The Era of Gods

Chapter 729 Changes in the Family

After all, he still had something to do in the early stage and would not immediately go to the tidal crystal wall system. With Nemesis and Hermes around, it can be guaranteed that the battle group will not suffer any major losses.

The two of them used to fight with the Vientiane Emperor in unknown worlds, and their combat experience is much better than Lin Xiao, so he can rest assured that they are there.

The meeting ended, and Lin Xiao was about to leave when he suddenly heard someone calling his name behind him, and turned around to see Lei Xuanji and another military leader named Wu Dongye coming together

"We are going to have a drink and talk about something. Is Lin Xiao interested in having a drink?"

Lin Xiao thought for a while, nodded with a smile and said:

"no problem!"

A group of people left the meeting room, and an internal aircraft stopped at the edge of the building. Everyone entered the aircraft and drove away while chatting.

Along the way, Lei Xuanji introduced Wu Dongye and other military officers to him, and they were all subordinates who were qualified to participate in the meeting.

In fact, these three were left by him on purpose, and he could fill all the battle groups if he wanted.

But if the battle group is fully staffed, it will be impossible to recruit excellent subordinates, and there will be complaints if there are no promotion positions for powerful subordinates who cannot be promoted.

Wu Dongye's godhead rank is sixteen, and he also belongs to the Second Expeditionary Army. He is the commander of the Fourth Division. He has eight regiments under his command, and they are superior to Lei Xuanji in terms of strength and influence.

Both of them treated Lin Xiao very kindly, chatting and exchanging along the way without any airs.

Lin Xiao's heart is like a bright mirror. Although they are stronger than him now, anyone with a discerning eye can see that he will catch up with them in a short time.

Regardless of strength or power.

Using the ancient god's priesthood to promote powerful divine power first, this has surpassed Lei Xuanji, who has only fifteen levels of godhood, and the ancient god's priesthood has level 15. How can the new god's priesthood be a problem, let alone everyone knows that he inherited Vientiane The inheritance of the gods will surely have an unlimited future in the future. With the rich heritage of the Vientiane gods, it is only a matter of time before he can be promoted to the super divine power of the nineteenth level of the godhead.

Not to mention that he also has two girlfriends with extraordinary identities.

"Chief Lin really has a bright future!"

Wu Dongye smacked his lips in admiration, then changed the topic and got back to the topic:

"Chief Lin, I heard that you have a batch of void fleets in your hands, including ten super-large void battleships. I wonder if you are willing to sell one or two ships?"

Lin Xiao's heart moved when he heard this, but he showed a surprised expression on his face. He pretended to think for a while before showing an apologetic expression and said:

"I'm sorry, but I have no intention of selling it at the moment."

Wu Dongye laughed and said:

"It's me who should be sorry. I took the liberty to bring it up. I'm just asking. If there are any extras, I'm willing to pay a 20% premium to buy them. If there are none, forget it."


Lin Xiao spread his hands and said:

"I really don't have the final say on this. This is my girlfriend's dowry, and I dare not sell it."

"That's right, it's me, Meng Lang."

The three laughed, and tacitly stopped mentioning this matter.

Next they came to a club opened by a family member of a bigwig outside the war zone

The next day Lin Xiao returned to the compound assigned to him, ordered his subordinates to prepare the things he had explained before, picked up a piece of information and fell into deep thought.

AX-14 crystal wall system, Heya plane.

Ever since the family made friends with Lieutenant Colonel Sun Chenhua, the head of the garrison of the seventh base of the crystal wall universe, the competition between the Lin family and the Zhang family for the Heya plane has entered a one-sided stage.

For some unknown reason, Lieutenant Colonel Sun Chenhua obviously violated the military's rule that he was not allowed to participate in the family's internal strife and blatantly favored Lin. The general base applied for arbitration, and after several unsuccessful applications, it directly applied for arbitration to the fifth theater, but there was no news.

Obviously everyone can see that either there is a big boss behind the Lin family, or some big boss has offended the Zhang family and wants to mess with them.

And it's not just beating them to death with a stick, but slowly suffocating them by boiling the frogs in warm water.

It can be said that it is killing people and punishing them.

This feeling of watching oneself die slowly is more painful than killing them directly.

The AX-14 crystal wall system has been retreating steadily for thousands of years, but it has not completely perished. It is just that the big and small planes occupied by the Zhang family have been captured by the Lin family in repeated battles. Now only the ancestral land of the Heya plane remains. And there are only two small planes and seven miniature planes left, and the territory is less than one-tenth of its peak state, and its strength has declined greatly.

Over the years, the Zhang family had nowhere to appeal. After they lost their desire to appeal, they released a large number of Zhang's children and left the family. The young children joined the major forces, but the larger forces dared not take them in.

And most importantly, they still don't know who they offended.

