The Era of Magic Technology

Chapter 90 National Focus

(It’s a bit late, but the number of words is a little bit more. And there are still two updates today, and there will be another update around ten o’clock. Please subscribe, please support, thank you everyone...)

The three laws of energy particles and force field laws are now the main research directions of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Mathematical Physics.

At the same time, other research institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences were also greatly influenced by this paper, and they adjusted their research directions one after another. The most influential ones were electricity and radio information technology, and biology also had some influence.

The greatest impact on the entire scientific community is the transformation of experimental methods. Under the three laws, some experiments that were difficult to carry out before can now be designed according to the three laws.

It can be said that Li Haisheng got a ride on Wang Xiao's ride this time, and was named by his superiors to lead a research team, specializing in the study of the three laws of force field, trying to understand everything in it thoroughly, and then apply it to practice. It is conceivable that he will become one of the pillars of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the future.

The entire Chinese Academy of Sciences is working hard to understand Wang Xiao's thesis as quickly and comprehensively as possible, so as to be one step ahead of the world.

However, Li Haisheng really hoped to invite Wang Xiao himself to preside over the research project.

After all, in the entire Chinese Academy of Sciences, there are really few people who have fully understood Wang Xiao's thesis. They just designed a few experiments according to the three major formulas, and then conducted experiments to verify the correctness of the laws and formulas.

Therefore, those people didn't say anything at first, and Wang Xiao was directly admitted to the School of Mathematics and Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, becoming the youngest registered academician since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the certificate is estimated to be almost at Donghai University of Science and Technology.

Wang Xiao said to Li Haisheng: "Academician Li, your own research is enough. My two factories have already started construction, and I will keep an eye on them. And software companies are also preparing to charge for testing. There are many things that I need to participate in. Inseparable."

Really go to the Chinese Academy of Sciences to do scientific research?

Of course it is impossible.

Wang Xiao was determined not to go.

However, it is still possible to have the name of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. You can pretend to be arrogant and brag wherever you go, and others will respect you for this title.

Li Haisheng did not dare to force Wang Xiao, although in his opinion scientific research is a hundred times more important than business, he said with a wry smile: "Okay. Then I won't persuade you. However, our Chinese Academy of Sciences takes the lead and wants to hold a competition at Beijing University of Science and Technology. Great class, I invite you to give a lecture on your thesis."

Going to give lectures at Beijing University of Science and Technology?

That definitely can't go.

Wang Xiao said with certainty: "Lectures, how about this, Professor Li, you can talk to our principal, and just give an open class at Donghai University of Science and Technology. I can't go to Beijing University. There is Yu Chao in Beijing University. Call the beast, you should know that he targeted me."

Qin Feng, who was driving, laughed.

Yu Chao specifically found trouble with Donghai University of Science and Technology, which is almost well-known in more than a dozen universities in Donghai and Beijing. And the thesis war between Yu Chao and Wang Xiao. The trouble was even bigger, even Qin Feng knew a thing or two.

However, Wang Xiao was busy designing the formation last night. So I didn't pay attention to the forum, and I didn't know that there was another Sun Jijun from Beijing University of Science and Technology called Beast who hacked me.

Li Haisheng couldn't say anything more, and he couldn't defend Yu Chao against his will, so he could only say, "Okay, I'll contact your principal and let you know when it's finalized."

"Okay, please trouble Professor Li."

"No trouble, I would like to listen to your lecture too."

Li Haisheng said with a hint of expectation.

Then. The two hung up the phone.

Qin Feng looked at Wang Xiao from the rearview mirror, and said, "Brother-in-law, you are now an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and enjoy state subsidies."

"Well, how much can I earn?"

Wang Xiao asked curiously.

"That's at least tens of thousands a month."

Qin Feng said in a very exaggerated tone.

"so much?"

Wang Xiao also asked in 'shock'.

Then, both of them laughed.

The car came all the way to the gate of Donghai University of Science and Technology.

