Chapter 383

But until now, Lange still feels more or less that the man has not lied to himself. He always feels that the feelings that the man showed when he told his past experiences are particularly true.

He told Ye Chen the reason of the person he believed, but he didn't expect that not only was Ye Chen questioned, but Luyao and the others at the table began to laugh at Lange.

"Langer, the human heart is sinister, do you know that? This society is actually complicated. It is not the so-called social relationship. Interpersonal communication is really complicated. It is the human heart."

"How do you know that he definitely didn't lie to you? Why didn't he lie to you? Just after seeing you once, do you think it will trust you wholeheartedly, telling you all about your past and true information? ?

Lange was speechless. After thinking about it, he found that it was indeed like this. He was too credulous in others. And just with a few words from others, I begin to feel that others are pitiful, and I can't help but be biased towards others.

Yaoyao couldn't help rolling her eyes at Lange, vomiting, "Which side are you on? If you don't know, I start to wonder if you were sent from the other side|


Lange was completely speechless now, scratching his head, and already beginning to realize his mistake.

Seeing them arguing so much, Ye Chen finally interrupted them aloud and said, "Well, there is no need to entangle this kind of things. Lange is a good thing for you to be kind, but it's your fault if you don't mind.

"Before doing something, you must use your brain to determine whether it is good or bad. This matter is worthy of your believing. Don't just listen to what others say."

"Do you think everyone in the world is as beautiful as you think?"

Lange really recognized his mistake this time, so when Ye Chen was reprimanded, he lowered his head without saying a word, full of guilt.

Everyone knows that Lange is not intentional, so after just a few simple words, he didn't say much.

Seeing how lonely he was, he simply changed the subject and continued to discuss other things.

"Later, he told you after the two of you left, did you two cooperate in this way? Is there any other contact information for you?"

Miss Sheng Lan asked.

On the surface, she was asking about Lange. In fact, she didn't trust Lange to do things so much anymore. He always felt that Lange's unreliability this time was too weird.

I always feel that Lange has dropped its IQ this time.

Fortunately, Lange was not really stupid.

He took out Song Yang's contact information and placed it in front of everyone, saying, "This is his personal real contact information that he gave me. If you have any follow-up information, you can contact him at any time."

"And I also found out at the time. He said that he planned this series of actions to target Ye Chen, and wanted to overthrow Ye Chen so that he would never stand up."

Ye Chen picked up the note with Song Yang's contact information and looked at it. At that time, he had other plans in mind.

He said, "Lange, I'll give you a task. From now on, you will pretend to have nothing to do with us. You will be completely involved in this role and truly cooperate with (Li's) Song Yang."

"I want to see what other means are behind Song Yang.

"How can he deal with me?"

ps: Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!!

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