The Era of Hard Work

Chapter 229 Black Wind Shuangsha (for subscription)

The slender hand was grasped by the slightly rough big hand. In the broad palm of the big hand, there were calluses rubbing against the four light-white fingers. The fingers subconsciously wanted to move out, and the big hand held it tightly. The fingers seemed to be useless, just symbolic After moving a bit, he gave up struggling and declared his surrender.

The big hand is as rough as a rock, and the master is as firm as a rock and... silent.

Song Na asks people to hold hands, four points are sweet, three points are happy, two points are flustered, and one point is annoyed.

The sweet and joyful thing is that the stone finally warmed up and the wood finally germinated.

The panic was the first time I asked a boy to hold hands, and my heart was inexplicably a little confused.

The annoyance is that the stone is hot, and it is still a stone in essence!

Song Na turned to look at Lu Dong, who took her hand and walked forward step by step, but said nothing.

Don't let go, don't talk.

One-point annoyance has become three-point annoyance!

"Lv Kuisheng!" Song Na grew up on the side of the mountain. She dared to work in the gravel yard during the holidays. She was not a gentle lady in her bones. She was so angry that she wanted to bite and kick people, so she grabbed Lu Dong's big hand and pulled her. : "Lu Kuisheng!"

Lu Dong stopped, and some memories emerged, as if Song Na rarely called him nicknames, unless she was annoyed.

"Hei Dan, I..." Lu Dong had never said anything similar in his two lifetimes, so he was somewhat nervous.

Song Na's frosty face collapsed in an instant, turning into a gentle breeze, as if she was afraid of scaring Lu Dong's words back, and she smiled encouragingly: "If you have something to say, just say it, can I still eat you?"

She could feel that the big hand holding her hand was exerting force unconsciously, and the owner of the hand was not calm.

Lu Dong was not one to escape, no matter how dull he was at this moment, he could clearly sense that Hei Dan thought of him just as he did Hei Dan.

How many times have I dreamed back at midnight, and all I dreamed were Song Heidan.

"Black egg." Lu Dong showed the courage to fight the flood and defend Lujia Village: "Be my girlfriend, okay?"

Hearing this, the three points of anger dissipated in an instant. Song Na was full of sweetness and joy, and she was not so hypocritical. She replied, "Okay."

Lu Dong stretched out his hand and hugged her with all his strength. The two of them stuck together tightly. Song Na seemed to hear a powerful heart beating.

"Hey, Lu Kuisheng!" A male voice came from a distance: "And Song Heidan, you two are getting together!"

Song Na quickly pushed Lu Dong away, turned her head to look south, and saw a tall and thin man walking quickly from the south, grinning with two big rabbit teeth: "You two can't really get together?"

Lu Dong stared at his teeth: "Bao Ya Liu, believe it or not, I will give you plastic surgery today?"

Baoya Liu's name is Liu Jie, and he is also a sports student. He plays better with Lu Dong and Song Na, so he just joked around.

Song Na agreed: "Knock out the two big teeth and ask him to put the teeth again, so as not to be scary."

Liu Jie gasped, and his mouth was full of jokes: "You two are sinister and vicious! You look so dark, could it be a black wind and two evil spirits?"

Lu Dong raised his sandbag-sized fist and stared at Liu Jie's teeth.

Liu Jie quickly raised his hand: "Brother, sister, I was wrong, what if I'm wrong?"

Song Na warned him: "Don't talk nonsense."

Among a group of old classmates, one said, you can't let the old classmates talk about it for a day, it doesn't matter what you like to talk about behind your back, if you talk about it in person...

Liu Jie looked at Lu Dong's fist: "I didn't see anything, I didn't hear anything."

The three of them walked north together, and Lu Dong asked, "Remember you are in the University of Science and Technology?"

"May Day is a holiday, so I came back yesterday." Liu Jie said as he walked, "My home is in the county seat. I don't hear people talking about old school reunions, so come here quickly."

After entering the small cafeteria, there were already seven or eight people on the first floor. Li Wenyue and Yuan Jing, who were the organizers, hurriedly called the three of them over.

Lu Dong is just a bastard in high school. He is not very familiar with most of the people present here, and his relationship with them is average, but most of the people who came today are from the university town.

Besides, Lu Dong's two stores have become famous in the university town.

They are all young people, except for Lu Dong and Song Na, the rest are students in the ivory tower, they don't have that much thought, they sit together and chat in full swing.

Zou Kai was studying at the Normal University, and said: "Lu Dong, your shop is really popular. I went there two days ago, and I just waited for a seat for more than ten minutes."

Lu Dong looked embarrassed: "Old classmate, the hospitality is not good."

"That's not what I mean." Zou Kai said with a smile, "I just think that the business in the university town is good for you."

Yuan Jing also had a smile on her face: "No, Lu Dong has to be called Boss Lu now."

Liu Jie was a little surprised: "Lu Kuisheng, have you developed?"

A girl named Zhou Shanshan said: "In our School of Finance, when students go out to eat, the first choice is Lu Dong's restaurant."

The university is in line with the society, and the economic wave is also impacting the students in the university.

They also care about the economic development of their hometown.

Zou Kai said: "Did you read the news? The county magistrate led a team to investigate and said that he had contacted many foreign businessmen. Some people wanted to invest in our place. Qingzhao can have a few more foreign-funded enterprises this year, and the ranking of the top 100 counties can still move forward. Rush."

