The Era of Magic Technology

Chapter 140: The Beginning of an All-Out Attack

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"Orientals have already taken the lead in the software industry, and the magic algorithm and the magic voice assistant have made our company ashamed!"

"China Magic Software has clearly surpassed Google, Apple, Microsoft, IBM and Texas Instruments in terms of voice software and intelligent software!"

"After using the magic voice assistant, I realized that the era of intelligence may not be far away, and maybe we will be able to live in science fiction movies soon."

"According to the statistics, within two hours after the Maneng voice assistant was launched in the United States, the number of downloads exceeded 1.7 million. You must know that it is night, and this software product is very popular!"

"The intelligent voice software developed by Wang Xiao, the father of mana, even Google and Apple must admit that they cannot develop the same intelligent software!"

Many social networking sites and forums in the United States and Europe are full of information about Maneng software and Maneng voice assistant, as well as Wang Xiao’s name, but the hacking incidents have been submerged, and all praise the technology of Maneng software strength.

This brought about a bigger wave.

People in Europe and the United States have always regarded themselves as developed regions and the center of the world. Now that a software company in Eastern China is ahead of them, they are naturally a little uncomfortable!

However, it is impossible for them to give up the magic voice assistant.


The more than one billion citizens of a backward country have used it. Should the citizens of the developed country use products that are inferior to those of the backward country?

Then they will change from a developed country to a backward country.

At least, in the field of intelligent software, this is indeed the case, and this is also the direction of future development.

Therefore, although many people speak in a sour tone on the Internet, they still use it in reality with great joy. All kinds of tossing about your mobile phone is like the surprise when you use a smartphone for the first time, and it seems that there is endless fun to experience.

The homepage of the Google News website used such a big headline to express its favor to Mooneng Software: Mooneng voice assistant makes smartphones truly full of wisdom, and also makes everyone get used to the calmness of smartphones, and taste the taste of surprise again.

Several major online media in Europe also reported the incident late at night, praising the magic voice assistant for truly bringing smartphones into the smart era!

In the face of good products, everyone must be convinced. Although the US government intends to prevent such high-tech products from invading the domestic market, they have just been caught in a hacking incident. At this moment, it is even more necessary to avoid this period of time in a low-key manner, and let other things attract attention, so those who intend to oppose silently acquiesce in the fact that happened, and let the Maneng voice assistant enter the US market smoothly.

The storm caused by the magic voice assistant in Europe and the United States far exceeds the one-month fermentation in China.

It can be seen that the people in Europe and the United States are indeed more aware of the technical content of it, so they have a clearer understanding, so everyone is even more shocked after using it.

Ninety-nine percent of Chinese users actually don't understand technology, they just care about whether it works well or not. that is it.

Wang Xiao stood in the center of the server, watching the numbers flashing on the big screen.

Today's exclusive licensing contract with Baidu has ended, and the Maneng voice assistant has also fully landed on the domestic Android platform two hours ago. As long as there is Android mobile phone software, there will be the shadow of Maneng voice assistant.

For this reason, Maneng Software Company paid hundreds of millions of publicity expenses.

If Wang Xiao accepts the exclusive licensing contract, both Baidu and Tongxun are willing to pay hundreds of millions or even billions, and they are also responsible for publicity expenses.

However, Wang Xiao didn't accept it, he couldn't let himself be tied to any company, he could only tie others to himself. It cannot be tied passively.

This is Wang Xiao's principle of handling things, and he must take the initiative at all times.

Therefore, today is the time when the number of downloads of Maneng Voice Assistant has exploded, and it is also the time when it is truly fully oriented to the country and the world.

In just a few hours, the number of European and American users has exceeded 4 million. The number of new domestic users has exceeded 5 million, and it is expected to exceed 10 million a day.

Therefore, Zhang Xuewen paid special attention to the company's development today, and did not pay much attention to the three policemen. I thought it was just for a show.

But he didn't expect Wang Xiao to get angry because of this.

Zhang Xuewen carefully reported to Wang Xiaohui: "Mr. Wang, the number of our domestic users may exceed 50 million today, and it should exceed 100 million in the next week. The number of users in Europe and the United States is also increasing rapidly, and we hope to break through 100 million today." Never."

However, after twelve o'clock in the evening, the magic voice assistant will start the charging operation mode. So the growth rate of users will definitely drop a lot by then.

"How is the toll system working?"

Wang Xiao knew these numbers in his heart. Even more clearly than Zhang Xuewen, he looked at the staff logo on the server and asked lightly.

The wand logo seems to be the symbol of the magic software, but it is actually the running symbol of the magic heart. This intelligent program has started to run!

The most powerful feature of this software in Wang Xiao's design is that it can evolve automatically!

It can constantly absorb consulting and software architecture on the Internet to improve itself, making itself invincible forever and leading the world. This is one of the basic mechanisms for its operation.

Unless Wang Xiao goes to close it, it will never stop upgrading.

If Wang Xiao took the initiative to help it, it would evolve faster.

Zhang Xuewen hurriedly replied: "We have been testing internally for nearly half a month, and everything is running stably, and all bugs that have occurred have been repaired and perfected."

"Okay, let the technical department and the marketing department work overtime tonight, and the overtime pay will be doubled."

Wang Xiao nodded.

Zhang Xuewen also agreed: "Well, I will inform you immediately. Mr. Wang, Google President Page said that he will come to our company for a visit and study tomorrow. Would you like to meet?"

Wang Xiao smiled and said, "I have time tomorrow, let him know that I can see him."

The assistant Ma Jianfeng who kept quiet beside him was crying and laughing in his heart.

Google is one of the top ten high-tech companies in the world, and any small company will definitely treat it with trepidation when its president asks for a visit.

Even, there is no need for Page to express so proactively, as long as Google releases some goodwill, most people will definitely be nervous and take the initiative to seek cooperation.

However, Magic Software Company is so good, and the boss Wang Xiao is so good.

The world's super high-tech companies such as Google, Apple, Microsoft, and IBM can be left alone and ignored, forcing the other party to come to discuss cooperation on their own initiative.

Moreover, only the president of Google, Microsoft, Apple and other high-tech giants' requests for cooperation have been ignored by Wang Xiao.

This is the advantage and confidence brought by the leading technology monopoly.

However, counting Wang Xiao's magic algorithm and the aura brought by the three major equations.

Larry Page's personal visit will not lower his status or class, because Wang Xiao is a world-class scientist and computer expert, and his status in academia is very high.

beep beep...

Wang Xiao's phone rang, and it was from Liu Zhongyuan, the former class tutor.

"Wang Xiao, you asked me to form a team for the Information Research Center. I found a few trusted acquaintances. Everyone was very willing at first, but today they are a little reluctant to come. It seems that Director Yang has already done some work. They dare not offend Director Yang..."

Liu Zhongyuan said in a gloomy voice, with a trace of regret in his heart, for underestimating Director Yang's influence in the school.

He wants to rely on Wang Xiao to take the position, but if the Institute of Information Technology cannot be established, it will be very difficult for him to return to the Department of Information Technology. He will have to look at Director Yang's face every day when he goes back. It is better not to go back, so he has to change Work.

The corners of Wang Xiao's mouth curled up, and he said calmly, "You call Principal Lin directly and ask him to release him."

Liu Zhongyuan didn't say much in his heart, so he reluctantly agreed. He knew that Principal Lin was very supportive and valued Wang Xiao, but he didn't believe that Principal Lin would completely offend Director Yang because of Wang Xiao.

After all, Director Yang was the first backbone of Donghai University of Science and Technology, an old subordinate of President Lin, and a technical talent registered by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. (to be continued ~^~)

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