The Era of Hard Work

Chapter 231 New Stores and New Products (for Subscription)

In the Lujia Village section of the Qingzhao River, there was a lot of people today. Hundreds of people gathered by the big locust tree on the south bank of the river. Around the so-called century-old locust tree, there were circles of firecrackers coiled around.

On the embankment, boxes of fireworks were lined up, waiting to be lit.

All the old and young people in Lujia Village were waiting to the east of the locust tree.

Just after the May Day holiday, it took nearly a month to complete the renovation of the Tilujia Village section of the Qingzhao River.

The river embankment is only repaired, and it is still weather-beaten for decades. No one can guarantee how long it can last in the flood like last year, but it can guarantee that it will last longer than other river sections upstream.

It is not easy for a village to do this when the superiors are silent and silent.

Looking at the entire area where the Qingzhao River flows, there are only two villages that have repaired the embankment this year.

Lu Zhenlin stood under the big locust tree and gave an order: "Light it up!"

More than a dozen young people came out to light firecrackers and salutes, and the firecrackers exploded for a while, and the salutes shook the sky.

The custom here, no matter building a house or building a road, there must be some big disturbances when the construction is completed.

The firecrackers and salutes were all gone, leaving the red carpet all over the floor.

Lu Zhenlin's bushy eyebrows stretched quite a bit, and he opened his still loud voice, shouting: "Old and young masters, another major event in our Lu family village has been accomplished! No matter what you do, young and old, young and old, think about one thing and work hard together. Our Lu Family Village can get better and better!"

The matter of the primary school will be delayed until next year.

No one clapped, but everyone was convinced.

Many people in the village work in food processing factories, and their wages are higher than those of the public sector. At the end of the year, they are paid dividends according to the population.

This year's drought, the wheat harvest can only be said to be mediocre, but these days are getting better and better.

Even if the harvest in the field is only enough to pay the public grain, there is no need to worry.

Lu Zhenlin didn't say much, walked from under the pagoda tree to the embankment along the aisle, stood on the embankment with mottled green grass, looked at the dry and cracked riverbed, and his heart sank somewhat.

Even if there is another flood in summer, Lujia Village will not be flooded.

He can't manage other places, he can only manage one-third of an acre of land in Lujia Village!

Lu Jianren came up and said, "Third Uncle, don't worry. When the flood comes again, the Qingzhao River will not open from Lujia Village. There is no one repairing the upper reaches. Make sure the upper reaches are flooded first."

"You just need to understand." Lu Zhenlin reminded: "Take care of your bad mouth and don't yell around."

Lu Jianren patted himself on the mouth: "Okay, I won't say anything."

In fact, my heart is very open, and my third uncle thinks so too.

Lu Zhenlin walked north along the river bank, when Lu Jianren saw Lu Dong coming up from below, he waved and shouted: "Dongzi, come here!"

As the crowd dispersed, Lu Dong came along the river bank, saw Lu Jianren squatting on the bank, squatted down too, and asked, "Uncle Qi, what's the matter?"

Lu Jianren looked at him: "You've been in a good mood these two days, have you had a happy fart?"

Lu Dong didn't bother to answer these nonsense words: "It's okay, I'm going to the factory, I won't chat with you, I'll have a meeting later."

Lu Jianren asked: "Your brother is getting engaged in a few days, is it a big show?"

"People take care of us here." Lu Dong got up and walked north: "When the time comes, all my sister-in-law's close relatives will come over, and I will definitely show off. My aunt has made an agreement with Sun Qinghai."

Lu Jianren said: "Okay, I will accompany you then." He went down to the river bank and sang a ditty: "I get drunk every day with the little revolutionary wine. Drinking brightens my eyes and heals my stomach..."

Lu Dong walked north along the embankment, took out his mobile phone to call the store, and told the store staff that there was something to do today, and if someone asked, he would only be there in the afternoon.

Putting away the mobile phone, Lu Dong remembered that it was inconvenient to contact without a mobile phone.

Thinking back carefully, I vaguely heard someone say that Heidan's birthday is in April of the lunar calendar, and it's the end of March in the lunar calendar. It seems that giving Heidan a birthday present is okay?

Heidan must have money in his hands, but if she has money, it is hers.

Lu Dong made a decision and took the time to buy a mobile phone in the past two days.

Just as she was thinking about it, the phone rang, and Zhao Juanjuan called. After connecting, Zhao Juanjuan said, "Are you free tomorrow night? Come here and warm the pot for Lao Qian and me, and ask Xiao Song to join us!"

Lu Dong told Song Na about this before, Song Na agreed, and immediately said: "Okay, Sister Juan, we will definitely be there!"

When arriving at the food processing factory, Lu Dong first went to the south for a tour. The basic construction of the factory building was completed, and some corners and corners were still under construction. Because entering the factory building needed to change the tooling and disinfect it, he didn't go inside and went directly to the newly built offices in the north. .

In the largest room, Lu Zhenlin and Accountant Li had already arrived.

Lu Dong said hello and took this product brochure to read.

Almost nine o'clock, Hu Chunlan, Lu Jianshe, and Tang Gong, who was hired by the factory, came one after another.

By nine o'clock, the monthly meeting begins.

Lu Zhenlin summed up the situation of the food company last month: "As of the end of April, our Lujia Food Company has completed the store opening plan in Qingzhao County two months ahead of schedule. Excluding two particularly poor towns in the southern mountainous area, we have opened stores in 19 towns and towns in total. Twelve."

