The era of high martial arts

Chapter 169 Something unexpected happened

"There are more than 10,000 warriors stationed in the base, and you only have more than 100 people. If you surrender now, I can consider leaving a whole body for you." The captain of the guardian team was very calm.

This place is only temporarily showing its decline. As long as the people outside react, surrounded by thousands of people, the one hundred people in front of them will definitely not be able to escape.

Therefore, the captain of the guardian team only needed to hold them back for a moment, and he didn't have to break his muscles to deal with two early-stage ancient martial arts.

"Haha, haven't you woken up yet?" Li Changan took a step forward with his right foot and used it instantly, "The tiger descended from the mountain."

A powerful phantom tiger attached itself to Li Changan and rushed towards the guardian captain.

"Lions fight against the world." Gou Yu was not to be outdone.

The two men surrounded the guardian captain, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Well done," the captain of the guardian shouted, "It's overwhelming."

A wave of waves emerged with the palms of the guardian captain, and in an instant the waves collided with tigers and lions.

Although lions and tigers are powerful, they are far from rivals of waves.

Li Changan and Gou Yu instantly retreated, putting distance between themselves and the guardian captain.

"You can take my punch in the early stage of Guwu, which is enough for you to be proud of." The captain of the guardian snorted coldly, and rushed towards them before Gou Yu and Li Changan could recover.

The two used martial arts again, but they were still defeated.

There is a big gap between the late stage and early stages of ancient martial arts, so it is not easy to resist.

In just a few moves, Li Changan and Gou Yu were injured.

"I'll wipe it, it's hard work." Mouyu's chest felt tight and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Use your trump card, otherwise our mission will fail." Li Changan shouted in a low voice.

"You have a trump card, but I don't." Gou Yu complained.

Or it's because their time to practice martial arts is too short and they don't have time to practice other things.

Li Changan ignored Gou Yu and used the strange boxing technique.

All the strength in his body was mobilized, like a wave. The back wave pushed the front wave, and the power was constantly superimposed.

"Bang", Li Changan and the guardian captain punched each other again.

"The strength has actually increased." The Guardian Captain was a little curious. "Did such a weird boxing technique only come out in recent years?" the Guardian Captain wondered.

"If you want to know, go to hell and ask Lord Hell." Li Changan was not afraid of death and rushed forward again.

"Childish, this kind of secret technique that improves one's strength in a short period of time must have sequelae. I don't believe you can continue to use it without restrictions." The guardian captain sidestepped Li Changan's fist and counterattacked with all his strength.

"Fire Sky", not to be outdone, Gouyu unleashed a martial arts move.

His fists were covered with flames, and if one hadn't looked closely, one would have thought his fists were made of flames.

In the sky, Zhuo Jianfei stood with the unknown innate master, hands behind each other. When Li Changan, Gou Yu and the guardian captain were fighting just now, he also fought with this innate master.

In just one minute, the two of them fought hundreds of moves.

It's not that time is too slow, it's that their speed is too fast.

"You just reached the innate realm yesterday, and you haven't mastered your power yet, so you dare to challenge me today. To be honest, I have to admire your courage." The innate master stationed at the base sneered.

"The information shows that you became an innate master five years ago. I didn't expect that you were still an innate master in the past five years. It seems that I think highly of you." Zhuo Jianfei retorted, "Although there is a sequence of enlightenment, but There is still a big difference between genius and idiot.”

"It seems you are very confident." The innate master stationed at the base gently raised his right hand, and a light rain suddenly began to fall in the sky.

But as soon as the rain appeared, everything turned into ice picks.

The direction where those ice picks fell was within a ten-meter radius of Zhuo Jianfei.

"With this strength, I'm not a fool." Zhuo Jianfei waved his big hand, and a curtain of flame appeared around him.

The temperature of the flame light curtain was very high, and the ice cones turned into water vapor and evaporated before they fell on the light curtain.

"The temperature of fire evaporates water droplets. Can't you imagine such a simple thing?" Zhuo Jianfei became sarcastic again.

He just wanted to keep sarcastic, making the innate master in front of him angry and confused.

Otherwise, it would be really difficult to deal with an innate master. It was just to anger that innate master.

Among those who can actually become innate masters, which one is a fool?

"Then haven't you heard that if the power of water is strong enough, it can put out fire?" The innate master shouted again, and his left and right hands started to dance at the same time, as if he was using a spell.

The raindrops in the sky became larger and more dense.

The originally transparent water droplets increased tenfold, and the light blue ice cones also turned into dark blue, falling from the sky at high speed.

Like piercing a layer of plastic, the dark blue ice cone quickly broke through the flame screen and landed next to Zhuo Jianfei.

The dark blue ice cones were very powerful, and Zhuo Jian flew and narrowly avoided those dangerous things.

After being avoided by Zhuo Jianfei, these ice cones landed on the ground.

"Crackling", the ice picks landed on the roof.

A house several meters high collapsed instantly, and the residential area with a radius of ten meters turned into ruins.

The ice picks have been surrounding Zhuo Jianfei. Even if Zhuo Jianfei keeps moving, the ice picks have always followed him.

The buildings on the ground were destroyed and dust was everywhere.

The innate master stationed at the base seemed to realize something. His right hand danced in the opposite direction, and when the ice pick was about to hit the ground, it turned into water droplets again.

Even so, when those water droplets fell to the ground, there were crisp hitting sounds.

In the building, the battle between Li Changan, Gou Yu and the guardian captain also heated up.

At this point, Li Changan's strength was actually able to compete head-on with the Guardian Captain. Gou Yu was already dead, lying on the ground breathing heavily.

That is to say, a freak like Li Changan can compete with the warriors of the late ancient martial arts, but he is still a little green, Gou Yu thought to himself.

"It really makes me curious that the power has increased to such an extent." The captain of the guardian praised sincerely, "A person like you shouldn't be ordinary. When did you come in?"

"If I said ten days ago, would you believe it?"

"No one came in ten days ago."

After a brief exchange and a few deep breaths of air, the guardian captain rushed over again.

He was in the late stage of ancient martial arts, and he was actually blocked for so long by someone in the early stage of ancient martial arts. If word spreads, he will stop trying.

There are many people in the base who covet his position.

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