The Era of Hard Work

Chapter 52: A group of demons dancing wildly

With the sun approaching 11 o'clock, Lao Zhao rode a tricycle and walked east along Xuefu Road, and soon came to the place where the stall was set up before. It was quiet and there was no one there.

The little brother who set up the stall was frightened and withdrew?

No, it's obviously the little brother who has the upper hand, with both human and official support.

When Lao Zhao approached the place, he realized that this was not the case. A piece of paper was pasted on the fatong tree, which said that the stall of the little brother had moved to the opposite door of the Normal University.

"Normal University?" Old Zhao thought for a while, and went to the Normal University on his tricycle without stopping.

The university town is not peaceful, but the little brother is a nice guy and a bit capable, and he leans against a big tree to enjoy the shade.

Going west at the central intersection, it’s not too far to go. Banners hang high at the main entrance of the Normal University, with colorful flags fluttering. A bus stops at the entrance, and people keep coming down.

Just across the road, in a conspicuous place, there is a huge banner hanging between two green trees - daily necessities, high quality and low price.

This is the same as the old campus of Normal University in Quannan, where the main entrance faces north.

Lao Zhao parked the car, but the younger brother couldn't see it, nor could he see the booth.

Because the dense crowd surrounded it tightly, including parents and students.

Two people came out from the crowd, apparently father and son, with large black convenience bags stuffed to the brim.

The father has one, and the son has another.

Then a pair of mother and daughter squeezed out from the crowd. Although only the mother was carrying a large convenience bag, there were slippers and a fan in the plastic basin carried by the daughter.

Two couples left, and another five or six people came across the road.

Old Zhao was a little dazed, how much money does this little brother earn? Why do you have to pay hundreds of dollars a day?

There are many people to buy and sell. Lao Zhao knows this truth very well. He hurriedly found the intersection and got on the curb. He pushed the tricycle to the east of the crowd. He didn't dare to get too close. He placed the tricycle at a distance of five or six meters, and took out a simple The sign is good.

As soon as the sign here was erected, people who had finished shopping came over.

"Boss, how do you sell sesame seed cakes?" The man struggled to carry a large convenience bag.

Seeing the crowd, Old Zhao decided to temporarily raise the price, swallowed, and said cautiously, "Fifty cents each."

He didn't make the sesame seed cakes himself, but bought them from neighboring villages. Because they demanded a lot, he could buy four for one dollar.

Without further ado, the man gave a dollar: "Come here."

Old Zhao took the money, his heart was full of joy, and his dark face burst into a smile: "Okay!"

Someone came to take the biscuits and left, and soon someone came to buy them.

The stall next to it keeps attracting people. Most of these people are from other places. It is inevitable that their stomachs will be empty after a long car ride. When they come to buy sesame seed cakes, they rarely bargain.

Old Zhao found out, this business is done!

In just half an hour, nearly 50 biscuits were sold.

He looked around in his free time, and there was no decrease in the number of people around him. The little bald man with a fierce face was moving goods out of the big trailer from time to time, and the truck was about to be empty.

Sure enough, I didn't think so, leaning against their big tree, it's really good to enjoy the shade.

Lao Zhao thinks,, in the afternoon, we can buy more sesame seed cakes.

Business is good when there are many students at the beginning of the school.

According to this situation, I can earn thirty or forty yuan a day, which is much more than those who earn a solid job.

Lao Zhao's pancakes were sold one by one, and he gradually got more ideas. He had never seen any food for sale in the university town. The boy next door said that the food in the cafeteria was mediocre, and these students didn't want to adjust their tastes.

Maybe sell something else? My daughter has nothing to do after school, so I can pull her to help.

But what to do?

Sometimes, people's minds are very rigid, but after seeing something, they can think of more.

Lao Zhao quickly remembered the business he had done when he was young, why don't he try selling tofu brains?

Sell ​​the biscuits first and save some money to support it, so there is no rush.

At noon, the number of people at the booth gradually decreased, and the last two people were sent away. Lu Dong and Qiao Weiguo hurriedly drank their saliva, and both did similar movements, rubbing their wrists.

There's no way, the pain of collecting money is not only sore, it's almost cramp!

Old Zhao took the initiative to say hello: "You two, business is going well?"

Lu Dong smiled: "It's not too bad. How are the biscuits selling?"

Old Zhao opened the foam box: "It's almost sold out." He paused for a moment, took out three sesame seed cakes cruelly, and walked over to Lu Dong and Qiao Weiguo: "Try it, freshly made."

Lu Dong didn't answer: "We have lunch."

Lao Zhao insisted: "This cake is very good, try it."

Lu Dong thought for a while, took the pancakes, handed them to Qiao Weiguo, fetched a bottle of water, and handed them to Old Zhao: "It's a hot day, quench your thirst."

Old Zhao was also thirsty, so he accepted after a few excuses.

Lu Dong found out the steamed stuffed buns prepared by his old mother, gave them to Qiao Weiguo and the two, ate a couple of them, put the things in the cart on the stall, and rode back on the Jialing cart to collect the goods.

I asked people at the gate of the school in the morning, and it was expected that there would be more people coming in the afternoon, so Lu Dong made two special trips.

On the second trip back, I ran into Li Wenyue on the village south road.

He was pushing his bicycle south.

Lu Dong stopped the car and asked, "What's wrong?"

Li Wenyue glanced at the rear tire: "It may be punctured."

Lu Dong got out of the car, took a look, and saw that the rear tire of the bicycle was flat, and asked, "Where are you going? How about I take you back."

There are bike repairers in the village.

