Chapter 385

Langer had a small mood immediately.

"But your actions are more meaningful, don't they? What you are in direct contact with is the mastermind behind our incident. Look at what we are in contact with. What we are in contact with is nothing more than the little chess piece in Mao's hand. That's it.

"So, what is really useful is to look at your side. We are nothing more than running errands for you.

Luyao saw that Lange had a little emotion, so she coaxed him in a different way.

Ye Chen who was on the side really didn't have any internet feelings, so he interrupted them and said, "Well, now that everything has been discussed, then everyone is gone. First, deal with your own affairs. When you want to act later. Meet again."

Luyao and Miss Sheng Lan nodded and said they had received it.

On the contrary, Lange suddenly cried and said with a sad face, "Okay, you guys don't take me in group activities, just let me act alone.

Ye Chen patted his shoulder and said, "No way, do it well, this is the most difficult task for you!"

"I believe that if you do it well, this experience can also provide you with very good material for future movie themes!

Sure enough, as soon as he heard Ye Chen say this, Lange immediately resurrected as if he was beaten up with blood.

Ye Chen knows him best and knows what to do to make Lange the most motivated.

That night, Lange and Ye Chen split into two separate actions.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, Ye Chen and the others received a call from Louise at home, informing them of the time of action decided by Officer Jenny, so that they could rush to the police station as soon as possible to meet together, and then from the police at the same time. The bureau set out together to carry out an extermination operation against Pokémon dealers.

When Ye Chen heard that Louise actually let himself go to the police station to join together, Ye Chen directly refused, he said, "After all, our identity is in the dark, except that the police know that we are in a cooperative relationship with them. The outside world does not know our involvement, so now Pokémon vendors have no defense against us!"

"If I act with you, I will inevitably stun them, so that no one will be chasing and intercepting them, so you start from the front, and we will outflank them from the back to form a two-sided flanking state. It is not better to capture them. ?"

Louise didn't understand Ye Chen's meaning, she continued to persuade Ye Chen and said, "But if you act alone, the police will not be able to guarantee your safety. Most of the Pokémon traffickers are cruel and cruel, and they really start their hands. If they come, I am afraid that they will have the upper hand, so for everyone's safety, let's act together. It's best not to separate and fight separately."

...For flowers,

Ye Chen saw that Louise was so worried, he smiled and said, "Or you should call Officer Jenny over, I'll discuss it with her, your little head thinks things are always so one-sided, and you can't take care of the overall situation. , Let Officer Jenny come and talk to me.


When Ye Chen said that, Louise was immediately unhappy. She said angrily, ``Who is a child, is it wrong for people to worry about your life?

Ye Chen also smiled and said, "Well, you are not a child, but your thoughts are not as comprehensive as Officer Jenny. Let me talk to her for details. If I communicate with her directly on the action plan, It is also conducive to our subsequent coordinated actions."

ps: Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!! Corpse,

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