The era of high martial arts

Chapter 142: Intolerable

Lin Feng's situation was somewhat similar to Li Changan's initial situation, but Li Changan got help from Yuxi, and Lin Feng did not have such good luck.

Because he could no longer break through his innate nature, Lin Feng's character became withdrawn and very irritable.

All of his soldiers were trained to be obedient, and no one dared to contradict him openly.

"I said we should gather at eight o'clock, but at this point, there are still people who haven't come. Why, don't you take me as the captain seriously?" Lin Feng looked at the crowd coldly.

When he glanced at Li Changan, Li Changan couldn't help but shiver.

That gaze was like a knife, and when it glanced over, it was like a sharp knife cutting through everyone's bodies.

"Those who haven't arrived yet, please be late for one minute and run around the square. Once you've finished, we'll start taking action."

The square is very big. How big is it? It is 500 meters wide from east to west and 600 meters long from north to south, with a total area of ​​300,000 square meters, equivalent to two-thirds of Tiananmen Square.

The lap is about 2.2 kilometers. If someone is more than ten minutes late, it will be enough for him to drink a pot.

In order to prevent anyone who arrived late and wanted to sneak in, Lin Feng had already started to send his men to supervise.

Of course, other teams were not so strict with these students, but Lin Feng was a surprise, and it seemed that he was going to establish his reputation from the beginning.

No one spoke, they could only wait quietly.

At about 8:15, everyone from Team 17 finally arrived.

There were about a hundred people who were late, forming a separate square formation.

People from other teams have begun to leave one after another. They either sympathize with Team 17 or laugh at them...

But these have nothing to do with the people of Team 17. What awaits them will be cruel punishment.

"Because of your stupidity, we lost the opportunity to leave the base." This sentence was shouted by Lin Feng. "I have never seen such stupid people. This is the punishment for your stupidity. Run a minute late. Circle, I’ve registered your names, so don’t be tricky, or you’ll run twice as fast. Now, start running!”

The more than one hundred people took steps no matter how reluctant they were.

Perhaps because they have been growing up in a greenhouse, these people have never experienced this, so after meeting Lin Feng, they immediately turned into little sheep.

"As for you, because of the stupidity of your teammates, you will stand in military posture from now on until they finish running."

If he had a choice, Li Changan would rather go for a run. Standing in a military posture is a tiring job.

Standing straight all the time, others can't understand the sour feeling.

The latest people arrived around 8:15, which means they had to run at least fifteen laps, 33 kilometers.

Since the Lingyuan Era, human beings' physical fitness has greatly improved, and the physical fitness of warriors has become even more powerful.

Calculated at a normal speed of one minute and a half and one kilometer, it would take these people about fifty minutes to run.

But after running for such a long time, you will always get tired, and your speed will definitely drop later, so this number must be doubled at least.

Calculating this way, Li Changan and the others would have to stand for at least an hour and a half.

They deserve to be punished for being late, but this has nothing to do with people like Li Changan, and he is not late. This is really an unreasonable disaster.

Gou Yu originally wanted to refute, but after taking a look at Lin Feng, she still stood obediently in a military posture.

Standing in a military posture actually consumes a lot of energy. It's fine for a short time, but it becomes really painful over time.

In the face of such suffering, no one has the concept of estimating time.

I thought that more than ten minutes had passed, but in fact only a few minutes had passed. It would be an exaggeration to say that the day seemed like a year.

Gradually some people in the team couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground.

Mi Menghan's physical fitness is not very good. There are not many girls in Team 17, and there are even fewer who are still standing at this moment. She couldn't hold on anymore. Mi Menghan didn't know how long she stood there, but it must have been an hour.

With a "bang", Mi Menghan fell to the ground.

Li Changan stretched out his hand to give him a hand.

"That student is talking about you, didn't you hear? You are not allowed to help her." Lin Feng roared and rushed over.

Li Changan automatically ignored Lin Feng's words and directly carried Mi Menghan on his shoulders, preparing to send him to the hospital.

"You idiot, I asked you to put her down." Lin Feng kicked Li Changan in the leg.

Lin Feng didn't hold back, and when his kick landed on Li Changan's leg, he knelt directly on the ground as if he had been hit by a boulder.

Li Changan became angry, gently put Mi Menghan on the ground, stood up and glared at Lin Feng.

"Why are you staring at me? Do you want to eat me?" Lin Feng roared.

"No, I want to ask the captain, being late is their business, why are you torturing us?"

"No reason, because this is my order. It is my order, you must obey it and execute it."

"I don't accept it!" Li Changan shouted.

Li Changan usually has a relatively gentle personality, but today, he was completely angered.

"Not convinced?" Lin Feng's voice became lower, "Then I will convince you."

As soon as Lin Feng finished speaking, his fist came out and hit Li Changan in the chest.

That punch was a punch from the later stage of Gu Wu. In terms of pure strength, it was simply not something Li Changan could resist.

Li Changan was knocked several meters away and fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry, Chang'an, are you okay?" Gouyu stopped standing and ran out of the team.

Fatty Wang and Guo Xin followed suit and ran over.

Others seemed to see this as an opportunity and wanted to take a break from fishing in troubled waters.

But Lin Feng didn't give them a chance, "Vice Captain, if anyone makes any moves, register them and I'll go back and take care of them."

The vice-captain next to him stood in front of those people, full of murderous aura, and hundreds of students were shocked to the spot.

"In these years, I have collected more thorns than you have eaten, and I still want to mess with me." Lin Feng did not continue to take action, but waited for Li Changan to stand up.

In the late stage of ancient martial arts, martial arts are not used and only rely on pure strength. Generally, it is impossible to kill a warrior in the early stage of ancient martial arts. Of course, there are exceptions. Those who are on the ancient martial arts list can be outstanding. Their pure power is too strong and can be compared with the extraordinary ancient martial arts in the later stage.

If possible, some people would rather call them half-step innate.

Li Changan stood up unsteadily, "That's all you can do to attack people sneakily."

"Ha, I still have a lot of skills, let you try again." Lin Feng rushed over, his speed was so fast that he was like an afterimage, and he was in front of Li Changan in an instant, and then punched out.

But when his fist hit Li Changan, it was like hitting cotton.

Lin Feng reacted immediately. His fist seemed to have only hit the afterimage.

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