The school gate, which is usually relatively quiet in the morning, is now full of excitement. A large group of people gathered at the gate was blocked by a line of security guards.

Wang Xiao and Qin Feng approached. It turned out that this large group of people were all journalists.

Hundreds of reporters wanted to go in with long guns and short cannons, and dozens of photographers were broadcasting live at the door.

A female reporter said seriously to the camera: "This is the school where Wang Xiao is studying, Donghai University of Science and Technology. It is eight o'clock in the morning, and so far we have not been able to enter the school to interview Wang Xiao and any relevant people in the school. However. We got news from the Propaganda Director of Donghai University of Science and Technology. After Wang Xiao completed the magic experiment of fusion of three metal atoms at the school yesterday, he left. I don’t know where he is for the time being..."

Another female reporter excitedly said to another camera: "Hello everyone, this is the school where Wang Xiao, the youngest and greatest physicist in our country's history, attended Donghai University of Science and Technology. At present, Wang Xiao is still in his junior year majoring in computer science. According to some information we got, Wang Xiao seems to have chosen the wrong major when he chose the major, so he failed to enter the physics department..."

Wang Xiao saw more than a dozen reporters looking over curiously, and hurriedly lay down on the back seat, so as not to be noticed.

However, Qin Feng's car was also stopped by school security.

Usually the school is not so strict, but now a great scientist Wang Xiao suddenly appeared, and the focus of the whole country is here. Naturally, the standards and benefits have been raised by several levels. Martial law has been implemented today. Everyone must register their certificates when entering and exiting. Unrelated people are not allowed to enter, and journalists and other media staff are also not allowed to enter.

Fortunately, Qin Feng took out the student ID that Wang Xiao gave him, and finally got in.

However, none of the hundreds of reporters on the scene were good at it. Several reporters came over and saw Wang Xiao written on Qin Feng's student ID card, and hurriedly took pictures.

A reporter rushed up and handed the microphone to Qin Feng, followed the window and shouted: "Student Wang Xiao, we want to interview you..."

Qin Feng said calmly, "I'm not Wang Xiao."

Then, he stepped on the accelerator and drove into the school gate.

The security guards immediately maintained order and blocked the entrance tightly to prevent the reporters from sneaking in.


Walk in for hundreds of meters. Wang Xiaocai sat up from the back seat, let out a long breath, looked back at the reporters who were excitedly fighting with the security guards, and said with lingering fear: "These reporters are too crazy."

Qin Feng handed Wang Xiao a newspaper on the co-pilot's seat, and said, "You will know after reading it."

This newspaper is the Morning Post of the People's Daily. The entire first page is full of Wang Xiao's big profile picture. What scares Wang Xiao the most is... Is this big profile picture in black and white?

Wang Xiao suddenly became depressed: "Shit, I'm still alive."

Qin Feng also couldn't help laughing.

The angle of the headshot is still good, looking up at the starry sky at a forty-five degree angle. The eyes are slightly melancholy and deep, as if exploring the mysteries of the starry sky. Very compelling picture, I don't know where it was deducted, or is it a composite?

"Wang Xiao, a great scientist, created a new situation in domestic physics, and won the Nobel Prize in Physics just around the corner..."

After reading a few lines, Wang Xiao put the newspaper aside and didn't read any more.

"Brother, have you contacted the construction site? We will go there today."

Wang Xiao told Qin Feng about work matters.

"I've already contacted you, and I'll just wait for you to go over and explain the design drawings. They can start work in full swing."

Qin Feng said with certainty.

The car came to the downstairs of Qin Yu's dormitory, and Qin Yu was already waiting there. Seeing elder brother Qin Feng's car, she trotted over. When he got in the car, he hurriedly closed the door.

"Hurry up and drive..."

Qin Yu said something hastily.

Qin Feng agreed, then turned the car around and drove out.

Then, some students suddenly appeared around, and some teachers from the school were all following Qin Yu's trail and trying to find Wang Xiao.

