The era of high martial arts

Chapter 208: Losing in the End

"Second brother, you still have some ideas." The fourth child rolled up his sleeves, preparing to get Xiaoran away first, and then concentrate on taking care of Li Changan.

"You dare to touch me?" Xiaoran was angry.

Growing up, his father's subordinate had not been respectful to her. When did anyone dare to lay a finger on her?

Although Xiao Ran didn't know the man in front of him, he was also his father's subordinate. He didn't expect to be so bold today. Xiaoran has made up his mind that as long as he goes back, he will definitely let his father Zhang Jun take care of him.

"Miss, it's for your own good. You'd better leave first. I'll take you to practice after I finish this matter." The fourth man persuaded her again.


Xiaoran shattered Lao Si's illusions with practical actions, and still stood in front of Li Changan, with his hands open to prevent Lao Si from getting close.

"Then you can't blame me." The fourth child grabbed Xiaoran with his big hand.

Just when his big hand grabbed the corner of Xiaoran's clothes, Laosi's right hand hurt.

Taking a closer look, it turned out that the kid behind Xiaoran had taken action at some point.

"Oh, Li Chang'an, you are seeking death yourself, so don't blame me." The fourth child shouted loudly and accelerated his intention to take Xiaoran away.

"Let her go and I will fight you."

Previously, he was worried that a big danger was coming, so Li Changan thought that it would be best to get Xiaoran to dissuade these people from leaving as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, the person in front of me didn't even listen to Xiaoran's words, and had a vague intention of hurting Xiaoran.

Li Changan really couldn't bear it. It's not like he had never fought against Gu Wu in the later stage.

Although he is no match, he is not hiding behind a woman.

"Your opponent is me." Li Changan said calmly.

Zhanyi Shibalu took advantage of the situation and used it, and Li Changan jumped in front of Xiaoran.

"The tiger is coming out of the mountain." He shouted again, and his martial arts skills were used instantly.

Laosi raised his fist and blocked it, but the power of the martial arts only made him take a step back.

"In the early stage of ancient martial arts, I can take a step back. You can indeed have the capital to be proud, but this is not enough." Lao Si stepped forward without using any martial arts skills. The power of just one punch was enough to make Li Changan go all out.

"Xiaoran, you go first, brother Chang'an plays with him." Li Changan said quickly, worried that Xiaoran was within the fighting range and could easily be accidentally injured.

"If I don't leave, if he dares to lay a finger on me, just wait until my father settles the score with him." Xiao Ran stood angrily behind Li Changan and glared at the fourth child.

The fourth child also felt nervous, this kid was really difficult to deal with.

He wanted to take Xiaoran away, but Li Changan stopped him. If you don't take Xiaoran with you, your fists and feet will have no eyesight. If you really hurt Xiaoran by mistake, you'll be in trouble. After all, Zhang Jun is a talented person and he likes his daughter very much.

It's okay to pull Xiaoran away, but Zhang Jun will definitely be angry if he hurts Xiaoran.

We can only extend the combat range, otherwise we will be in trouble.

Thinking of this, taking advantage of Li Changan's attack, Lao Si deliberately retreated several meters further.

Li Changan took advantage of the situation and pursued him. Seeing this situation, the fourth child couldn't help but feel overjoyed. It seemed that his plan was successful.

But the next second, the fourth child was dumbfounded, and the eldest lady, Xiaoran, actually followed him again.

What kind of situation is this? They retreated silently just now. I thought the two of them couldn't see it. Unexpectedly, Xiaoran followed him again.

"Miss, are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid? I really don't want to hurt you." The fourth child underestimated and fought hard.

Li Changan's offensive was not weak, and with Zhanyi Shiba's fall, he was not at a disadvantage in a short period of time.

This scene was also amazing in the eyes of several other men.

Unexpectedly, a 20-year-old early-stage ancient martial arts student could actually fight against an experienced late-stage ancient martial arts practitioner without falling into a disadvantage in a short period of time.

"Eldest brother, second brother, third brother, are you always ready to watch the fun? Help me take the eldest lady away." The fourth child couldn't help it anymore and shouted at the other men.

Xiaoran is here, which obviously limits his performance.

He was a warrior in the late stage of ancient martial arts, and he actually ended up in a draw with a boy in the early stage of ancient martial arts. If word got out about this, it would make him look so incompetent, Lao Si thought to himself.

"Hey, fourth child, you started this matter, not us." Third child said with a smile, "I did charity last month and helped a lot of women who had fallen into trouble, and I owed a large foreign debt. How about giving me all your salary next month and I’ll help you?”

"Third brother, this is just raising the price. Brother, don't worry about it." The fourth child quickly looked at the leading man.

The leading man naturally understood the seriousness and scolded the third child in a low voice, "Lao San, hurry up and help."

"Okay, since it's the eldest brother who has spoken, I will reluctantly help you once." The third child dodged and entered the battle group.

Xiaoran was even more anxious. Only when she restrained the fourth child could Li Changan fight against the fourth child. If she is taken away, then Li Changan will be in danger.

"Don't come over here. If you come over again, I will commit suicide." The long sword in Xiaoran's hand was placed directly in front of his neck.

"No, eldest lady, why don't you think I can't come over?" The third child smiled bitterly and prepared to leave.

Li Changan couldn't help but become anxious when he saw the scene in front of him, "Xiao Ran, please go out first. I'll be fine. Don't worry."

"Brother Chang'an, don't worry, I will definitely not let them hurt you." Xiaoran did not follow Li Changan's words this time. He held the sword in front of his neck, looking menacing as a king.

Taking advantage of Xiaoran's reply, the third child suddenly moved.

The third child was originally from the late stage of Guwu, and he was not that far away from Xiaoran. His speed was extremely fast, and he appeared next to Xiaoran in less than a second. He directly grasped the long sword in Xiaoran's hand with his right hand, grabbed the white blade with his bare hands and snatched the long sword away.

"How dare you!" Li Changan shouted, staring closely at Xiaoran's position.

After seeing Lao San take the sword safely, Li Changan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, it's not good to be distracted during a fight." Lao Si punched Li Changan in the chest.

This punch has more than ten tons of force. Even if Li Changan's current physical fitness is not bad, he still can't withstand it.

Blood spurted out of his mouth without any money, and his body was like a kite with its string broken, being knocked away dozens of meters away.

"Brother Chang'an, don't hurt him." Xiaoran cried, but unfortunately she was imprisoned by the third child, and she couldn't escape even if she kept struggling.

"Today, I will finish you off." The fourth child slowly walked towards Li Changan.

The steps of the fourth child were not heavy, but to Xiao Ran's ears, every step seemed like a giant stepping on the ground. The vibrating sound penetrated her heart, and an expression of resentment emerged from her heart.

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