that valley owes the demon actually caused this effect?

“This is really unexpected!”

Looking at this deep harbor bay water ghost below, Jiang Shuihan’s brows stretched.

However, this is also what Jiang Shuihan did not expect a little.

[Hero interface].

【Name】: Harbor Water Ghost (modifiable).

[Occupation]: Land-based deep-sea flagship

[Race]: Deep Sea Ship Maiden

[Category]: Subhuman

[Ship type]: Onshore deep-sea base

[Rank]: Seventh order

[Hero Quality]: Golden Legend

[Faith]: God of machinery, Vladino Blazer

[Talent]: Deep Sea Potential, War Control, Information Control, Eternal Land-based, Ship, Battleship

[Specialty]: War A, Unified Army B, Governing Country C, Government Affairs C, Staff Officer C

[Skills]: Deep Sea Link LV4, War Fortress LV3, Land Aircraft Takeoff LV4, Artillery Coverage LV4, Deep Sea Maintenance LV2, Deep Sea Flame LV2,


This is simply a tough horse.


This is another hero of golden legendary quality after Sofia.

Well, this kind of golden legendary quality hero is definitely very rare.

“Is it really unexpected? To be able to give birth to a hero of golden legendary quality? ”

Rubbing this chin slightly, Jiang Shui Han couldn’t help but think.

Is the hero of the golden legendary quality because of that crippled divine soul?

If so?

Jiang Shuihan’s eyes couldn’t help but brighten slightly.

Kill demigods and catch gods.

Heroes who create golden legendary qualities.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shuihan’s heart became hot.

He has a hero of golden epic quality shaped with a wisp of broken divine spirit.

Cool over!

What is a war fortress?

Didn’t you spend 100,000 credits when you bought Sophia’s quantum command ship?

Is this a question of money?

“At this moment, whether it is participating in a foreign war! Or apply for a military school. All stable! ”

Nodding slightly, Jiang Shuihan directly issued an oracle in this divine domain.

After all, Jiang Shuihan didn’t want his ship girl race to be very unpleasant.

He, allows healthy competition.

Excessive competition is absolutely not allowed.

“Obey the oracle!”

After this oracle was issued, many ship ladies bowed down in unison.

Even the harbor water ghost lying on the sea level is crawling on the sea level with two long legs.

A pair of huge claws, bound by steel bracelets, calmly stretched out.

“Ah, is there a blue ship girl on this land?”

When the visit was over, the harbor water ghost turned around and looked at the island, which was neither big nor small.

On this island, a lilac figure is constantly sailing ahead.

When the figure arrived, the pale golden pupils of the harbor water ghost turned slightly.

“Deep sea RI-class heavy cruiser, Zimo. I’ve seen the Deep Harbour Bay Water Ghost Flagship! ”


When Jiang Shuihan’s oracle was issued, Zi Mo came to the harbor water ghost at an extremely fast speed.

In the deep sea, the status is equal and strict!

The lower deep-sea ship lady did not dare to resist the upper deep-sea ghost, the deep-sea Qi Ji.

It is under this kind of strict hierarchy that the deep-sea ghosts, the deep-sea Qi Ji, can pass and control countless deep-sea ship girls.

“RI-class heavy cruisers? Not bad. He was given a name by his crown. In that case, you will be my deputy in the future! ”

After glancing Zi Mo up and down, the harbor water ghost nodded slightly and said.

This kind of good temper is based on the name that Jiang Shuihan gave her.

If not, a heavy cruiser? What is it?

“Yes, Flagship-sama!”

Zi Mo, who nodded, stood respectfully beside the harbor water ghost.

At this sea level, the harbor water ghost gently stirred the surface of the water, and an invisible force carried the huge body of the harbor water ghost towards the direction of the military port.

“Deep Sea Ghost?”

On the left and right sides of this military port stood the leading figures of two ships.

Granny Lady – Lexington.

Nature Ship Maiden – Command Ship Sophia.

The pressure brought by the deep sea ghosts to these two was too great.

Especially Mrs. Lexington, the airline mother.

Whether it is a natural ship girl or a deep sea ship girl, there are their heroes.

And the blue ship girl did not.

In terms of quantity, the blue ship girl is the least. Natural ship girls are the most.

In terms of quality, the blue ship girl is the highest, and the natural ship girl is the lowest.

The deep-sea ship girl is not up or down.

But Mrs. Lexington, the airline mother, knew it very well.

Aqua or deep sea, or nature. It’s not for them to decide.

That is the will under the crown.

For now, the only way to do this is to do our best to preserve the status and power of the blue ship girl.

“Granblue Ship Girl? Hee-hee, do you want to come to the deep sea? “Look at Lexington’s elegant look. Standing up, the harbor water ghost, who was more than two meters tall, stepped on the land base of this military port.

One kick, stepped on a shallow footprint.

What a heavy tonnage!

No matter what kind of ship lady it is, it is only a footprint left on this military port.

The harbor water ghost stepped on a shallow footprint.

“No, there are children waiting for me here!”

Lexington Aviation Mother, who shook her head slightly, refused with a smile.

“Then, regarding the position of this ancestral sect, I feel it is necessary to redivide it!”

Nodding slightly, the harbor water ghost looked directly at Sophia’s body.

The ancestral sect, after owning the temple, had only five religious positions.

They are the high sacrifice, the two prayer sacrifices, and the two temple guards.

Now, the harbor water ghost has his sights on this position.

It is impossible to let out.


“Peaceful settlement! I don’t think His Majesty wants us to have an infighting over this, right? ”

Looking at the harbor water ghost with golden pupils slightly exuding an unkind aura, Lexington, the airline mother, was quickly born and explained.


A young voice hummed softly in the nasal cavity of this harbor water ghost.

After a ‘friendly’ discussion between the three of them.

In the end, it was decided to let Sophia continue to serve as the high priest.

Without him, whether it is governing the country, unifying the army, or government affairs, Sophia’s data panel is much better than the harbor water ghost.

The remaining prayer sacrifices as well as temple guards.

The blue ship girl and the deep sea ship girl each took one.

Next, Javelin will step down from the post of prayer sacrifice. Inherited by Lexington. Prestige sits in the position of temple guard.

The harbor water ghost sat on the position of temple guard, and Zimo ascended to pray and sacrifice.

This is also the result of the final deliberations of the three parties.

“So, two. Are we organizing a sacrifice to face the crown? ”

When everything is pretty much the same.

The time in the Divine Domain space also came to the evening.

At this time, it is normal to organize a worship.

Mrs. Lexington ruffled the blonde hair in her ear with a smile.


Nodded, whether it was Sophia or the harbor water ghosts, the two daily worships were engraved in their bones.

No absent ship girls are allowed.

It is also not allowed to miss any time to worship.

After obtaining the consent of the two hero ship girls.

Lexington, who was a prayer sacrifice, began to recite the teachings of the primitive ancestral sect of the ship maiden in front of the temple.

Under the recitation, accompanied by one respectful prayer after another.

Faith values, like torrents. In a crazy convergence.


[ps: Thank you [Cool Star Luo] [New Moon Cloud Man] for the monthly pass support, and thank you [Fengling] for urging the change! ] 】

[ps: Finally found the way of the Sea Mist Fleet, go back and arrange! ] Finally, solemnly say: in the ship girl system, ship C, ship N, ship R, ship B. It is a setting that fuses together to form the blue system. Above! 】

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