Unfortunately, they couldn't see Wang Xiao.

At this time, Wang Xiao's phone rang, and it was Teacher Liu.

"Wang Xiao. The principal wants to meet you, and I have something to talk to you face to face."

Liu Zhongyuan finally got through to Wang Xiao's phone, and said with a somewhat excited voice, his tone was very discussion, showing his respect.

Wang Xiao said apologetically, "Mr. Liu, I still have some things to go out here, and I may not be able to come back for a few days. Let's talk about it when I come back?"

Now is the cusp. He planned to disappear for a few days before talking.

Liu Zhongyuan didn't speak immediately, and seemed to be discussing with Principal Lin. After a while he said helplessly: "Okay, we respect your opinion. The Chinese Academy of Sciences has sent an invitation letter to invite you to the School of Mathematics and Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Do you agree?"

"Yeah. Agreed."

Wang Xiao replied very simply.

"Then when do you propose to give a big lecture in our school?"

Liu Zhongyuan asked again.

Obviously. Li Haisheng had communicated with Principal Lin in such a short time, and he couldn't wait for this big class. I still remember that a month ago, Wang Xiao was also looking forward to Li Haisheng's big class.

Wang Xiao thought for a while and said, "Let's set it on Friday morning at the end of the month. I'm sure I have time."

"Well, I'll arrange it now. You can prepare it when the time comes. This time your big class has a great impact. It is confirmed that dozens of academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences will be present, as well as teachers and students from more than a dozen colleges and universities in the capital. Teachers and students from more than a dozen colleges and universities came to attend the class."

Liu Zhongyuan's tone was very dignified and serious, but he said it happily.

There are many people and the weight is heavy.

Moreover, the tone of those schools calling to apply for a lecture is unusually cautious and kind, or with prayers. When did Donghai University of Science and Technology be so proud?

All of this was brought by Wang Xiao.

Wang Xiao can still control this scene, and said indifferently: "Okay, I have a sense of proportion, the school arranges the venue, and Teacher Liu can rest assured."

Hearing the teacher's address, Liu Zhongyuan hesitated to agree for a while.

It is estimated that there is no one in China who can be Wang Xiao's teacher, or maybe there is no one in the whole world.

After arranging school affairs, Wang Xiao, Qin Yu, and uncle Qin Feng had breakfast together, and then headed towards the construction site in the south.

And Wang Xiao took out the thick stack of blueprints he brought, frowned and looked at them carefully, while explaining a few simple formations to Qin Yu.

Dozens of drawings involve hundreds of formations of various types, fifty-three formations are used by the chip factory, and sixty-seven formations are used by the material factory.

One hundred and twenty formations!

Qin Yu looked at the thick stack of drawings and the complex and dense patterns on the drawings in surprise, and asked, "Wang Xiao, are these special force fields designed by you? Do you want to integrate these into the factory's buildings?"

"Well, that's what I mean."

Wang Xiao said confidently.

"Then what is the use of these force fields? How to build them?"

Qin Yu asked curiously.

Now, in front of Wang Xiao, she feels ignorant. However, she was already ahead of everyone else and had learned a lot from Wang Xiao.

"Requires some special metallic conductors."

With the light of wisdom shining in Wang Xiao's eyes, she still said confidently.

Everything is under his control.

It's just two factory buildings. Although it is a little more complicated than ordinary factory buildings, it is much simpler than the mage tower designed in Fashen's memory.

Even for the simplest mage tower, thousands of formations are designed, and hundreds of materials are used.

Compared to the Mage Tower, these two workshops are pediatrics.


The car stopped at the construction site of the material factory, surrounded by many heavy machinery, all of which were construction companies hired by Qin Feng himself. After a day and night of rushing to work, a big hole was dug in the ground according to Wang Xiao's request.

Wang Xiao spread the drawings on the ground, looked at the construction site and began to think deeply. (to be continued ~^~)

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