Zhang Yan, the head of the Zhang family, had some guesses in his mind, but he was not sure, nor did he want to believe it.

After all, although Lin Xiao had some status in the fifth theater at that time, it was not enough for the theater to break the gauge, and it was impossible to have such a large energy to completely block them. You must know that this involved not only the fifth theater, but also a colonel. Without that status and prestige.

After more than a thousand years, the Zhang family has completely declined. Not only the family's territory in the AX-14 crystal wall system, but also the power and influence of the main world have completely declined.

Although the family still has two true gods, it is still a true god family, but the territory and resources owned by the family are far from worthy of the name of the true god family.

The most important thing is that their reputation is bad, no one dares to associate with them, they are isolated.

With no territory, no resources, and no way to save themselves, they can only wait for death.

Compared with the Zhang family who fell into despair, the Lin family has entered a stage of rapid development for more than a thousand years. Not only has it completely suppressed the Zhang family and won a large number of territories, but it has also made friends with the main officers of the crystal wall system. Frankly, not only unified the Heya plane, but also obtained the right to develop another plane group that is slightly smaller than the Heya plane. The family strength has continued to grow. Now the family has two more children besides Lin Xiao and Lin Xu The name is True God, surpassing the Zhang family in an all-round way.

Yes, Lin Xu has already become a god.

However, he had married his girlfriend Shi Ke hundreds of years ago, and had already joined the Shi family. With the support of his father-in-law, he not only succeeded in becoming a god, but also created a true god team with their husband and wife as the core, which seems to be developing well.

Lin Xiao fell into deep thought looking at the information displayed on the intelligence report, and did not know how Lin Xu persuaded the second uncle.

Looking at the intelligence about his parents, Lin Xiao couldn't help showing a knowing smile.

As the highest-ranking member of the family, everyone in the family basically knew that the blatant partiality of the chief of the family's crystal wall system should come from Lin Xiao, and his parents' status in the family naturally increased.

After the family won most of the Heya main plane and many large and small planes from the Zhang family, the family has allocated one-third of the Heya main plane to Lin Xiao's father Lin Haolin, two of the several B-level planes Assigned to him, plus several small and medium-sized planes, and the ownership of several planes in the newly developed plane group that is slightly smaller than the Heya plane group, the planes in Lin Haolin's hands are already family members. The third place is much, and the second place is Lin Changhong, the second uncle of the real god of the family.

Lin Xiao doesn't necessarily want these things for him, but they are the foundation for the small family.

The abandoned floating city in the center of the Heya plane. This floating city was originally between the Lin family and the Zhang family. It was usually used for negotiations between the two families. Now that the Zhang family has retreated, this floating city is occupied by the Lin family and invested a lot of supplies. After the restoration, it is now the family residence of the Lin family in the Heya plane, and the original residence has been abandoned.

There are quite a few mage towers in the floating city, which can basically be used after restoration. Lin Haolin also allocated one, which is the inner one.

There are too many planes allocated by the family, especially when another plane group has just been opened up. Father Lin has been quite busy in recent decades and is rarely at home.

Back at the Master Tower, Lin Haolin sat on the sofa in the living room and fell silent. As before, the girl-like Lin Mu, Jin Yunzhu, put a large fruit plate in front of her husband, pinched a red fruit with her slender white fingers and stuffed it into it. In the husband's mouth, he asked:

"Seeing that you are unhappy, is there anything bothering you?"

Lin Haolin looked up at his wife who was as beautiful as a girl, and said with a smile on his face:

"No worries, but just now at the regular meeting, the patriarch said that Colonel Chen Yongming, who is stationed in the general base of the crystal wall system, is inspecting various places and will come to the Heya plane for inspection. The patriarch asked us to prepare well."

When Jin Yunzhu heard this, she immediately lost her worries. A flower fairy dancing around her struggled to pick up a fruit and flew to her, opened her mouth to take it, and said while eating:

"It's strange to say that although our son is a colonel, Commander Chen is also a colonel, and he is also the garrison chief of the Jingbi clan. He is not inferior to our son in terms of status, and surpasses our son in terms of seniority. Why do you have such good friends with our Lin family?"

Father Lin shook his head and said:

"I'm not very clear, maybe Xiao Xiao'er has a better future."

Jin Yunzhu nodded and said suddenly:

"Do you think it's because of the beautiful girl who came with him last time? I heard that her father is a high-ranking officer in the war zone. I could see that girl was interested in our son very early on."

As she spoke, her face was full of affirmation.

But just after she finished speaking, she changed the topic again, and said with a sad face:

"But isn't our son's girlfriend the little girl from the Shen family? Although the little girl from the Shen family doesn't have a good family background, she is beautiful, smart, and sensible. She often sends us some good things."

"Then the little girl doesn't send it often?"

Lin Haolin glanced at his wife and said something lightly.

Jin Yunzhu got stuck, with a difficult choice on his face.

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