The Era Of Pokemon: God-level Gacha System

Chapter 149: News Interview, Lime likes Ye Chen? [Listing for subscription, for support!)

Chapter 149: News Interview, Lime likes Ye Chen? [Listing for subscription, for support!)

After the first day of competition.

The current list of advancements is already out.

Ash, Lime, and Ye Chen all passed the first round easily.

It's just that Gary's luck this time is not very good.

Met a good opponent and lost the game directly.

After a day of competition, the reporters also prepared to step forward to interview everyone.

After all, it is possible to obtain first-hand information.

The Quartz Conference is indeed somewhat famous, and related news is also very valuable.

Not surprisingly, Ye Chen was surrounded by a group of reporters just as soon as he went out.

"Mr. Ye Chen, as our favorite to win this time, can you talk about your expectations for this competition?"

The headed reporter was a beautiful young lady who asked politely while holding the microphone.

Although Ye Chen didn't like 917's questions, he knew it was normal.

In every game, there will be reporters asking questions, so I should answer them myself.

"My goal this time is of course Champion, but I found that there are still a lot of masters in this match, so I can't say that I must win Champion."

Ye Chen's face is all over it doesn't matter.

In fact, I have been observing for a long time, and the strength of other contestants is generally not as high as that of Lime.

So I just need to wait. If nothing happens, Champion is definitely his own.

It's just that I'm a little humble now. After all, saying that I won the Champion won't make myself much better.

The reporter next to him felt a little surprised.

Because of Ye Chen's strength, absolutely no one can stop Ye Chen's progress.

Being able to challenge the existence of Elite.

Ye Chen is here to bully the children in this game.

Even many people don't understand why Ye Chen wants to participate in this competition.

But soon someone thought of lime.

"Could it be that Ye Chen is afraid of Lime? It seems that Lime is also a rare trainer with a Medal of Honor!"

Someone whispered among the crowd.

This remark was immediately surprising.

I thought Ye Chen was the only genius in this world.

Unexpectedly, there is another person as scary as Ye Chen. This is really scary.

"Lime seems to come from the Pokémon Alliance!"

"I just watched her game, and her Lucario is definitely a Champion Pokémon!"

"Damn, this is just her little Pokémon, I don't know if there is anything more powerful behind her!"

"Speaking of which, Ye Chen is really dangerous this time!

In the eyes of many reporters, of course, people from the Pokémon Alliance are better than a grassroots.

Moreover, the Medal of Honor, which represents Ye Chen's invincible status, is also in Lime's hands.

Everyone immediately understood why Ye Chen was afraid, it turned out to be because of lime.

Looking at the clear faces of the reporters, Ye Chen himself smiled bitterly.

I'm just being humble, you guys really take it seriously...

Lime has already played against her (bdfil). Although her strength is very strong at her age, she can't say how powerful it is.

It's just a small problem for myself.

As long as one's own Metagross is there, it is impossible for oneself to meet any enemy.

Unless it is said that Mewtwo is here.

The reporters immediately asked a lot of questions.

Including some small hobbies of Ye Chen, they are all trivial things.

The reporters are also very happy to get such a big news that Ye Chen is afraid of lime.

This one must be able to win the eyes of the residents.

Ye Chen waved his hand, he didn't care much about what he was described by the newspaper.

Anyway, Champion will be his own sooner or later.

Just after the reporters around me left.

Ye Chen also saw a group of reporters leave from Liming's side.

As the two most powerful people in this Quartz Conference, they all received very intense interviews.

Until now it was considered to be stopped.

Ye Chen looked at Lime and smiled, "What did they interview you for?"

Lime shook his head helplessly, "What else can I interview?"

"It's just like an old mother pestering you to ask you what Xia Huan eats, what you like to play, what is your expectation for this game, etc. It's meaningless.

Ye Chen nodded, it was almost the same as himself.

"But they also asked who I like."

Lime smiled slyly.

"I'm talking about you calling!"

Ye Chen's eyes widened instantly.

"Damn! What are you talking about?

You and I have only known each other for a few days, okay?

Lime looked at Ye Chen's reluctant look, and her eyes were a little unconvinced.

"Why is this young lady not worthy of you, whether it is appearance or talent, obviously I am the most suitable for you!

In fact, it is correct to say so.

Like a young girl who is about the same strength as Ye Chen, maybe she only has lime.


Looking at the girl in front of him with Alina's big eyes and white skin, Ye Chen had to say that lime is indeed very beautiful.


"No, I don't think you can do it anywhere!"

Ye Chen refused!

Lime stared at Ye Chen with gritted teeth, wishing to bite off a piece of meat!

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