The Era of Hard Work

Chapter 753 Just Stay Away

Although it is not a government department, but the top ten figures of the year selected by the TV station, this is a set, recognized as the most influential TV channel in the country, and also recognized as the official media.

The moment Lu Zhenlin received the award, the entire Lu Family Village burst into cheers.

For the people in Lujia Village, no matter whether they have money or not, Lu Zhenjia is the head of their family they recognize!

My family won this honor, besides being happy, I am also excited and honored.

The sound of firecrackers and salutes exploded over Lujia Village again.

That night, after Lu Dong sent Song Na back, he called the eighth uncle and the third grandfather who were far away in the capital. The program was recorded a few days in advance, and the eighth uncle and the third grandfather did not come back immediately after the recording. Walking around the capital, on the other hand, there are leaders who want to meet the third grandfather.

The motivating effect brought by advanced models can never be ignored. From the second day after Touching China was broadcast, reports about Lujia Village appeared one after another.

Moreover, moving Huaxia itself is a huge publicity.

Three days later, when Lu Zhenlin arrived with Yu, the two leaders of Qingzhao County went to the airport to greet them in person.

Such an advanced model from Qingzhao County is also an achievement made by the county.

The first stop back was not to go back to the village, but to go directly to the county. Lu Zhenlin was accompanied by the leader, and Lu Dong pulled Eighth Uncle into the Buick commercial vehicle that drove over from the village.

The car started and left the airport. Lu Dong asked, "Uncle Ba, how is everything going in the capital?"

Lu Jianwu said with a smile: "It's fine, there's nothing wrong with it. A set of people over there came to receive us, and the leaders of the propaganda department came to meet us. Who can trouble us? By the way, Zhao Laogen even came here to treat guests. He There are many people in the capital, and it seems that Zhao Laogen’s big stage is going to be held, and I took it to see the place where the theater is going to be built, which is next to the Forbidden City.”

He glanced at the high-rise buildings in the university city, and said, "Zhao Laogen is willing to cooperate with us."

Lu Dong nodded slightly: "Over the big stage in Lujia Village, Zhao Laogen asked some apprentices to sign a two-year contract with us."

Lu Jianwu remembered something: "When he was in the capital, Zhao Laogen asked about investing in Zhao Laogen's big stage. He seemed to have some problems with his funds. Your third grandpa remembers what you said, because after investing in Unrivaled Logistics, the funds were tight. Rejected for a reason."

Lu Dong said: "At this stage, our funds are a little tight."

The three companies in Lujia Village, although their revenue is quite good, but Lujia Village also spends a lot of money. There are still construction projects in the old village folk area, and foreign processing plants are also investing. The construction company has acquired ancient buildings. After the first-level qualification, several projects have been undertaken, and these need to put money on them.

Then there is Gasgoo Logistics. After the acquisition is completed, the additional investment of hundreds of millions will have a certain impact on the capital chain of Lu's Catering and Lujiacun Group.

Although the capital chain is not tight, but also pay attention to the security of the reserves.

With today's Lujiacun Group, it is not difficult to get a loan from the bank, and it can even be said to be easy, but Lu Dong insisted that the Lujiacun Group keep a certain amount of reserves, just in case.

It is easy to add icing on the cake, but difficult to deliver charcoal in the snow.

With the current situation in Lujia Village, there are too many people who add to the cake.

In case of major difficulties, there are many things you can't count on, and the only thing you can really rely on is yourself.

Of course, the Lujiacun Group does not exist in isolation.

Lu Dong's industrial group based on Lu's catering, and Song Na's warm business, are all inextricably linked with the Lu Family Village Group, and even both prosper and lose.

Three large companies advance and retreat together, enough to handle a lot of trouble.

Lu Jianwu asked curiously: "Shouldn't our cooperation with Zhao Laogen go further?"

Lu Dong shook his head: "It's enough to maintain the current level. I have talked with Zhao Laogen. When "Country Love" is filmed again, we will directly sign three TV series contracts. This may take six years, six years, who Know what can happen."

He paused for a while, and then said: "Zhao Laogen will mainly work hard in Liaodong and the capital in the future, and our main focus will be in Taidong. The water in the capital is too deep. Once people can't control their desires, they can't see It will be troublesome to clear your own position."

Lu Jianwu thought for a while and said, "Actually, seeing Zhao Laogen this time, he has somewhat changed from before."

Lu Dong smiled: "Uncle Ba, as long as they respect us, we will respect them and maintain the current level of cooperation. We will not consider anything else for the time being."

The former Zhao Laogen was really famous. In terms of his reputation among the general public, he was much more powerful than that boss Huang from Guangmei Electric. Therefore, Lu Dong remembered the things that Zhao Laogen encountered more than that. What happened to Mr. Huang is even more clear.

After 2010, Zhao Laogen, how should I put it, should stay away anyway.

"By the way, Dongzi, some leaders have received your third grandfather." Lu Jianwu said roughly, "It sounds like the matter of model workers has basically been settled."

Lu Dong smiled and said, "It's good news again."

But Lu Jianwu was very clear: "Many of these should belong to you."