Li Wenyue answered, "There are reports in the evening paper that it seems that a foreign business group will come to our place this year."

Liu Jie said: "Our Qingzhao has no advantage."

"Who says there is no advantage." Zhou Shanshan studied in the School of Finance, and she has her own tendencies: "The university city is the advantage of Qingzhao."

Li Wenyue looked at Lu Dong: "Dongzi, you have a lot of contact with this area, what do you think?"

A group of old classmates were chatting, and Lu Dong casually said a few words: "In the current situation, resources at the provincial and municipal levels are gathered in the university town, and it is very obvious that the focus is on building an emerging economic region. The university town has investment, talents, policies and taxation. The advantages in this area should be able to attract businessmen to invest.”

Yuan Jing continued: "I heard from my dad that when foreign businessmen come here in summer, the focus of inspection is the university town."

Hearing this, Song Na looked at Yuan Jing, as if this Yuan Jing's family was not easy.

A boy named Xia Shang next to Yuan Jing said: "Buildings are being built everywhere in the university town, the innovation port of the Provincial University, the business center to the east of the Finance Department, and the capped buildings are close to 20 floors, taller than the tallest building in the county. I think this university town has a great future, and the big guys have nowhere to go after graduation, so it’s better to stay in the university town and develop.”

Lu Dong glanced at Xia Shang and didn't have much impression, but this suggestion is quite pertinent.

Song Na sat beside Lu Dong quietly, looking at him from time to time, as if she didn't want to talk much today.

Zhou Shanshan, who was in the same class as her in the third year of high school, suddenly asked, "Heidan, why are you so slow this year, and you were so dark in May last year."

Song Na picked up the sun hat and shook it: "There is no need for outdoor training, and I pay attention to protection."

Zhou Shanshan came over with a stool, and asked in a low voice, "Is there any new product in your store? I want to have my hair permed. What kind of headwear would look good with me?"

Not to mention, Song Na sells these things, she has studied them sincerely, and told Zhou Shanshan with a nose and eyes.

Everyone was divided into several small circles, chatting about the topics they were interested in. Liu Jie was relatively close to Lu Dong and others when he was in high school, and asked, "Is there any latest news about Tian Dabang?"

Lu Dong shook his head: "No, Tian Chuanjie wrote a letter and scolded me, and there will be no news."

Lu Chun went to work at Tian Dabang's house, but it didn't work because Tian Dabang sent money to his family.

These days, the lack of targeted laws and regulations, even the police, can do nothing.

Later, Yuan Jing and Li Wenyue clapped their hands to attract everyone's attention, announcing the formal establishment of Qingzhao No. 1 High School University Town Alumni Association.

Yuan Jing opened a bag, took out a red scarf from it, and distributed one to each of them.

Li Wenyue called out to Lu Dong, and the two carried stools to the entrance of the small cafeteria to hang a banner, which read: Qingzhao No. 1 Middle School Alumni Association!

Yuan Jing called her classmates to come out together, and stood under the banner for a group photo.

She called the teacher on duty in the dormitory management area to come over and help take pictures.

A dozen college students in their prime, plus an imposter, wore red scarves and stood three rows on the steps of the cafeteria.

"One! Two! Three!" The teacher on duty pressed the shutter and deliberately took a few more photos.

The students smiled brightly and agreed to meet regularly in the future.

Except for Liu Jie, everyone else is in the university town, so being close is an advantage.

Lu Dong thought further, a group of students from prestigious schools in the province supported each other, and they might achieve some achievements in the future.

It was almost noon, and everyone packed up the small cafeteria and prepared to have lunch together. Each of them collected 15 yuan and went to a restaurant near the school for dinner.

More than a dozen people walked forward along the asphalt road, Yuan Jing and Li Wenyue took the lead, and Lu Dong and Song Na fell behind.

Song Na warned: "You drink less for a while, we have to go back by motorcycle."

Lu Dong smiled: "Don't worry, I'm not an alcoholic, when will you see me drinking indiscriminately?"

Song Na thought about it, it was true, Lu Dong didn't smoke, and he only drank wine according to occasions.

Lu Dong asked, "You talk less today?"

Song Na said softly: "I'm happy, I don't want to say more."

Lu Dong understood the meaning of these words, quietly grabbed Song Na's hand, and shook it hard.

Song Na stretched out a finger and scratched in the palm of his hand, which had a rough texture.

As soon as he left the school, a classmate who was busy rushed over.

There is a restaurant near the school, which specializes in stir-fried dishes. It is a student business. There is no one in the restaurant during the May Day holiday. It is no problem to set up two tables in the lobby.

Each person gave Yuan Jing fifteen yuan, counting it as money for meals and photos at noon. Yuan Jing's family conditions are very good, and she would not swallow money from her classmates in private.

The classmates who just arrived sat at the same table with Lu Dong, who lived in the same village as Tian Dabang.

Inevitably talking about Tian Dabang, he said: "Tian Chuanjie came back some time ago and brought a lot of money. His family is building a new house. He pulled four or five people from the village to work with him in the south, and he even called me. , I remember what Wen Yue and Song Na said, and I didn't go."

Lu Dong remained silent. Tian Dabang's return from the south to recruit people can only explain one problem, he is very likely to become a backbone.

But he didn't say anything more, after persuading him so many times, he said everything that should be said.

MLM, an economic cult, has created a large number of MLM refugees. How many people's families are broken, how many people don't recognize their relatives, and even lonely and friendless.

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