Li Wenyue pointed to the southeast side: "Go to the field to pick some vegetables, my house will have a banquet tonight, will you come?"

"Just your family?" Lu Dong received an affirmative answer, and said, "I won't go."

He picked up the bicycle, put it in the empty trunk, and beckoned Li Wenyue to get on the bike: "Let's go, I'll take you to your private plot."

It's not too far away, and it won't take long to return to the village.

Li Wenyue got into the car and said, "Are you coming back from University City?"

Lu Dong responded, turned around on his motorcycle, and walked about a hundred meters to the south. There was a dirt road to the east. On one side of the road was a row of thick trees, and on the other side was a stinking ditch, one of the sewage ditch of the former paper mill.

The paper mill has long been closed down, but the rainwater flows into the ditch every summer, and the remaining pollutants still emit a very pungent smell.

At the end of the dirt road, there is a fence nearly three meters high, which encloses a large yard and prefabricated houses, and there is heat in the yard.

Li Wenyue pointed to the board room and said, "This is Cheng Lifeng's meat cooking workshop. It was built in his family's private plot. His family's stewed meat is all made here."

Lu Dong had an impression, so he took a look at it. It might be because of cooking meat all the year round. The original blue and white fence was covered with oil.

On the south side near the stinking ditch, there is another ditch where the sewage gurgles out.

In the stinky gutter, discarded condiments are thrown everywhere.

The concept of environmental protection is still far away from the life at the bottom. Let alone the people below littering, the people above don't pay attention to it.

Lu Dong estimated that Cheng Lifeng's stewed meat workshop was built here, in addition to the reason of his family's private land, the convenience of throwing away garbage is also a major factor.

In this day and age, things like this are commonplace.

Lu Dong didn't mind his own business, and got out of the car to help Li Wenyue pick vegetables in his private plot.

Cucumbers, lentils, bean pods, eggplant, and plucked some scallions.

A few fractions of private land, planted with a la carte, is enough for the farmer's family to eat through the summer and then into the autumn.

Farmers have low income, but they also have unique advantages.

After packing up the dishes, Lu Dong and Li Wenyue got into the car and walked back. They were approaching the corner of the land and the asphalt road, and the wind was blowing from behind, making the pungent smell more intense.

"Ah Choo..."

Lu Dong sneezed, quickly stabilized the handlebar, and asked, "Why does it smell like asphalt?"

Li Wenyue sniffed it carefully, but there was only a pungent smell: "I didn't smell it."

Lu Dong wanted to pull the goods back to the University City, but didn't make a careful distinction. He turned the corner and accelerated into the village, put down Li Wenyue and his bicycle, went back to the orchard to pick up the goods, and rushed to the University City again.

It is the hottest time, and there are not many people who come to buy things, sparse, not as concentrated as in the morning.

Lu Dong rushed to the opposite side of the Normal University, and found another man between the booth and Lao Zhao's tricycle.

This man is about thirty years old, slightly taller than Qiao Weiguo, has a long horse face, and is very thin. There are two hollows sunken on the high protruding collarbone, not to mention eggs, and goose eggs. go down.

Lu Dong put the car and trailer away, and looked over there, Ma Lian took out a large woven bag from the swollen sack, and spread it on the checkered tile floor as a pavement.

"What are you doing?" Lu Dong asked Qiao Weiguo.

"I didn't ask." Qiao Weiguo touched his bald head and said, "He just asked if he could set up a stall here. I said public land, and he came up."

Ma Lian took out things from the sack again, and put colorful square hard packages on top of the sack one by one.

If you look carefully, you can faintly see words such as "Play Back To School", "Hot Detective", "Huang Feihong", "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance" and so on.

It turned out to be a seller of pirated movie discs.

In the past two years, VCDs are no longer a rarity, and have gradually entered some families with acceptable conditions.

Several video halls in the county have long been replaced by VCDs.

Inevitably, the works of some art masters, especially Hong Kong art masters, such as the famous Mr. Xu, also flowed in on a large scale.

At the material exchange conference in the county, some video halls even dared to use external speakers to play such films.

In some ways, this is also the last era of demons dancing wildly.

For example, at the material exchange conference, most song and dance troupes have a public undress dance program.

Ma Mian looked at Old Zhao, then at Lu Dong and Qiao Weiguo.

The former is older and probably experienced, while the latter is like a kid who just left school.

This is a good choice, and his idea finally hit the latter two: "You two, you want to ask me for ten yuan a piece, and you can get whatever you want!"

It doesn't matter whether you buy or not, let's get to know each other first.

Qiao Weiguo was the same as before, ignoring people.

Lu Dong nodded slightly: "Thanks, I don't need it for now."

Ma Lian took a few steps towards this side, and said, "You're welcome, it's fate to set up a stall together. You're not interested in these things, are you? Don't worry, I understand your young people's preferences."

He took out a new disc from the sack: "See? "Titanic"! I got it from the south with great effort, and it only costs 20 yuan a piece! This is the hottest movie in the United States. Ten...Anyway, twenty gold awards! Also, all the heroines are naked, and everything that should be exposed has been exposed."

Lu Dong shook his head: "No, I've read it."

There will be no other customers for Ma Lian, so he continues to sell: "Not enough? I have more exciting ones! Do you want Hong Kong City? Neon? Or American Emperor?"

Lu Dong waved his hand: "No need."

There were very few people who bought CDs, and Ma Lian basically had no business. After a long time, a student bought something from Lu Dong, was attracted by CDs, bargained for six yuan, and bought one.

Lu Dong was curious: "What do they think?"

"A new computer? TV?" Ma Lian said cheerfully, "There is always a way to see it."

Selling is just one way to make money.

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