Chapter 206: Poseidon Lugia! [Listen for subscription, please support!"

After returning to the hotel, Ye Chen received a call from the Slateport City police and learned that the three Pokémon hunters had been arrested in accordance with the law.

The police repeatedly expressed their gratitude to Ye Chen. After hanging up the phone, a familiar system alert sounded in Ye Chen's mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! The mission is complete!"

"Slateport City's eastern sea area map has been sent to the system backpack, please check it out!

When the task reward arrived, Ye Chen quickly opened the system backpack and took out the sea area map.

The texture of the sea area map is a bit special, and it feels like parchment.

But "Nine Forty Three" is far tougher than parchment, and the text and graphics on it are particularly clear, as if it has been processed with special power, so it is easy to see and remember.

This map can be said to have everything, from the distribution of Pokémon and plants in a small area of ​​the sea to the overall topography, water quality, and minerals of the seabed of the entire sea area.

Sure enough, it deserves to be the sea area map sent by the system mission. In this way, the information of the eastern sea area of ​​the entire Slateport City is engraved in Ye Chen's mind.

Ye Chen can be said to have a good knowledge of the entire eastern sea of ​​Slateport City.

Ye Chen carefully checked every place on the map and found a suspicious cave connected to the sea floor.

And there are some blue fruit marks beside the cave, but this kind of fruit has not appeared in human books.

The center of the storm from May to June every year is there, and it is almost impossible for such a huge cave to be formed naturally.

Human power is even more impossible, could it be Lugia's cave?

After reading the map, Ye Chen felt very sleepy, and decided to get up tomorrow and go to that place for a field trip.

Anyway, I currently have a Metagross who is a first-level god and has a priesthood, even if he encounters Lugia, he should be able to escape.

Besides, the current Lugia should be in the dormant period.

After planning, Ye Chen went to bed and rested.

"Jing Jing Jing Jing!"


Early the next morning, Ye Chen was awakened by the sound of the phone.

Strange? Who will call this time? Ye Chen is a little confused.

Ye Chen with sleepy eyes could only get up and picked up the phone that kept ringing.

"Hey! Who is it?" Ye Chen was a little irritated, "Is there anything wrong?"

Sir "Hello, the three Pokémon hunters we arrested last night escaped from prison, please be careful, sir!"

The voice of the policewoman who had been talking to him came from the other end of the phone.

"Sorry, it was our negligence. Please be careful, sir. Maybe these three Pokémon hunters will seek revenge."

After Ye Chen hung up the phone, he didn't take this matter to heart.

Anyway, arresting fugitives is a matter of the police station, so I should find Lugia as soon as possible.

Besides, even if those Pokémon hunters really found themselves, they wouldn't pose any threat to them.

Because of this call, Ye Chen didn't get tired anymore, and simply got up and went to the strange place marked on the map.

After taking the Flygon to the small piece of land in the center of the sea, I found that there was a huge cave.

There are some light blue fruits around the entrance of the cave, and some silver-white mist around the fruits.

Ye Chen didn't know what these fruits were, but felt that the breath was a little weird.

Close observation, only to find that there is a very rich water element in the fruit.

No matter what! Anyway, there is no danger, take it away first.

Ye Chen collected some fruits and put them in the backpack behind him, planning to study the specific effects of fruits in the future...

The small land in this sea is very strange, and all the sea breeze gets around this land on its own.

Ye Chen turned on the detection capability that comes with the system, and carefully determined that there were no small Pokémon at the entrance of the cave and around, before he entered the cave cautiously.

The terrain of the cave is not complicated, it is straight up and down, as if it was designed to facilitate Lugia flying out of the cave.

"Come out! Metagross!"

To be on the safe side, Ye Chen took Flygon back into Poké Ball and released Metagross, which was sensitive to the slate.

The more the cave goes down, the richer the water element becomes. When it reaches the bottom of the cave, a layer of water is condensed on the walls of the cave.

At the bottom of the cave is a huge hall. In the middle of the hall lies a bird Pokémon with huge silver-white wings.

It's Lugia!

Lugia is sleeping together, Ye Chen doesn't want to disturb him.

There are five long stone pillars around Lugia, and each stone pillar has a floating water ball on top.

5.8 I don't know what connection this water polo has with Lugia.

Ye Chen cautiously rode Metagross around the hall, but did not find the slate.

Where will the slate be? Should you wake up Lugia?

Ye Chen remembered that Mew said that Lugia didn't like to be disturbed when she was sleeping.

I'd better mess with this live Yama first, maybe I really can't eat it all around.

After all, the anger of Lugia, the god of the sea, is not something anyone can bear.

So what should we do?

When Ye Chen was at a loss, Pidgeot's Growl came from the entrance above the hall.

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