The Era Of Pokemon: God-level Gacha System

Chapter 376 Lange's Rage

Chapter 376 Lange's Rage

As a result, he didn't expect that under Lange's domineering and anger-bearing attitude, instead of being angry with Lange, the man took off his hat and revealed a smiling face.

As the saying goes, you don’t hit the smiley with your hand. Of course, when you see that the other person is smiling, all your anger can't be vented for a while, and the full of anger seems to have been half extinguished in an instant. Zero forty-seven" He can only do his utmost to shift his gaze to the side, trying his best to maintain his arrogant posture just now.

That person took the initiative to speak and said, I am embarrassed. I was an hour late and really wanted to test whether you were an undercover agent sent by the police!

Although this is indeed very unfair to you, after all, my identities are different, and our cooperation this time is also extraordinary, so it is better to be cautious.

When I heard the other party say that Lange, although he also expressed that he was understandable, he still couldn't bear himself. After waiting for him for an hour, he pointed it out directly. You can be cautious, then why don't you change to another way? What? Let me stand here for nothing and wait for you for an hour. What if I can't hold on halfway and leave by myself.

The man smiled and responded to Lange, don't worry, I had already thought about it before coming. If you just leave midway because of the waiting time for too long, I will continue to contact you later, and the two people will set a new time. Continue to meet.

Hearing that Lange was helpless, he rolled his eyes and said, then what are you asking me to wait for you here for an hour? What do you want to test me? Is it possible that the relationship between the two of us pays more attention to What is endurance?

Lange is now directly incarnate as the blue team, and no matter what he says to the opponent, he can grasp the opponent's words and endure it with all his strength.

No, no, the man quickly explained it to Lange. What he said was that I was deliberately late for an hour to test you. If you are an undercover agent, you definitely can't wait for me for an hour, saying Uncertainly, you will show your feet in the middle of the journey. Your accomplices will come here to inform you, and then you will leave together. If you are from the police, in this hour, I can definitely find the police accomplices from around, even The joint operation between the police and you was discovered at the police station.

But if I find nothing, in this hour, if you leave halfway, as long as I confirm that you are not an undercover agent sent by someone else, I will definitely contact you later, and we will meet again after another time. .

Lange couldn't help but spit his tongue when he heard this. It seemed that this person was really too cautious. He had prepared so much in advance for a meeting, and made him wait for an hour for nothing, and he did so much. Because of his scheming, he didn't forget Ye Chen's instructions, and he would die here no matter what, otherwise, he would definitely mess up this meeting.

But since the other party has confirmed that he is not an undercover spy, Lange quickly took this opportunity to start his meeting plan!

He looked at the people and said, before talking to you, I think you should be able to tell me what your goal is for this action in 5.9!?

ps: Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!!

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