The Era Of Pokemon: God-level Gacha System

Chapter 240: Mega Evolution? [Listen for subscription, please support!)

Chapter 240: Mega Evolution?

After this blow, Garchomp's physical strength was obviously affected, and it was difficult to compete with Charizard.

Ye Chen smiled slightly as he wanted Charizard to give Garchomp the last blow, but at this time something changed.


Garchomp began to scream up to the sky, and the elemental powers around him continued to condense into Garchomp's body.

I saw Garchomp jump on top of a huge rock, and his body began to emit bright white light.

At the same time, the stone also emitted a bright white light.

Is that stone Garchomp Mega Evolutionary stone/ite? Garchomp is performing Mega Evolution?

After a while, Garchomp and the white light on the stone completely dissipated, and Garchomp Mega Evolution was completely completed.

After Mega Evolution, Garchomp has completely recovered his physical strength after Absorbing the power in Mega Evolutionary stone/ite, and all aspects of abilities have also been improved overall.

Garchomp's body shape has also changed after Mega Evolution. The small wings hanging down next to the claws are completely integrated with the claws, turning into a pair of semi-circular knives.

The original two horns that looked like a cylinder were completely fused with the head, and the whole head became a flat triangle, which was convenient for Garchomp to reduce resistance when sprinting forward.

After Evolution, Garchomp's limbs have become stronger, and there are some more small spines, and the tail is also larger and more lethal.

Of course, Garchomp also has a change that greatly increases its own defenses, that is, the two pairs of small wings on the back are completely attached to the back, becoming larger and harder, forming a firm armor on the back.


Garchomp, which Mega Evolution completed, roared at Charizard, shook off the dust from his body, and jumped towards Charizard.

Ye Chen slowed down, seeing the Garchomp Bounce after Mega Evolution was amazing, and he jumped directly from the ground into the midair where Charizard was.

"Charizard! Use Dragon Claw! Shoot Garchomp away!"

Ye Chen was a little surprised, and hurriedly asked Charizard to use Dragon Claw.

After Mega Evolution, Garchomp has a very strong core strength and can stabilize his figure in the air and release various skills.


After gaining strength, Garchomp's fighting spirit was high and he used Dragon Claw to confront Charizard's Dragon Claw. .


Two little Pokémon fell from the air at the same time, both stabilized.

"Charizard! Use Dragon Rage!"

Seeing that both sides fell to the ground, Ye Chen hurriedly asked Charizard to use Dragon Rage. After all, Charizard and Garchomp now have a disadvantage in close combat.


Garchomp leaned down, dodged his powerful legs on the ground, and directly used Dragon Rush.

What Ye Chen didn't expect was that the core strength of Garchomp after Mega Evolution was strong enough to turn sideways when using Dragon Rush.


Garchomp bypassed Charizard's Dragon Rage directly, rushed to Charizard's body from the side, and slashed directly onto Charizard's body with his two pairs of semicircular knife-like claws.

Charizard was knocked out and hit a big boulder before he could stabilize his figure.

Ye Chen never thought that this Garchomp could be a Mega Evolution, nor did he expect that Garchomp Evolution would be so strong afterwards.

What should I do? Charizard has fallen into a disadvantage, and all his previous advantages have disappeared.

...For flowers...

Do you want to give up? No! Can't give up! How can Charizard lose?!!!


At the same time, Charizard ejected flames into the sky, his eyes gleaming, and his fighting spirit was high.

Ye Chen felt that his glasses seemed to overlap Charizard's, and in front of him appeared Garchomp, who was standing on the ground and had just finished using Dragon Rush.

Ye Chen seemed to be able to feel Charizard's high morale, and felt Charizard's belief in victory.

This battle must be won!



"System prompt: Congratulations to the host and Charizard for the mutual understanding. To start Mega Evolution, please select the Evolution form.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the host for turning on the Mega Evolution system. In the future, the host can control Charizard's Mega Evolution by itself."

"Mega Evolution! Mega CharizardX!"


Facing the sky Flamethrower Charizard glowed brightly, and his body shape began to change.

Just you know Mega Evolution? I too!

The flame Charizard sprayed against the sky gradually changed from the original red-yellow to a darker blue flame with a higher temperature. The wings changed from an entire arc to a thorn-like shape with a concave-convex curve.

As the light of Mega Evolution faded away, Mega CharizardX appeared in front of Ye Chen.

Charizard's body has also changed from the original orange to dark blue, the limbs have become thicker, the edges and corners of the head are more obvious, and the mouth has a dark blue flame. At the same time, the flames in the tail have become more vigorous. The faint blue one.


Mega CharizardX exhaled a circle of faint blue flames around, and began to stare at Garchomp, trying to knock Garchomp down directly. Of

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