The Era Of Pokemon: God-level Gacha System

Chapter 213: The battle begins! [Listen for subscription, please support!)

Chapter 213: The battle begins!

After waiting for the six little Pokémons to arrange their tactics, the battle between Ye Chen and the six little Pokémons began.

On the opposite side, the first one to stand out was the ancient armor, and the chosen battle location was in the Sandstorm area far away from the water stone.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The extremely fast gravel hit the iron armor of the ancient armor, making a slightly dull sound.

"Om! (start)

With the words of Shiny Boss Lairon, the battle officially began.

"Go! Flygon!

Since the flight system and ground system of Flygon restrain the insect system of ancient armor, the rigid system of ancient armor has no effect on Flygon's ground attributes.

So Ye Chen decided to send his own Flygon first to kill the opposing spirit.


The ancient armor took the lead in attacking, using the skill rock blasting of the rock system.

It seems that this ancient armor has a lot of combat experience and knows the flight restraint attribute of the rock system.

Flygon! Fly into the air and avoid rock blasting!

Before the ancient armor controlled the surrounding rocks to fly to Flygon's body, Ye Chen hurriedly controlled Flygon to avoid.

Seeing that the rock skills have been greatly strengthened in Sandstorm, and this ancient armor has great combat experience.

Ye Chen knew that the six battles today were not easy, so he didn't dare to neglect and started to get serious.

"Flygon, after avoiding the attack, use Sand Tomb to attack the top of the ancient armor!"

After seeing that the rock blasting of the ancient armor in Sandstorm was strengthened, Ye Chen speculated that the Sand Tomb of the Flygon ground system would also be strengthened.

Moreover, the ground system also restrains the insect system, and it should achieve the effect of a one-shot spike.

Sure enough, after gathering a lot of gravel, Flygon's Sand Tomb gathered into a large group, much more powerful than the original one.

The ancient armor smelled of danger, and when Flygon was still condensing Sand Tomb, it began to Dig on the ground.

Just when Flygon's attack was about to fall on the head of the ancient armor, the ancient armor went straight into the hole, trying to avoid Flygon's attack by hiding in the ground.

Although the ancient armor's response was very timely, Flygon's attack still broke through the ground and attacked the ancient armor.

Only after being greatly weakened by the thick sand on the ground, Sand Tomb didn't knock down the ancient armor with a single blow, but knocked the ancient armor out of the hole, but suffered some minor injuries.

The Ancient Armor apparently knew that he was not an opponent of Flygon, and began to try to get close while avoiding Flygon's attack.

After all, the ancient armor has the two close skills of Steel Claw and X-Scissor, and it is dominant in close proximity.

The ancient armor still thought Ye Chen too simple.

Just as the ancient armor consumed a lot of physical energy and kept evading Sand Tomb's approach to Flygon, an unexpected situation happened.

"Flygon, use the dragon's tail to fly the ancient armor!"

Ye Chen knew very well what the ancient armor was thinking about. He didn't give instructions when he ordered Flygon to use Sand Tomb before.

Let Flygon's Sand Tomb continue.

It is to save one's energy as much as possible while dissipating the physical strength of the ancient armor.

Just when the ancient armor thought he had hope of winning, he was suddenly swept away by Flygon's tail.

The heart cycle started again, Flygon was like teasing a child without any effort, without feeling physical exertion.

The ancient armor was completely desperate, knowing that no matter how hard he tried, it would be futile, and he couldn't even consume the opponent's physical strength.

And the other side is just like teasing oneself.

Realizing the reality of the ancient armor has nothing to say, and can only signal to Shiny Boss Lairon to give up.

, Panting! (At the end of the first game, Flygon won!)

After seeing Ye Chen's strength, the little Pokémon who has not yet played in the game looked at each other and was very surprised.

Before putting it away, I despised Ye Chen and decided to go all out to defeat Ye Chen.

And without touching the opposite side, the ancient armor, which seemed to have suffered a great humiliation, kept his head down, very disappointed.

"Om! (The second game begins! Cradily will play!)

The battle location chosen for the second battle is near the water stone, where the water element is very rich, and there is no Sandstorm.

"Come out! Gyarados!"

The water element is rich here, which is very suitable for Gyarados to play.

Although Cradily’s grass restraint is Gyarados’s Water Type, Gyarados’s Water Type restrains (Nomozhao) Cradily’s rock system, and Gyarados’s flight system also restrains Cradily’s grass properties.

In addition, Gyarados has a Water Type skill bonus here, and has the ability to fly. Cradily, which can only be beaten by Ingrain on the ground, is a piece of cake.

After seeing Ye Chen dispatching Gyarados, the five little Pokémon watching the battle frowned, never expected to be so passive.

After the battle started, Cradily used Ingrain directly near the water stone.

Cradily uses the strong water element nearby to strengthen its recovery ability.

"Gyarados! Fly to the sky!

Faced with Cradily's desire to fight for a protracted battle, Ye Chen's little Pokémon's physical strength is a little worn out, Ye Chen naturally has a way to deal with it.

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