"Uncle Ba, if you say that, our father and I can't help each other." Lu Dong said intentionally, "I'm only twenty-three, and I've won so many honors at such a young age, and I'm lying on the merit list and honor list waiting to die? I have no motivation, no motivation, how to do things in the future."

Lu Jianwu understood this nephew and waved his hand: "Okay, I won't say anything, and I can't say anything about you. You follow the old seven's good ones and don't learn from the bad ones. You have a reason for everything."

The county specially held a celebration banquet in the guest house. The leader's kindness could not be rejected, and the group dined in an extremely warm atmosphere.

After the meal, the two leaders chatted with Lu Dong and Lu Zhenlin specifically, talking about many things.

Next month, with the May Day holiday ahead, the Qingzhao Culture and Tourism Festival will kick off. Lujia Village is an extremely important part and needs to cooperate with the work of the county.

The county is planning to hold a grand opening performance at the newly built Qingzhao Square in Moquan Park.

On Lu Dong's side, in addition to the people he had contacted before, Jay Chou, the spokesperson of Burger King, has also been contacted.

The biggest star invited by the county is Jack Chen.

This person came to Qingzhao last year, specifically to recognize his ancestors in Fang Xuanling's hometown, and has been in contact with Qingzhao ever since.

Perhaps Chen Jieke has problems of one kind or another, but his political sense is very keen, which can be seen from things like returning to the mainland to recognize his ancestors.

At the beginning, even Lu Dong thought that Jack Chen came to Qingzhao's hometown of Fang Xuanling for publicity and hype.

But combined with the various performances of Chen Jieke later, it is not difficult to find that this guy is really good, and he may have started preparations very early.

Later, even if the movies I made were uglier than the last one, no one criticized me in terms of patriotism.

Patriots should always be the protagonist.

At this meeting, the county leaders also talked about another important matter. Qingzhao County has a seat for the National People's Congress. In the next election, Lu Zhenlin will be included in the election candidate list.

As for Lu Dong, the county made it clear that it would support him to go one step further and strive to join the band as soon as possible.

At the end of this meeting, a group of people from Lujia Village were about to leave and return to the village.

Yuan Jing, who was already engaged to Li Wenyue, made a phone call. Lu Dong stayed in the county for the time being. After a short meeting, Yuan Jing and Xia Dan hurried over.

Yuan Jing and Lu Dong were old classmates. After getting engaged to Li Wenyue, needless to say about their relationship, she directly said to Lu Dong: "I have something to do, find a place to talk?"

"Okay." Lu Dong asked Lu Kun to ask for a private room.

Compared to Yuan Jing, Xia Dan was a lot more cautious when facing Lu Dong, and waited until the waiter who brought the tea left, he said: "The reason I am so anxious to find you is because the County Radio, Television and Propaganda Department has just received an application, and I will contact you. It's related here."

Lu Dong thought that he was coming to Lujia Village for an interview, so he said, "Chief Xia, you just ask Yuan Jing to contact Wen Yue."

Yuan Jing smiled embarrassedly: "It's not about your Lu family village."

Xia Dan said in detail: "Did you invest in Noon Sunshine Film and Television Production Company?"

Hearing this, Lu Dong roughly understood what was going on, and said, "I invested in a joint venture with Triple Crown Film and Television and two other friends, and I plan to make several TV series."

Xia Dan has already opened the briefcase, took out a document and handed it to Lu Dong: "Qian Yangchun, the general manager of Sunshine at noon, applied to the county to film a TV series called "Detective Di Renjie" in some places in Qingzhao, including Lu Dong. Home Village Folk Tourist Area, Hometown of Fang Xuanling, Qixing Terrace, Baiyun Lake, Weishan Geological Park, etc.

Lu Dong asked, "What do you mean by leadership?"

"Let us fully cooperate." Xia Dan said simply: "The "Country Love" became famous not only for your Lujia Village, but also for our Qingzhao County. The fame and benefits brought are real. Now you invest Another TV series is ready to be filmed, and the leaders attach great importance to it, and they all think it is another good opportunity to promote the youth photo."

Yuan Jing added: "The county is not familiar with Qian Yangchun and Hou Hongliang who are about to lead the team here. To cooperate with the work, we have to deal with them. It is said that some people in the film and television industry are very airy. Xia Ke and I are worried that we will communicate at that time. There are some unnecessary troubles at work, since "Detective Di Renjie" was filmed by the company you invested in, can you say hello to someone in advance, so we can talk about it when the time comes."

Not to mention how well he would cooperate with the work in the county, just because Yuan Jing is Li Wenyue's fiancée, it was impossible for Lu Dong to refuse, so he immediately responded, "Okay, I'll give them a call."

Lu Dong was also unambiguous, and immediately dialed Qian Yangchun's phone number. After talking a few words, he deliberately left the contact information of Xia Dan and Yuan Jing, and asked Xia Dan to have a simple exchange with Qian Yangchun.

Xia Dan used to be a host at a county TV station. He was far away from the film and television circle, and he kept his posture relatively low. When talking on the phone, he mainly expressed that there was something the crew needed. Anyone in Qingzhao County who can help will definitely cooperate.

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