Chapter 416

Boss Jin explained: "Yes, after all, because the current wind is too tight, it is my limit to be able to receive 10,000 Caterpie products every day!"

"After all, you have to think about it. Before I promised you, I also reached a cooperation with others, and also did other people's business. Therefore, it is really not easy to be able to provide you with 10,000 Caterpies a day. I hope that both of us We can all understand each other’s difficulties "zero seven three." If we can work together well this time, if boss Ye has any Pokémon he wants in the future, I can give you a proper discount and make a special offer."

After hearing what Boss Jin said, Ye Chen actually felt that Boss Jin was already recognizing himself. His slight retreat was entirely to prove that the two parties could continue to cooperate in the future.

Ever since, Ye Chen stopped being so intimidating to him. He smiled and said, "Well, since the boss is so refreshing, tell me the truth, then I will also be happy. Five days Okay, no problem!"

Hearing that Ye Chen agreed to his proposal for five days, Boss Jin finally had a smile on his face. He looked at Ye Chen and discussed with him again, "Since everyone thinks it’s okay, Then let's talk about the price."

"If you calculate according to my pricing on the market, boss Ye probably needs to give me the number of 50,000 Caterpies.

While talking, Boss Jin made a ten gesture at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows lightly, and said in a little surprise, "Is this one hundred thousand?"

Hearing Ye Chen said that 50,000 Caterpies only cost 100,000 yuan, Boss Jin made him laugh directly. Are you making such a joke with yourself on purpose?

He corrected Ye Chen and said, "How could it be only one hundred thousand? This is Caterpie. If things continue to ferment like this, Caterpie's body value can be said to be more expensive as it goes to the back, and there may even be valuable. There is no market chance, so how can it be only 100,000 yuan, and you have placed an order of 50,000."

"Then you talk about these fifty thousand Caterpies. If you follow the market price, how do you charge?"

Ye Chen asked him.

Boss Jin looked into his eyes directly and unceremoniously, and said, "One million...

one million?!

When he heard this number, Ye Chen didn't even have time to be surprised, Rui Yao and Miss Sheng Lan beside him were so shocked that they almost stared out!

But simply, it is not the two of them who are discussing business with Boss Kim, but Ye Chen, so Boss Kim's attention is not on both of them, otherwise according to the flaws exposed by the loosening of their expressions just now. If that happens, maybe it will also arouse the suspicion of Boss Kim.

But let alone Yaoyao and Ms. Sheng Lan were quite shocked. Even Ye Chen himself did not expect that the current Caterpie's worth can reach an average price of 20,000 yuan each.

I finally understand that it’s no wonder that Boss Kim just said that if things continue to ferment like this, Caterpie is very likely to become priceless at 5.9.

Ps; ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!!!

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