The Era Of Pokemon: God-level Gacha System

Chapter 234: Fighting with Dagang Snake! [Listen for subscription, please support!)

Chapter 234: Fight with Dagang Snake!

"Weird Jaw Dragon! Use Ancient Power!"

Obviously, Ye Chen didn't want Steelix whose protective shield was shattered to get a chance to breathe, and continued to let the monster jaw dragon attack.


Steelix used the rock to seal off, condensed some stones, and formed a right block directly in front of him.

The Ancient Power of the strange forehead dragon attacked the stone wall of Steelix, but did not penetrate it.

Steelix lives here all year round, and has a stronger affinity for the elements here than the monster building dragons.

And for the use of condensed rock elements and steel element skills is even more handy, coupled with the strong body hardness of Steelix, this Steelix's defensive power is amazing.

How to break through this is Steelix's defense? Your own monster building dragon has no attribute advantage over Steelix.

Even if the dragon skill knocks down Steelix, because Steelix is ​​a small Pokémon of steel, it will only cause half of the damage.


While Ye Chen was thinking, Steelix re-plated a protective cover on himself in 957 and removed the stone pond.

Steelix condensed the protective cover again, and Ye Chen suddenly felt helpless, this guy was still strengthening his defense.

"Weird neck dragon! Use Mega shock!"

Since the effects of the dragon and rock skills were not so good, Ye Chen ordered the monster dragon to use the normal Mega impact.


With the roar of the strange jaw dragon, the strange dragon rushed towards Steelix full of enthusiasm.


Steelix, who had just condensed the protective cover, hadn't reacted yet, and was directly knocked out.

With the rupture of Steelix's protective cover, Steelix was hit directly from the rocky mountain.

After all, the Mega Impact Power of the Weird Dragon is as high as 150, which is amazing.

Steelix, who had escaped from Stone Mountain, did not condense the protective cover or launch an attack immediately, but wanted to quickly return to Stone Mountain.


This rocky mountain can provide Steelix with a large amount of steel and rock elements, which can greatly enhance Steelix's combat effectiveness.

Ye Chen clearly saw this. To easily defeat Steelix, he must not be able to use Shishan's power.

"Weird Jaw Dragon! Continue to use Mega Impact! Don't let Steelix go back!"

After receiving Ye Chen's instructions, the strange jaw dragon also understood it, and rushed towards Steelix, intending to knock Steelix further away from the stone mountain.

However, Steelix was not fast due to its huge size, so it was impossible to avoid the attack of the monster jaw dragon.

Steelix, who had no choice but to use the rock to seal it, stood in front of him, trying to stop the impact of the strange jaw dragon.


The rock closure just caused the strange jaw dragon to pause before being broken, but it only slowed the speed of the strange jaw dragon's impact.

With a loud noise, the monster jawed dragon hit Steelix and directly knocked Steelix out.

Steelix was farther away from the stone mountain, and it was impossible to fly past the monster jaw dragon in a short time.

Steelix, having lost its advantages in the surrounding environment, can only fight back.


Steelix, who had returned to Shishan hopelessly, made a sacrifice attack and ran into the strange dragon.

"Weird neck dragon! Continue to use Mega shock!"

Since the strange neck dragon is behind the stone mountain, facing Steelix's sacrificial attack, it can only head-to-head and cannot avoid it.

Can't give Steelix a chance to return to Shishan.

After receiving Ye Chen's order, the monster jaw dragon put its feet on the ground, leaned down, and speeded up.


Steelix collided with the huge body of the dragon.

Without the protection of the protective cover, Steelix obviously does not have the strong defensive power as before.

Blame He Long just backed away for a certain distance, and Steelix was hit and flew out, dragging a long drag mark on the ground.

After suffering this blow, Steelix was clearly injured and it took a while to get up from the ground.

"Weird Jaw Dragon! Use Ancient Power! Give it the final blow!"

Ye Chen didn't take advantage of Steelix's falling to the ground to continue the attack, but waited for Steelix to get up before giving orders to Kailong.


With another loud noise, Steelix completely fell, and the battle was completely over.

Ye Chen fed Steelix and ate the excellent potion, and ordered the monster jaw dragon to drag Steelix back to the stone mountain.

It didn't take long for Steelix to wake up, but he hadn't recovered his strength.

"Om! (Congratulations on defeating me, you can pass through me freely in the future, but you must pay attention to safety when you enter the depths of the Phantom Desert)

Steelix is ​​very magnanimous. After all, if you lose, you lose, and you can't help but be convinced.

"Excuse me, do you know where elemental anomalies have recently appeared in Phantom Desert?"

Since he had not asked about the whereabouts of the Arceus rock series slabs before, Ye Chen could only ask Steelix.

After all, Steelix is ​​also much stronger than Mawile, and knows more.

"Om! (The center of the Phantom Desert has suddenly become rich in rock elements since decades ago, and it is still spreading out)

"Om! (I suggest you try not to go, the depths of the Phantom Desert are a bit dangerous)

Steelix told Ye Chen what he knew and told him to be safe.

After learning the news, Ye Chen thanked Steelix, put away the monster jaw dragon, rode the Flygon, and continued to fly to the depths of the Phantom Desert.

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