The Era Of Pokemon: God-level Gacha System

Chapter 170: It's finally a first-class beast! (Listen for subscription, please support!)

Chapter 170: It's finally a first-class beast! [Listen for subscription, please support!)

Ye Chen was shocked when he heard Mew's words.

Although I really want Mew Helping Hand to look at my wishes, but when the wishes come, I still seem a little surprised.


Ye Chen was a little excited.

My own Metagross can finally be fully integrated to reach the quality of a first-level god??

Fusion of the essence of Dialga!

This is what Ye Chen wants most now!

This drop of blood, Metagross, has been fused for a long time.

But it is impossible to achieve 100% integration, and it is stuck at 99%.

Although the difference is only 1%, this 1% is the most critical 1%.

The 100% fusion rate not only means that his Metagross has successfully fused Dialga's essence and blood.

It also means that it can use some of Dialga's capabilities and Dialga's recognition of Metagross.

Normally, it will take several years for Metagross to achieve a 100% integration rate under the system's Helping Hand.

But now I definitely can't wait that long.

After all, Mew has appeared, so Mewtwo should have appeared too.

Mewtwo is a proper first-level god's combat power. If Metagross does not reach the first-level god's level, it will definitely not be Mewtwo's opponent.

So I need Metagross to improve myself quickly.

Even this time I came to the secret realm for this, but I didn't expect Mew to be rescued by accident.

Now that Mew wants to realize a small wish of his own, why not let it merge with Helping Hand Metagross?

Although Mew and Dialga are both first-class gods.

But Dialga is obviously more inclined to fight, while Mewtwo is more balanced.

Moreover, Metagross is just a drop of Dialga's blood, and it is more than enough with Mew's first-level god's ability.

And Mew, who is a first-degree god, would not have any thoughts about Dialga's blood.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen asked Mew.

"Can you help my Pokémon completely fuse Dialga's blood?"

Hearing Ye Chen's question, the little ears on Mew's head also moved.

He didn't answer yes or no, but asked rhetorically in surprise.

"Dialga? You actually got the blood of that guy?!"

Obviously, Mew doesn't believe that Ye Chen can get Dialga's blood with his own strength.

After all, Ye Chen's strongest Metagross is just the power of a third-level god, and it can barely be regarded as a second-level god.

But it is impossible for Ye Chen to get the blood from Dialga, so Mew is very curious about how Ye Chen got it.

"It's just a coincidence."

Ye Chen twitched the corners of his mouth. There was no way to tell the reason for the system.

If Dialga knew about this, he had to give himself to Shark.

"Late, let me see your little Pokémon."

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't want to talk about it, Mew didn't mention it again, just said softly, cutely.

After all, it is the first time Mew has seen a guy with a second-level god quality at such a young age.

The genius it had seen in the past, it would be good to have a Pokémon at Ye Chen's age.

And Ye Chen's Pokémon can kill them in seconds, I believe there must be a lot of adventures.

But Mew is not a particularly gossip Pokémon, since the other party does not want to say, then there is no need to ask again.

Moreover, Mew can guess one or two according to the other party's expression.

And since he has agreed to a wish of the other party, then he has to help the other party to realize it.

A drop of Dialga's blood is just a matter of minutes.

...For flowers,


Ye Chen summoned Metagross, and Metagross was still a little confused.

When he felt a terrifying coercive beast, Metagross took a jump.

I just met Celebi, why is there another Mew in front of me?

"Ah, you are the little Pokémon master with Dialga blood, really lucky!

After speaking, Mew floated towards Metagross.

Seeing Mew coming, Metagross saw Ye Chen's gaze, and then he calmed down.

Mew still has a little suppression for Metagross, so Metagross is not very at ease.

But after seeing Ye Chen's gaze, Metagross still fell silent.

The integration process is not that difficult.

I saw Mew put his hand on Metagross' head.

Metagross glowed with a white light that only appeared during Evolution.

About five minutes later.

The dimming gradually dissipated.

And as soon as the white light dissipated, an ancient beast's aura radiated from Metagross.

The aura seemed to be enough to tear everything apart, mixed with confidence that scorned everything.

This momentum shocked Ye Chen severely, and quickly checked the situation of Metagross.

【Pokémon: Metagross

[Attribute]: Steel + Psychic

[Quality]: Level 1 God

[Level]: lv120 (level 2 god)

[Props]: Oreburgh armguards (steel attribute skill power increased by 30%)

[Special status]: Dialga blood quality fusion degree is 100%!

[Skills]: Alloy Claw, Bullet Punch, Confusion, Psyshock

My own Metagross is now really Evolution has become a first-level god!!

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