Of the three extra houses, two more were opened in Ningxiu Town, the county seat, and one was opened in Lujia Village.

Lu Zhenlin continued: "Based on the three major customers in Quannan, our products have successfully entered the Shilipu meat market. We have developed a number of major customers in Qingzhao, including the resin factory, and have also entered the Pingcheng market."

This is a client that Lu Dong developed through Qian Rui's relationship.

The major customers of the food factory in Qingzhao also include Lu Dong's catering company, and the soup and sauces of the Malatang restaurant are also provided here.

Lu Zhenlin added: "In April, we realized a total operating income of 920,000 yuan."

This figure excited everyone present.

"Summer is coming soon, and we will face severe challenges." Lu Zhenlin emphasized: "It is necessary to do a good job in refrigerated storage from raw materials to products, and any products that show signs of deterioration must be discarded! I will say it again, what we do is food! Food safety major Excuse me! Never allow any incident of spoiled food to occur! The temporary profit is the sign we have finally erected!"

He said: "I will find a special person to patrol the store secretly, and deal with the problem seriously if I find it!"

Lu Dong has emphasized similarly more than once in his two stores. When there is a case of problematic food, what is lost is not a customer, but a group of customers around.

Lu Zhenlin then talked about the next step plan, the key work is to consolidate the Qingzhao market, improve the production equipment and process, and then develop the Quannan market.

Each of them talked about the head of their own department. Although Lu Dong had a name, he didn't care about it.

Then, Hu Chunlan brought new products, such as vacuum small pieces of ears, pork head meat, chicken feet, chicken wings, chicken necks and other small-package snack products, as well as large bags of products such as grilled chicken, sauced pig's feet and sausages.

Lu Dong looked at each other, and found that the big bags basically had the same taste, and the small bags were divided into sauce-flavored, mildly spicy, and spicy flavors as he said.

He took apart a chicken foot and tasted it slowly. The familiar taste did not deteriorate due to the vacuum packaging. The chicken feet were so crispy that even the bones could be chewed to pieces.

Everyone unwrapped and tasted the other packages, and they were all cooked here, so the taste is naturally not bad.

Only sausage is the same, too much pork belly is used, it is a bit greasy.

Hu Chunlan was in charge of the production and said, "This needs to be adjusted."

Lu Dong suggested: "When these are mature, we can make duck products. I heard from some students in the university town that duck wings, duck necks and duck breasts are very popular, as well as various stewed bean products. "

Hu Chunlan would not follow blindly just because Lu Dong was her own son, and said: "We are just starting to do what we have, so we should not be in a hurry. We should do what we are sure of first."

Lu Dong smiled: "Future plans."

Lu Zhenlin wrote everything down in his notebook: "Step by step, we will develop well in the future, and we will definitely expand."

Accountant Li said with a smile: "Dongzi thinks far, but also thinks a lot. How do you say that, yes, focus on the future!"

Lu Dong hurriedly said a few words modestly, and then said: "Third Grandpa, the company I opened has opened two new stores in the University City, one for my own use, and the other I plan to keep for our side. The place where I opened the store in the University City, you I have been there, next to a large community that can accommodate 10,000 people, and facing a student market of more than 100,000 people.”

He picked up a small bag and vacuum-packed it: "Snack products, students are the main consumers, I suggest, open a store in the university town, and the snacks will also be sold in the university town first!"

Lu Zhenlin has been to Lv Dongna more than once, recalled it a little, and said: "I think it's okay! The store will give you rent according to the market rate, and I'll go and have a look tomorrow. Students like to eat snacks, that's right! Girl Lan Lan, The sky is clamoring for delicious food."

Lu Dong added: "My two stores have a lot of traffic, so we can put up some publicity in the store before opening to drive our new store."

"That's a good idea!" Lu Zhenlin agreed, and asked again: "Dongzi, I heard the news that the county is trying to put this year's sugar, wine and food fair in the new exhibition center in the university town. We have a place here. You You know Director Yang well, didn't you ask?"

The last time Lu Dong heard about it, he called Director Zhao: "I asked, and I am indeed fighting for it, but the hope is not very high. The supporting facilities in the university city are not good enough. When businessmen come, they will have problems with places to live and eat."

Lu Zhenlin said: "The speed of construction is still slow."

Lu Dong told the truth: "If the university town wants to develop rapidly, it must attract investment."

Everyone discussed until eleven o'clock, and the meeting ended. Lu Dong received a call from Du Xiaobing. Du Juan arrived in the University City. He rushed to the University City, called Lao Du, Song Na and Qiao Weiguo, and had lunch with Du Juan.

In the afternoon, together with Lao Du, I accompanied Du Juan around the university town, where Du Juan wanted to open a computer sales store.

It is not only aimed at students, but also enterprises and institutions in the university town.

The next day, Lu Zhenlin and Lu Jianshe came to look at the store, and then went to Xuefu Wenyuan and Huayuan District in the south. They ate lunch at Lu Dong's store and met a flood of student consumers.

Lu Zhenlin really decided to open the largest Lujia Juewei delicacy store in the university town. The store is large enough to sell not only cooked food, but also new snacks.

After seeing the two of them off, Lu Dong found time and went to the county town, first to buy a mobile phone, and second to buy warm pot gifts.

You can't be a guest empty-handed.

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