The Era Of Pokemon: God-level Gacha System

Chapter 162: Celebi and Metagross!

Chapter 162: Celebi and Metagross! [Listen for subscription and support!)

"This is..

A strange color bloomed in Ye Chen's eyes.

It seems that this deceived Celebi and turned Celebi into an evil existence.

Originally, I thought this person would continue to hide.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be on the initiative now.

It seems that this person does have strong confidence in Celebi, so he is so unscrupulous.

But it's actually right, even Cynthia can easily beat it.

What else does he need to be afraid of?

Now he is also full of madness, and the scar on his face looks very scary.

Ash and Misty were still children after all, and they were obviously a little scared when they saw this man again.

But Ye Chen did not feel nervous at all.

"You are the one who made Celebi evil? Celebi was originally an illusion beast, but you deceived it. You really deserve to die!"

Ye Chen's words contain indelible disgust.

Such a person is really not qualified to live in this world.

It seems that he is also a person who likes to fight, with so many scars on his face.

But the scar man on the opposite side burst out laughing.

"I see you guys really like Jian ants now. If you don't understand anything, you first come up and blame me."

The man was full of disdain.

"In this world, it always takes power to become strong!"

"Look, I have strength now, and you still have to listen to me later.

The man was full of mockery now, as if he had seen Ye Chen kneeling down and begging for mercy.

"You are a shameless villain!"

Ash is really angry now.

Even Pikachu on his shoulders was shining all over, obviously very angry.

Lime and Misty both frowned. Although they didn't speak, they also clenched their fists.

Brock even put on an attacking posture.

After Ye Chen heard this sentence, he also felt that Rage was incomparable.

"Heh, I think a loser like you certainly doesn't know how the strong come from, how can they think of you so despicable and shameless?"

"If Celebi wants you to be so shameless, how likely do you think you will gain its trust and then you control it?

Ye Chen was also full of mockery at the moment, looking at Scarface with a smile.

Everyone behind him was amused by Ye Chen's words.

Scarface was flushed now, but now he couldn't find any words to refute.

If Celebi is not so kind, as a magical beast, even if this person gets a Dusk Ball by luck, he can infect the beast.

It's not that someone of his strength can control Celebi.

Exasperated and angry, he decided to attack directly!!

"Celebi, beat them all down! Let them kneel in front of me begging for mercy!"

Scarface's face is now full of hideousness, it is obvious that his pain point has been pricked by someone.

As a burst of dark light flashed away, a Celebi with jet black light appeared in this place.

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed.

This Celebi was really contaminated by people, and the current Celebi became like this because of that person's darkness!

Dusk Ball is a very rare Poké Ball, which can make all the little Pokémon that enter it evil.

Even Celebi didn't avoid it.

【Pokémon: Celebi

[Attribute]: Psychic+草

[Features]: Natural recovery

[Quality]: Fantasy monster


[Carry props]: none

[Skills]: Recover, Ancient Power, Perish Song, Leaf Storm...

[Special]: The power of Dusk Ball makes Celebi evil, but it is fighting hard!!

This Celebi is worthy of being a mysterious phantom beast, and the terrifying power exuding now makes the people around can't help changing color.

Lime knows the strength of Ye Chen's Metagross.

Now I feel the coercion of Celebi and his face pales slightly.

This breath definitely overwhelmed Ye Chen's Metagross.

And the strength is obviously much higher.

If you rely solely on force, you might really have to overturn here.

Ye Chen also clearly felt this terrifying breath.

Even if Celebi is not a little Pokémon who is good at fighting.

But 923 is also very terrifying combat effectiveness.

There are only a dozen phantom beasts in the entire world.

Basically every phantom beast's ability is very terrifying.

But he did not say that he must fight Celebi.

I saw the Poké Ball in Ye Chen's hand exuding a ray of light.

A mysterious aura suddenly appeared on the court!


Lime's eyes widened, she now seems to know why Ye Chen's Metagross is so great.

This feeling is very weak when feeling separately.

But when Metagross and Celebi appeared together.

That unique aura belonging to the sacred beast was revealed!!

"Could it be that Ye Chen's Metagross is also a beast??"

Lime couldn't help being frightened by this thought.

But the situation on the field has changed dramatically now!!

Celebi was originally full of terror and destruction.

The moment Metagross came out, after feeling the breath of Metagross.

There was a hint of clarity in the eyes!!

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