The Era Of Pokemon: God-level Gacha System

Chapter 365: Educated by Officer Jenny

Chapter 365: Educated by Officer Jenny

"If you had greeted our police with a notice in advance, we wouldn't have to work so hard to stop it."

Ye Chen smiled embarrassedly when he heard here, and said, "This happened too suddenly. I only received the news yesterday and learned that the trainers had become so crazy because of such an untrue rumor. That's why I wanted to have such an action temporarily.

"But don't worry, although I like to cut first and then play some things, I have considered all the consequences in advance, and I have planned for the worst!"

"As long as the follow-up police can cooperate with me as much as possible, this matter will not escape my control, so Officer Jenny, you can rest assured that this matter will be less than three days at the latest, and I will definitely solve it completely. ."

"Three days??

Officer Jenny suddenly laughed when he heard Ye Chen's presence in front of him, and even boasted like this.

She said, "Just wanting to parallel these crazy trainers is enough for a headache. You dare to say that it only takes three days??"

"What about the black hand behind the scenes? Are you not going to continue the investigation? Or are you really sure that in just three days, you will go hand in hand on both sides and carry out these two things simultaneously?"

Ye Chen couldn't deny it and nodded, responding to Officer Jenny and said: "Yes, I just plan to use these three days to complete both of these things at the same time. After three days, I won't be affected by this thing again. Any interference!

Seeing that Ye Chen was so confident, Officer Jenny stopped attacking him, and said lightly, "Okay, since you are so confident, I wish you success in planning within three days!

We "The police will try our best to cooperate with you within the scope of our ability, but I still have to remind you again. I hope you can tell us the police before you act, don't cut everything first and then play it!"

"In this case, our police will be very passive. For some actions, we also need to report to the superior before we can proceed. If there is no prior communication, our police may not be able to achieve perfect cooperation with you!"

Officer Jenny reminded Ye Zhan emphatically.

Ye Chen naturally also knows the police's regulations. The previous beheading was only because the incident happened suddenly, but now that everything has been on the right track and the plan has been implemented, then everything that follows will be in Ye Chen's Under control, there won't be such a sudden thing happening again.

……For flowers…………………

So Ye Chen easily and naturally agreed to Officer Jenny, saying, “Don’t worry, Officer Jenny’s follow-up cooperation. Action at every step.

"Okay, then I wish us a happy cooperation this time!"

As Officer Jenny said, he stood up generously and stretched out his hand towards Ye Chen, expressing a friendly and cooperative attitude.


Ye Chen naturally didn't twitch, he shook the hand of Officer Jenny and said, "Okay. I hope we have a happy cooperation this time!"

Then Ye Chen pushed Louise forward and introduced Officer Jenny: "Officer Jenny, in the follow-up actions, Louise will mainly negotiate and cooperate with you, and she will be mainly responsible for cooperating with you. Follow up every aspect of this operation. If you have anything to do, you can directly ask her if you can't contact me."

ps: Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!! Corpse,

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