The Era Of Pokemon: God-level Gacha System

Chapter 236: The danger of the super armored rhino!

Chapter 236: The danger of the super armored rhino!


As the stone wall dissipated, three other types of Pokémon appeared beside the Super Armored House.

The three little Pokémon changed to support Rhyperior and looked at Ye Chen all together, guarding Ye Chen.

"System! Investigation!"

Without knowing the opponent's attitude, Ye Chen decided to first understand the opponent's strength.

[Pokémon]: Kabutops

[Attribute]: Rock + Water

[Feature]: Combat armor

[Quality]: Yashen


[Props]: None

[Technology "Nine-Six Zero" Skills]: Concealed Keys, Ancient Power, Metal Sound, Mega Drain

【Pokémon】:War Dragon

[Attribute]: Rock

[Features]: Out-of-the-box

[Quality]: Yashen


[Props]: None

Skills【】: Zen Headbutt, Ancient Power, Dual Blade Headbutt, Take Down

【Pokémon): Garchomp

[Attribute]: Dragon + Ground

[Features]: Sand hidden

[Quality]: Yashen


[Props]: None

[Skills]: Dragon Rush, Dragon Rage, Dragon Claw, Sand Tomb

I just entered a little deeper from the periphery of the Phantom Desert, and all the wild Pokémon I encountered were level 100.

And it seems that these four wild little Pokémon obviously know each other, and they have a very good relationship.

While Ye Chen was still thinking about how to deal with these little Pokémons, the Kabutops stood up and walked in front of Ye Chen.

"Wow! (I have the power in my blood to get close to you, I feel you have the ancient heritage)"

"Hey! (You can understand me, right)

"Yes, I can understand you, what are you doing?"

Ye Chen tried to negotiate with Kabutops, at least Kabutops was more sensible, and he did it before he came up.

This "Rhyperior" suddenly attacked me when I passed by here just now. There is no way, I can only teach it a little lesson...

Garchomp and Rampardos next to them heard Ye Chen say so, gritted their teeth and stared at Ye Chen.

It seems to be saying: What is your little lesson? What are you treating others like?

But obviously, this Garchomp and this Rampardos have relatively high IQs. Knowing that it is not a waiter to make Rhyperior like this easily, so I didn't do it.

"Hey! (Although it was my friend who made the mistake first, but you are a bit too much to label it like this)

Seeing that his friend was injured like this, Jingdaohui was obviously a little bit angry.

"Hey! (Well, you send three little Pokémon to play three games with us)"

"Hey! (If you win, we promise you one condition, if you lose, you will apologize to Rhyperior)

"Okay! It's a deal!

Ye Chen himself is very confident in the little Pokémon, and he is not familiar with this desert. He intends to let these little Pokémon help him find the tie slabs.

"If you lose, help me find the rock slabs of Arceus!"

The three little Jinglings on the opposite side nodded at the same time and agreed.

The first one to stand up was Kabutops, and while standing up, he waved his two sickles at Ye Chen.

"Come out! Zoroark!"

Since Kabutops is also similar to the small Pokémon that is faster and smaller in size, suitable for close combat, then I will send the same type of opponent to pick up the opponent's spirit.

Ye Chen dispatched Zoroark without hesitation. Ye Chen is still very confident about Zoroark's strength.


The sword helmet screamed to signal the start of the battle.


The mirror blade helmet condenses the surrounding rock elements and uses Ancient Power.

Kabutops is good at sneak attacks and Close Combat. Obviously, he wants to test Ye Chen before he actually makes a move.

"Zoroark! Use Shadow Sneak!"

Since the opponent has despised himself, then he can't be polite.

Ye Chen directly ordered Zoroark to use Shadow Sneak.


Zoroark's Shadow Sneak directly shattered the rock elements condensed by Kabutops Ancient Power, and continued to fly towards the mirror blade helmet.

Kabutops was very agile, and he avoided Shadow Sneak by jumping sideways.


After avoiding the attack, Kabutops used Metal Sound to Zoroark, trying to make Zoroark unable to concentrate.

"Zoroark! Use Shadow Sneak! Interrupt Kabutops!"

Ye Chen realized that he couldn't let the mirror blade helmet continue like this, and quickly ordered Zoroark to interrupt Kabutops.

Since Kabutops' Golden 5.8th note also interfered with Ye Chen's instructions, Zoroark did not hear clearly what Ye Chen said for the first time.

Just when Zoroark had gotten rid of the influence of Metal Sound, Kabutops had disappeared in place and went around behind Zoroark.


Kabutops used Night Slash, and with a single blow the sickle was about to hit Zoroark's back.

What Kabutops did not expect was that Zoroark suddenly turned around, raised his paw, and blocked Kabutops' attack.

Zoroark was beaten back for a certain distance, but fortunately, Zoroark was already a second-level god, with a relatively high level and almost no injuries.

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