Chapter 348

Louise shook her head helplessly and said, "Unfortunately, your pig's brain didn't expect it at all, but instead felt that what they were saying was true.

Langer immediately cried his face, and he placed the Caterpie on the coffee table in front of the crowd with special helplessness. It's green now.

Then faintly said, "Then what should I do now? I bought this Caterpie back for a big price, so I can't just put it back into the wild, right??"

Lange said with a distressed expression, and he could see that he really spent a lot of money.

Yaoyao wanted to give Lange this trick, but she reacted violently, then turned to look at Ye Chen and said nervously, "No, if there are rumors outside that Mew is the key to making Caterpie Evolution into Rayquaza, then Now many people are trying their best to find Ye Chen and Mew, but after so many days, everything is calm and no one will bother us.""

When Louise heard this, she answered Luyao's doubts and said, "Because you two have lived here after being together, no one knows your exact address now except for our friends, so those people even Want to find Ye Chen, want to find Mew, they have no way to start."

"The only place they can know Ye Chen's whereabouts is the Pokémon Alliance, so now many trainers will gather in the Pokémon Alliance, wanting to track down Ye Chen's whereabouts."

Ye Chen was also puzzled after hearing this. He asked back, "But I haven't received any information from the alliance for so many days. They didn't tell me that many trainers are looking for me now. !"

Ms. Sheng Lan took Ye Chen's words and replied: "This matter is naturally impossible to put on the surface. Everyone is lying in the Pokémon Alliance headquarters or surrounding the Pokémon Alliance headquarters under various banners. , Stay there at all times and wait for the lesson in the urn to see when you will go to the Pokémon Alliance, and then just take it in one fell swoop!"

Ye Chen couldn't help but shook his head, "Are these people making such a horror now? It's just a rumor, everyone believed it to be true, making this posture seem to be about to kidnap me.

After hearing the word kidnapping, Louise nodded frantically. She told Ye Chen extremely seriously, "Yes, that's right, they really want to kidnap you now!"

"I have heard these days. Many people have communicated and negotiated behind the scenes. They just waited for information to come, saying where you were, they rushed over.

Ye Chen couldn't help but his mouth twitched when he heard this. He immediately felt fortunate. Fortunately, the place where he lives was not exposed, which saved him from being disturbed by those boring trainers.

However, at the same time, I also feel sorry for the working colleagues of the Pokémon Alliance, because now that the Pokémon Alliance is surrounded by trainers due to him, it may cause some troubles in the order of the operation (of Zhao), but The alliance didn't report to him, so I think it should be possible to deal with it in private.

ps: Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!!

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