The Era Of Pokemon: God-level Gacha System

Chapter 231: Wild Weird Jaw Dragon!

Chapter 231: Wild Weird Dragon! [Launching for subscription, seeking support!] [Lacking for subscription, seeking support!)

Are these two strange jaw dragons so domineering? Ye Chen couldn't stand it a bit.

"System, investigation!"

【Pokémon】:Strange jaw dragon

[Attribute]: Rock + Dragon

[Features]: Strong

【Quality】: Champion

[Level]: Iv95

[Props]: None

[Skills]: Landslide, Mega Impact, Earthquake, Rampage

[Pokémon]: Weird Dragon

[Attribute]: Rock + Dragon

[Features]: "Nine-Five-Seven" strong frequency

【Quality】: Champion

[Level]: Iv90

[Props]: None

[Skills]: Landslide, Mega Impact, Earthquake, Rampage

Two Champion-quality strange jaw dragons are so arrogant?

Ye Chen decided to take out the helping hand group of Mawile, by the way, how did they survive in this phantom desert.

Although Mawile can eat minerals to survive, it is really incredible to be able to adapt to the environment of Sandstorm.

"Come out! Gyarados!"

Since the Sandstorm in the Phantom Desert has disappeared during this time period, there is still some time before the next Sandstorm strikes.

So there is no need to worry about the negative impact Sandstorm will have on Gyarados. After all, Ye Chen believes that his Gyarados will not take too long to deal with these two monster jaws.

It just so happens that Gyarados' Water Type restrains the monster's rock system, Ye Chen can see how strong his Gyarados is after the upgrade.



Before Gyarados came out of the Poké Ball completely, the strange forehead dragon raised its foot at the group of mawiles, intending to stom on a few mawiles to vent.

And this group of Mawiles was completely frightened, without the slightest sense of avoidance, they all closed their eyes and trembled, preparing to wait for death.

"Gyarados! Quickly use the Hydro Pump! Quickly blast away these two monster jaws!"

Seeing this situation, Ye Chen hurriedly issued instructions to Gyarados, after all, the situation was imminent.



With two loud noises, these two monster jaws lost their center of gravity and were blasted out by Gyarados' Hydro Pump.

Although Gyarados has attribute restraint, the two Hydro Pumps of Gyarados have no charge and are instant, and they did not cause much damage to these two extremely high-defense monster jaws.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

The group of Mawiles came to a sense of relief and screamed happily, although it was not clear why Ye Chen saved themselves, at least they kept their name for the time being.


The two monsters that were blasted out obviously did not expect that someone would come to rescue this group of Mawile, very Rage.


The two monster jaws rushed over with Roar and Gyarados, making a rampage.

"Gyarados! Fly up and avoid the attacks of these two monsters!"

Gyarados, who received Ye Chen's order, flew up, perfectly avoiding the rampage of these two monster jaws.

Gyarados, who was promoted to a second-level god, was much faster than before, and he flew into the air before the two monster jaws approached him.

And these two strange forehead dragons did not reach Gyarados' hair at all, but they couldn't stop the car after using the rampage, revealing a flaw.

"Gyarados! Use Dragon Rage against the monster jawed dragon on the left!"

To capture the thief first capture the king, Ye Chen asked Gyarados to launch an attack on the higher-level Kailong.Dragon skills attacking the dragon's little Pokémon can cause double damage. This blow is absolutely overwhelming...


The Strange Jawsaurus, who had only stopped the car and stabilized his body, had not yet reacted, and the huge light wave from Gyarados' mouth fell on it.

Gyarados, who had risen to level 120, had indeed improved his skill power and attack power a lot. This blow directly knocked out the strange jaw dragon and completely lost his fighting ability.

You know, no matter how weak this strange frontal dragon is, it is still a Pokémon with a level 95 Champion quality. What's more, the strange frontal dragon itself is like a meat shield, and its defense power is amazing.

And the lower-level strange jaw dragon was directly frightened, and he didn't expect his eldest brother to be unable to handle even a single move.


Before Ye Chen gave Gyarados the next step, the lower-level strange jawed dragon whimpered, indicating that it had surrendered.

Ye Chen could only give up when he saw it, and waved his hand to indicate that it could leave.

After all, these two strange jaw dragons are just bullying this group of Mawiles, and it is not good to kill them all with their strength.

Seeing that Ye Chen was willing to let him go, the strange forehead hurriedly dragged his own little friend who had lost the ability to fight, and ran away without looking back. After all, 5.8 is still a matter of survival.

After Ye Chen defeated these two monster jaw dragons, the group of Mawiles who had been hiding behind the stone all jumped out.

Surrounded by Ye Chen, roaring, chatting, and jumping around, it's so cute.

"How did you avoid the Sandstorm in this desert? Or are you already used to the Sandstorm in the Phantom Desert?"

Ye Chen remembered his previous doubts and asked without hesitation.

"I have a special ability to understand what you are saying."

After hearing Ye Chen's question, the group of Mawiles fell silent, and there would be no answer for a while, as if they were considering whether to tell Ye Chen this secret.

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